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ECO244: Applied Mathematics 2 Fall 2010 PRACTICE PROBLEMS Topic: Integration : Definite and Indefinite Co !se I"st! cto!

!: #$$"%

&1'Fi"d the total cost i( the ma!)i"al cost is

MC * Q + , a"d (i-ed costs a!e 20'

&2' Fi"d the total cost i( the ma!)i"al cost is MC * 3e 0.5Q . a"d (i-ed costs a!e 10' &/' Fi"d the total !e0e" e o( the (ollo1i") ma!)i"al !e0e" e ( "ctio"s:


MR = 20 2Q


MR =

6 Q


&3' Fi"d the sho!t4! " p!od ctio" ( "ctio"s co!!espo"di") to each o( the (ollo1i") ma!)i"al
p!od ct o( la2o ! ( "ctio"s: a% 1000 3L2 2%
6 0.01 L

&,' I"te)!ate the (ollo1i") ( "ctio"s: a%

(7 x

+ 4 e 2 x

3 )dx x2
0.1 ' Y


( x

8 x +3) dx

&5' Fi"d a" e-p!essio" (o! the co"s mptio" ( "ctio" i( the ma!)i"al p!ope"sit6 to co"s me is )i0e" 26 MPC = 0.5 +

&7' Fi"d the co"s me!8s s !pl s at P * , (o! the (ollo1i") dema"d ( "ctio"s: a) P = 25 2Q b) P = Q

&9' Fi"d the p!od ce!8s s !pl s at Q * : (o! the (ollo1i") s ppl6 ( "ctio"s: a% P = 12 + 2Q 2% P = 20
Q +15

&:' I( the "et i"0estme"t ( "ctio" is )i0e" 26 I (t ) =100e 0.1t . calc late The capital (o!matio" (!om the e"d o( the seco"d 6ea! to the e"d o( the (i(th 6ea!' &10' Fi"d the e-p!essio" (o! capital (o!matio" 2et1ee" t * 0 a"d t * T (o! the (ollo1i") "et i"0estme"t ( "ctio"s: a% I (t ) = At 2% I (t ) = Ae t '

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