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Development Project
“Importance of
Social Awareness”
Submitted by: Priyanshu Kumar Singh
Reg NO: 12208943
In partial fulfilment for the requirement of the award of the degree of
Phagwara, Punjab

I would like to thank my class mentor for supporting us on

this Community Development Project and giving us an
opportunity to help those in need.

The project was not easy but with the support of

achieve my goal and made a contribution for the betterment
of the society.

A special thanks to:


founder and director of the NGO for acknowledging us for

our work and gave us their wisdom for betterment of our

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit, independent and

voluntary organization, usually composed of individuals or groups of
individuals who participate in a similar purpose or goal. NGOs operate
outside the government's control and often act for social, environmental,
developmental or humanitarian purposes. They play an important role in
solving many problems at the regional, national and international level.
Some of the key characteristics and characteristics of an NGO are: Non
profit NGO: An NGO is an organization whose primary purpose is to
promote welfare, development or feedback rather than producing results.
The surplus created is usually reinvested in operations rather than
distributed to shareholders. Independence: NGOs operate independently
without government control or interference. This freedom allows them to
defend cases that do not comply with government policy and hold the
government accountable for their actions. Active Participation: Participation
in NGOs is mostly voluntary; this means that people choose to be part of
the organization based on their interest and passion for the cause. Various
Fields of Operation: NGOs work on human rights, education, health,
environment, poverty reduction, disaster relief, women's transportation
support, child health, etc. can focus on various areas such as Their
activities can be very broad or very specific. Advocacy and awareness:
Many NGOs work in the field of advocacy to raise awareness of important
social and environmental issues. They often work to influence public
opinion, policy decisions and policies related to their area of
focus. Projects: NGOs often implement projects and programs that directly
address their concerns. This may include activities such as the provision of
education and health services, the implementation of community
development programs and the distribution of disaster relief. Fundraising:
NGOs rely on many sources of funding, including donations from
individuals, organizations, associations and international organisations.
Fundraising is essential for the management of its activities and projects.
Transparency and accountability: Many NGOs emphasize transparency in
their work, including financial management and decision-making. This
helps build trust among donors, beneficiaries and the public. Social and
international impact: NGOs can focus on specific needs and issues by
working on a local community basis. They can also have an international
impact by solving problems involving countries and regions.
Collaboration and collaboration: NGOs often collaborate with other
organizations, governments and international organizations to share
resources, share knowledge and maximize results. Challenges: NGOs may
face challenges such as financial constraints, operational constraints,
political control and balancing their goals with security needs. Legal: NGOs
have different laws in different countries. Some may require registration
with government regulations, while others may operate illegally. The legal
process affects their work and ability to receive money. In general, NGOs
play an important role in meeting people's needs, promoting positive
change and supporting a responsible role for health and the environment.
They make a significant contribution to reducing inequality that the
government and the market cannot fully address.

Introduction About Shishitianant Foundation?

Shishtianant Foundation was initiated by small group of friends with a
strong passion to change society today and create better India for
tomorrow. the organisation provides youngsters a platform to serve the
society and bridges the gap between educated and uneducated. The
volunteers and member educate children from orphanages, village
community and slum areas who are far from mainstream of education at
centres across Bihar to provide better future at its initial. stage.
Moreover, the NGO also focuses on women empowerment and aware
people about the importance of sanitary pads. SHISHTIANANT SOCIAL
WELFARE FOUNDATION is a Private Limited Company registration
held business entity registered under The Companies Act, 2013. It’s
registered for pre- defined objects or activity Health and Social Work.

Why Shishitianant Foundation?

