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Presented by: Jill Dickhaut Shawn Reid Tara Horsley

Everyone in society has the right to live with dignity, including being free from abuse A socially just society is one where citizens can live without abuse It is the governments responsibility to protect its citizens and to be leaders regarding addressing abuse


Everyone has the right to live free of abuse

Issue: Currently the Alberta government has a fragmented approach to resolving the issue of abuse in the province Solution: A unified provincial structure to eradicate abuse

2012 Budget: Investing in People Investment in families, communities, education and supports for the vulnerable PC Statement of Principles: those who need assistance can lead dignified and meaningful lives.

1. MLA's & Other Government Ministries

letter writing, meeting requests

2. Professional Networking
Community Meetings, Public Consultations

3. Meetings with contacts

personal contacts bringing ally's & possible stakeholders together

4. Public
Conversation Cafes Forums Social Media

Target Cross-Ministry Action Plan: Strategy for the Prevention of Family Violence and Bullying Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence Standing Committee on Families and Communities

Alberta College of Social Work

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