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Name ____________________________

Women of California Webquest
Research 1 Student followed 0-1 of the following: Followed all directions, collected less than 10 facts, paraphrased, and listed all resources. Student added less than 10 pictures to the video related to the woman they chose. Student added relevant text to 05 pictures and music to the video. Student wrote a 2 paragraph reflection about the woman they chose. Paragraph included less than 5 facts and there were more than 6 spelling/punctuation errors. 2 Student followed 2 of the following: Followed all directions, collected 6-7 facts, paraphrased, and listed all resources. Student added 10-12 pictures to the video related to the woman they chose. Student added relevant text to 67 pictures and music to the video. Student wrote a 2 paragraph reflection about the woman they chose. Paragraph included 6-7 facts and there were 4-6 spelling/punctuation errors. 3 Student followed 3 of the following: Followed all directions, collected 8-9 facts, paraphrased, and listed all resources. Student added 13-14 pictures to the video related to the woman they chose. Student added relevant text to 89 pictures and music to the video. Student wrote a 2 paragraph reflection about the woman they chose. Paragraph included 8- 9 facts and there were 1-3 spelling/punctuation errors. 4 Student followed all directions, collected 10 facts, paraphrased, and listed all resources. Score/Level



Student added 15 pictures to the video related to the woman they chose. Student added relevant text to 10 pictures and music to the video. Student wrote a 2 paragraph reflection about the woman they chose. Paragraph included 10 facts and there were no spelling/punctuation errors.

Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

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