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Unit Name: Unit 5: Similarity, Right Triangle Trigonometry, and Proof

Lesson Plan Number & Title: Lesson 9: Justifying the Similarity Theorems

Grade Level: High School Math II

Lesson Overview:
In the previous lesson, dilations have motivated a study of similarity. Through a variety of investigations,
students have explored dilations and the special relationships that exist between corresponding angles
and sides in similar shapes, establishing a foundational understanding of similarity. In this lesson students
will continue to hone their skills in justifying their thinking by formally proving the results that they
conjecture during the investigations in the lesson. Their toolbox now contains diverse strategies for
developing a formal geometric proof so it is important that students be encouraged to write convincing
arguments that show the logic that led to their conclusions. This lesson is designed for approximately 90
to 120 minutes, but time may vary depending on the background of the students.

Focus/Driving Question:
How can conjectures be proven formally utilizing previously proven theorems?

West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards:

Use the properties of similarity transformations to establish the AA criterion for two triangles to be similar.
Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: a line parallel to one side of a triangle divides the
other two proportionally and conversely; the Pythagorean Theorem proved using triangle similarity.
Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problems and to prove relationships in
geometric figures.

Manage the Lesson:

Students will deepen their understanding of dilations and by using previously proven theorems related to
angles formed by parallel lines, properties of parallelograms, and congruent triangles, students will take
their conjectures to the next step by writing convincing arguments/proofs.

Academic Vocabulary Development:

All of the vocabulary addressed in this lesson has been previously developed, but that understanding
should definitely be deepened as their learning experience advances to a more abstract level.

Distribute the 9.01 Rectangle Task (referenced from NCSM Common Core Resources). Do not distribute
materials, but make available patty paper, rulers, and scissors. Allow students ample time to explore this
task. It is not necessary for students to find all of the rectangles that are similar to rectangle A. As long as
they explore a few, that will prove sufficient.
Discussion of the Task: The following questions should guide the discussion:
Which rectangles are similar to a?
(Rectangles B, C, F, G, and H are similar to A.)
What viable arguments support your decisions?
Students may observe: (1) The rectangles that are similar have sides that are dilated by the same scale
factor; (2) Rectangle H is congruent to rectangle A; (3) Through a rotation, rectangles C, F, and G are
congruent and thus similar; (It could prove helpful to use Theorem 25 and Corollary 25.1 from the APPS
MENU); (4) Through rotations and translations, dilated images of rectangle a can be used to create
rectangles B, C, F, G, and H. Encourage students to ask questions of their classmates to verify if an
argument provides acceptable evidence or is merely a conjecture. If any students have made incorrect
conjectures, make sure that those are disproved.
What definition guided your work?
Students should substantiate their arguments using the definition of similarity and be able to explain how
that guided their work. If students have worked in previous courses with similarity and have developed the
standard definition of similarity as figures that have corresponding angles congruent and corresponding
sides in proportion, they may approach the task from a different perspective. It is worthy of discussion to
note with students how the change in definition impacts their reasoning in the arguments that they
What tools did you choose?
Students should also describe what tools they selected to use and how those proved helpful.

