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Oral Presentation Rubric : ASL song Rubric

CATEGORY Length of Song 4

Song was 2:00 minutes or longer

Song was 1:30 to 2:00 minutes

Song was 1:00 to 1:30 minutes

Song was less than 1:00 minute

Conceptual Signing

Student used conceptually appropriate Signs through the entire song

Student used conceptually appropriate Signs through 80% of the song

Student used conceptually appropriate Signs through 50% of the song

Student didn't use conceptually appropriate Signs

Facial Grammar

Student used appropriate facial grammar through the entire song

Student used appropriate facial grammar through 80% of the song

Student used appropriate facial grammar through 50% of the song

Student did not use appropriate facial grammar


Student's Signs are fluid and match the rhythm of the music through the entire song

Student's Signs are fluid and match the rhythm of the music through 80% of the song

Student's Signs are fluid and match the rhythm of the music through 50% of the song

Student's Signs are not fluid and/or do not match the rhythm of the music


Signs were clear through the entire song

Signs were clear through 80% of the song

Signs were clear through 50% of the song

Signs were not clear

Spatial Organization

Student uses space effectively and cohesively through the entire song

Student uses space effectively and cohesively through 80% of the song

Student uses space effectively and cohesively through 50% of the song

Student does not use space effectively or cohesively

Written Work

Student turned in both original lyrics and lyrics translated into ASL

Student turned in only one: either original lyrics or lyrics translated into ASL

Student turned in only one: incorrect original lyrics, or translation into ASL was incorrect

Student did not turn in any lyrics

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