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New Words:

Bosseur: work hard

Papotes: chat
tant pis: fa niente
Ton poet: your friend
Ton surnom: nickname given
Herbier: Herbarium
Envahi: envade the garden
Grève: to put a strain on.
Chouette: owl, old harridon
BoSSeur: hard working.
Ressasses: turn over, dwell on.
Paves: to lay with cobblestones.
Traînes: to drag along, across the floor.
Desserre le dents: release your teeth.
Ménage: house hold, buy the house hold gifts.
New words:
Rave: turnip
Tant pis pour eux: tanto peggio per loro.
l'aider: to help
Ramener ce sciene: to reduce science information.
New words:
Coincé: to open, shut the door.
Venger: to get someone revenge.
Pourrie: marcio, frutto marcio.
Raisin: grapes
Couteau: knife

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