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Image Collage

Compare and contrast chart 1 Student made a chart in Microsoft word with 2-3 columns. Each column had less than 5 correct facts about the routes to California. Student used Pic Jointer to make an image collage about 1 route to California. The collage had 0-2 images that related to that route. Student followed less than 7 of the working with groups rules. Student presented their collage on the overhead projector to the class. Student did not work with partner to equally explain the photos. Student explained 0-2 photos related to their route. 2 Student made a chart in Microsoft word with 3 columns. Each column had 6-7 correct facts about the routes to California. Student used Pic Jointer to make an image collage about 1 route to California. The collage had 3 images that related to that route. 3 Student made a chart in Microsoft word with 3 columns. Each column had 8-9 correct facts about the routes to California. Student used Pic Jointer to make an image collage about 1 route to California. The collage had 4 images that related to that route. Student followed 9 of the working with groups rules. Student presented their collage on the overhead projector to the class. Student worked with partner to equally explain how 4 photos related to their route. 4 Student made a chart in Microsoft word with 3 columns. Each column had 10 correct facts about the routes to California. Score/Level

image collage

Student used Pic Jointer to make an image collage about 1 route to California. The collage had 5 images that all related to that route.

Group work

Student followed 8 of the working with groups rules. Student presented their collage on the overhead projector to the class. Student did not work with partner to equally explain the photos. Student explained 3 photos related to their route.

Student followed all 10 of the working with groups rules. Student presented their collage on the overhead projector to the class. Student worked with partner to equally explain how 5 photos related to their route.


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