Using a variety of tools (patty paper, dynamic geometric software, compass and straightedge), students
begin to create and compare triangles to determine the criteria needed to make conjectures to determine
triangles similarity.
In the first investigation presented in 9.02 Triangle Similarity Criteria (9.03 Triangle Similarity Criteria
Answer Key), students construct and compare triangles that were created using only one given angle,
angle A. Ask each student to compare the triangle he/she created with the triangles generated by three
other students in the class to determine if any of these triangles are similar. As in the launch, patty paper,
rulers, and scissors should be made available. Lead students to conclude that one pair of congruent
angles does not ensure similarity.
The second investigation presented in 9.02 Triangle Similarity Criteria provides two given angles and
asks students to construct triangles using the given angles, angle A and angle B. As in the previous
investigation, students will create and compare their triangles with this criteria. In this case they should
conclude that the triangles appear similar. Students can then conjecture that in two triangles, if two pairs
of angles are congruent, then the triangles are similar.
Ask each student to measure the sides of his/her triangle. Choose one student’s triangle as the preimage.
Display a sketch of this triangle with the measurements of its sides and with Angle A and Angle B clearly
identified. (Note: It would probably be advantageous to use as the preimage, the triangle of a student who
may experience difficulty writing and comparing the necessary ratios. If more than one student will
experience this difficulty, divide the class into the appropriate number of groups and use the triangle of
each of these students as a preimage. It will be necessary to display a sketch of each of these triangles
with the measurements of their sides and with Angle A and Angle B clearly identified.)
Ask the students to create ratios comparing the corresponding sides of their own triangle with the
preimage (or one of the identified preimages.). It may be necessary to review as a class which sides of
these triangles are corresponding. One pair of corresponding sides will be the side between Angle A and
Angle B; a second pair of corresponding sides will be adjacent to Angle A, but not Angle B; the third pair
of corresponding sides will be adjacent to Angle B but not Angle A. Students should determine that the
ratios comparing the corresponding sides of the image to the preimage are proportional and that again
the triangles appear to be similar.
Therefore, it can be conjectured that instead of verifying that all three pairs of corresponding sides are
proportional and all three pairs of corresponding angles are congruent, it is only necessary to determine if
two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent or all three pairs of corresponding sides are in
proportion. Help students to express this mathematically: Given triangle ABC and triangle DEF with angle
A congruent to angle D and angle B congruent to angle E, then prove that triangle ABC is similar to
triangle DEF and Given triangle ABC and triangle DEF with AB/DE = BC/EF = AC/DF, then prove that
triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF.
Remind students that if three sides of a triangle are congruent to three sides of a second triangle, the two
triangles must be congruent – i.e., the SSS Triangle Congruence Shortcut. Students will now explore
triangles with proportional sides.
The third investigation presented by 9.02 Triangle Similarity Criteria asks students to use the Triangle
Angle Sum Theorem to verify that the AA Similarity Criterion is equivalent to the AAA Criterion.
Encourage students to create a proof that shows and explains that when two angles of one triangle are
equal in measure to two angles of another triangle, then the third angle in each triangle is equal in
measure to the third angle in the other triangle.
The fourth investigation presented by 9.02 Triangle Similarity Criteria has students constructing and
comparing triangles constructed given one side length and its image (constructed using a scale factor of
2). Ask each student to compare the triangle he created with the triangles created by three other students
in the class to determine if the created triangles are congruent. Again encourage students to use the patty
paper to trace and compare triangles. Lead students to conclude that one pair of corresponding
proportional sides is not sufficient to ensure similarity.
The fifth investigation presented by 9.02 Triangle Similarity Criteria has students constructing and
comparing triangles constructed given two side lengths and its image (constructed using a scale factor of
2). Ask each student to compare the triangle he created with the triangles created by three other students
in the class to determine if the created triangles are congruent. Lead students to conclude that two pairs
of corresponding proportional sides do not ensure similarity.
If necessary, 9.04 SS Counterexample provides a visual display of triangles that are not similar but which
contain two pairs of proportional sides. Students can be asked to create these triangles in the coordinate
plane. After creating triangle ABC in the coordinate plane, students can quickly determine the lengths of
AB, DE, and EF. Students can use the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the length of BC and readily
see that DE/AB = BC/EF = 2. While it can be determined that two sides of the triangles are proportional, it
is apparent that the triangles are not similar. Triangle ABC contains a right angle; triangle DEF does not.
Triangle DEF contains an obtuse angle; triangle ABC does not. Since the corresponding angles of similar
triangles must be congruent, triangle ABC and triangle DEF cannot be congruent. Therefore, two pairs of
proportional sides do not ensure similarity.
The sixth and final investigation presented by 9.02 Triangle Similarity Criteria asks students to construct
and compare triangles constructed given three side lengths and their image (constructed using a scale
factor of 2). Students should determine that the image and preimage appear similar. Ask students to
verify this conclusion by measuring the angles of the triangles to determine if the measures are equal.
Students should conclude that if three sides of one triangle are proportional to three sides of a second
triangle, then the two triangles appear to be similar. Therefore, students can conjecture that there is a
SSS Similarity Shortcut.
The groundwork has now been established for students to formally prove AA and SSS Similarity. As
students prepare to examine transformational proofs of these important results, it is necessary to
understand the importance of the orientation of the triangles in order to focus primarily on dilation as
opposed to the other transformations that may be involved. Prior to examining the Definition of Standard
Orientation of Triangles and Theorem 24 (Triangle Standard Orientation) from the APPS MENU, discuss
with students that intuitively this definition and theorem allow one triangle through a sequence of
transformations to be aligned so that potentially a dilation can produce an image that is the second
triangle. That is, it reduces the study of similarity to dilation.
Present to the class the proofs for Theorems 26, 27, 28 and 29 from the APPS MENU. To deepen their
understanding, it would be advantageous if the students had access to these proofs to peruse later.
These proofs are accessible to students and are important in developing an appreciation for the power of
transformational proofs.
9.05 Check Your Understanding presents pairs of triangles and asks students to determine if enough
information is present to determine if the triangles are similar. If it is possible to determine triangle
similarity, students are asked to use correct notation to identify these similar triangles and to state the
Similarity Shortcut (the AA Similarity Shortcut or the SSS Similarity Shortcut) used to determine

9.01 Rectangle Task
9.02 Triangle Similarity Criteria
9.03 Triangle Similarity Criteria Answer Key
9.04 SS Counterexample
9.05 Check Your Understanding

Career Connection:
An understanding of similarity will prove to be a valuable asset in multiple career pathways. Any
profession in which realistic models are an essential tool requires an understanding of dilations. Most
construction-based careers, such as architects, contractors, and electricians, require the ability to create
or interpret and understand scale models. Advances in aviation and aerospace are based on research
and testing that is generally carried out with scale models. These occupations are related to the following
Career Listings: Architecture and Construction; Arts, A/V Technology and Communications;
Manufacturing; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Lesson Reflection:
Throughout the lesson, students have explored criteria necessary for triangles to be similar. They have
formalized their conjectures by proving theorems that identify minimum criteria needed to determine that
triangles are similar. They have also proven the relationships that exist between corresponding sides and
corresponding angles in similar triangles.
In lesson 1, teachers were provided with a guide to aid them in reflecting upon the lesson as they seek to
improve their practice. Certainly, it may not be feasible to formally complete such a reflection after every
lesson, but hopefully the questions can generate some ideas for contemplation.
9.01 Rectangle Task
Which of the rectangles below are similar to Rectangle A? Explain the reasoning
used in making your decision.

9.02 Triangle Similarity Criteria
903 Triangle Similarity Criteria Key
9.04 SS Counterexample
9.05 Check Your Understanding

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