I selected shishtianant social welfare foundation because the

work of this NGO is very clean. They aware people about
various serious topics like covid-19, importance of sanitary
pads, role of education and also provide various skills to
farmers to upgrade their agriculture work. Moreover, the
NGO also organise various classes like – takshila, shakti,
khalihan, to encourage slum children and provide them free
education, to encourage women empowerment and to
enhance agriculture skills in rural areas respectively.
CDP Objective
Community development projects aim to improve the overall health and quality of life
of a particular community or group of people. These projects mainly focus on
supporting local communities, building their capacities and promoting sustainable
development. The objectives of community development projects may vary
according to the needs, goals and priorities of the communities involved. Some of
the aims of community development projects are: Capacity Building: To develop the
skills, knowledge and abilities of community members so that they can solve their
own needs and problems. Social Empowerment: Encourage people in the
community to participate in decision-making, express their views and contribute to
local government. Development: Construction and improvement of important
physical infrastructures such as roads, schools, medical facilities, sanitation and
community facilities. Economic Development: Strengthening the community
economy, such as creating employment, encouraging entrepreneurship and
promoting income generating activities. Education: Provide quality education and
training to increase literacy, skill levels and academic achievement in society. Health
Services: Promote access to medical facilities, medical services and health
education to improve the general health of the population and reduce disease
prevention. Housing: Upgrading housing by creating safe and affordable housing and
addressing homelessness and issues related to it. Environmental Sustainability:
Promote sustainable environmental practices such as waste management, access to
clean water, and efforts to conserve natural resources. Cultural Preservation:
Promote the preservation of culture, customs and traditions that are important to
society. Social Justice and Women's Empowerment: Promote gender equality and
ensure women's equality, representation and access to resources in their
communities. Social Inclusion: Creating an inclusive environment that respects the
rights and dignity of all members of society, including vulnerable and vulnerable
groups. Disaster Preparedness and Response: Develop plans and resources to
respond effectively to natural disasters and emergencies and build
community resilience. Community cohesion: Strengthening community relationships
and a sense of community involvement to encourage participation and
empowerment. Poverty Reduction: Use strategies to reduce poverty levels, increase
income and improve the economic situation of community members. Advocacy and
policy influence: Work to influence the policy of the village, region or country to meet
the needs and concerns of the community. It is important to remember that
community development plans are context specific and objectives should be set in
consultation with community members themselves. Effective community
development requires the involvement of communities in the planning,
implementation and evaluation of projects to ensure projects are relevant and
Problem Identification and cause of the

Social awareness involves understanding and addressing a wide range of issues that
affect individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Here are some pressing
problems that require attention and solutions in the realm of social awareness:

1. Inequality and Discrimination:

• Systemic racism, sexism, and discrimination based on factors like race,
gender, sexuality, and socioeconomic status persist in many societies.
• Addressing these issues requires promoting equity, inclusivity, and
equal opportunities for all.
2. Mental Health Stigma:
• Negative attitudes and misconceptions about mental health can
prevent individuals from seeking help.
• Creating awareness and fostering open conversations about mental
health is crucial to reducing stigma and supporting those in need.
3. Bullying and Cyberbullying:
• Bullying, both offline and online, can have serious psychological and
emotional effects on victims.
• Promoting anti-bullying campaigns and educating individuals about
respectful online behavior are essential steps.
4. Environmental Concerns:
• Climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction pose significant
threats to the planet and its inhabitants.
• Raising awareness about sustainable practices and advocating for
environmental conservation is vital.
5. Poverty and Homelessness:
• Many people around the world struggle with poverty, lack of access to
basic necessities, and homelessness.
• Addressing these issues requires social programs, affordable housing
initiatives, and support for vulnerable populations.
Objectives to be Achieved
Social awareness refers to the ability to recognize and understand the perspectives,
emotions, needs, and concerns of others, as well as the dynamics of various social
situations. Developing social awareness is essential for building strong relationships,
effective communication, and fostering a harmonious and inclusive society. Here are
some objectives to consider when aiming to enhance your social awareness:

