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BENEFITS OF TRAINING THE BENEFITS OF EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT There are numerous benefits of investing in employee training

and development, including: 1. Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees. This has an added benefit of making your company more attractive to prospective employees. 2. More motivated workers, which in turn tends to increase productivity and spur profits. 3. More effective and efficient use of workers' time as a result of higher skill levels, combined with a better understanding of the job function. 4. Employees who know they are competent, and therefore feel more confident. Self assured, well-trained employees are important in the debt collection function. 5. An increase from employees in the number of ideas, recommendations and suggestions for improving performance, or processes and procedures. 6. Lower overall employee turnover, and less absenteeism. 7. Investing in employee training enhances the company image as: o a good place to work o a company that offers its employees the opportunity to grow and meet their individual goals and aspirations o a company that values employees o a company that nurtures its employees 8. Creating a pool of cross-trained employees can bridge gaps when someone unexpectedly leaves the company - or if they accept a transfer or a promotion. 9. Doing so tends to create more efficient employees that require less supervision and who need less detailed instructions. This frees management's time for higher value added activities. 10. Employees that receive in houses training tend to be better equipped to adapt to changes and challenges facing the credit department in particular, and the company as a whole.

TRAINING OUTCOMES Training Workshops outcomes

Communication o Learn more about two-way communication with colleagues and clients. We can tailor workshops to meet the specific needs of your organisation and of the clients you serve. Conflict resolution o We provide one day and half day workshops designed to provide your team with the skills to resolve conflict situations in the workplace. Managing challenging behaviours o Workshops are specifically designed assist workers to best deal with some of the more challenging behaviours that can be encountered in a work situation. These

workshops can also be delivered as an extension of our conflict resolution sessions. Governance o Outcomes Training can develop and deliver a range of workshops to assist in providing direction and coaching in the area of organisation governance. The services we can offer range from identifying the various roles and responsibilities of boards/committees and their members to ongoing coaching and mentoring through strategic planning and steering organisational change. Our workshops also cover the legislative requirements which impact on and underpin good governance.

Development activities outcomes

Strategic planning o Outcomes Training can work with your leadership group to identify and/or review the strategic goals of your organisation. We can assist with the development of a strategic plan for the implementation and evaluation these goals. We can also facilitate the consultation process with staff, volunteers and other key stakeholders to ensure that the identified goals and strategies accurately reflect the values and aspirations of all who are involved. Workforce development o Outcomes Training is well equipped to handle many of your workforce development issues and actions. We can assist with recruitment processes including writing position profiles, interview questions, candidate culling and selection for interview. We can assist with identifying training and PD needs for your workforce. We can provide this training and/or can source suitably experienced and qualified training providers as required. We also offer ongoing support and workforce review to ensure the retention and ongoing development of your trained staff. Service audit and review o Outcomes Training can provide a whole of service check-up for your business or organisation. We will perform a full audit across all areas of operation. Such areas include governance, policies, procedures and processes, staffing, workplace health and safety, community and industry engagement and service promotion. We can provide an extensive report featuring affirmations, recommendations and possible strategies and tasks for meeting the identified recommendations. Policy development and review o Although it is an essential task, policy development and review can be complex, time consuming and is all too often neglected. Outcomes Training can provide a service that allows for your organisations policies and procedures to be developed and reviewed appropriately, involving all stakeholders in the design, implementation and review of each policy and its associated procedures. Short-term project staffing solutions

In the event that your organisation finds itself needing to get a project started, or keep it going while waiting for the recruitment process to happen, we can provide short-term project management staffing solutions for up to 3 months.

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