1. Empathy Development:
• Understand and acknowledge the emotions and experiences of others.
• Put yourself in others' shoes to see the world from their perspective.
• Practice active listening to better understand their feelings and
2. Cultural Sensitivity:
• Learn about different cultures, customs, and traditions.
• Respect and appreciate the diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints.
• Avoid making assumptions or judgments based on stereotypes.
3. Understanding Nonverbal Communication:
• Pay attention to body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
• Interpret nonverbal cues to grasp underlying emotions and thoughts.
4. Awareness of Social Issues:
• Stay informed about current events, societal challenges, and global
• Understand the impact of these issues on various communities and
5. Active Inclusivity:
• Create an environment where all individuals feel valued and included.
• Stand against discrimination, bias, and exclusion.
• Advocate for equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their
6. Conflict Resolution Skills:
• Develop strategies to manage conflicts in a constructive and respectful
• Address disagreements while considering the feelings and perspectives
of all parties involved.
7. Recognizing Unconscious Bias:
• Reflect on your own biases and work on overcoming them.
• Challenge stereotypes and preconceived notions to foster fair and
open-minded interactions.
8. Effective Communication:
• Learn to convey your thoughts and ideas clearly and respectfully.
• Tailor your communication style to the needs of different individuals
and situations.
9. Community Engagement:
• Participate in community activities, volunteering, or social initiatives.
• Collaborate with others to create positive change and address local
10. Continuous Learning:
• Keep educating yourself about social dynamics, psychology, and
human behaviour.
• Stay open to new perspectives and adapt your understanding as you
learn more.
11. Supportive Relationships:
• Build and maintain meaningful relationships based on trust, respect,
and understanding.
• Offer emotional support to friends, family, and colleagues during
challenging times.
12. Promoting Social Justice:
• Advocate for fairness, equality, and justice in your interactions and
• Raise awareness about systemic issues and work towards creating a
more just society.

Remember that developing social awareness is an ongoing process that requires self-
reflection, learning, and practice. By setting these objectives and consistently working
toward them, you can enhance your ability to connect with others, contribute
positively to society, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around
Guiding the People in Rural Areas:
Promoting proper sanitation and hygiene practices among rural communities is
essential for improving public health and well-being. Here's a concise guide on how
to effectively educate rural people about sanitation and hygiene:

"Enhancing Sanitation and Hygiene in Rural Communities:

1. Awareness Campaigns: Initiate educational campaigns using local media,

community gatherings, and door-to-door visits to convey the importance of
sanitation and hygiene in preventing diseases and enhancing overall health.
2. Simple Messaging: Communicate in local languages, using relatable
examples, to ensure understanding. Highlight the direct link between hygiene
and better health, emphasizing how small actions can make a big difference.
3. Access to Clean Water: Educate about the significance of clean water for
drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene. Promote safe water sources, proper
storage, and regular testing.
4. Hand Hygiene: Emphasize proper handwashing with soap before meals, after
using the toilet, and after outdoor activities. Encourage setting up
handwashing stations near toilets and cooking areas.
5. Proper Waste Disposal: Explain the dangers of open defecation and
improper waste disposal. Encourage building and using toilets to prevent
contamination of water sources and the environment.
6. Personal and Environmental Hygiene: Discuss maintaining clean
surroundings to prevent disease transmission. Address the importance of
maintaining clean cooking areas and safe storage of food.
7. Demonstrations: Conduct practical demonstrations of correct handwashing
techniques and safe food handling. Use visual aids like posters and videos to
reinforce the message.
8. Local Involvement: Engage local leaders, community health workers, and
schoolteachers as advocates for sanitation and hygiene. Their influence can
amplify the message.
9. Regular Follow-Up: Organize periodic workshops or meetings to reinforce
knowledge and address any challenges or questions.
10. Celebrating Success: Recognize and celebrate communities that successfully
adopt improved sanitation and hygiene practices. This can inspire others to do
the same.

Remember, change takes time. By tailoring messages to local contexts, making the
benefits tangible, and involving the community, we can empower rural areas to
prioritize sanitation and hygiene, leading to healthier and happier lives."

We Guided them by letting them know about proper sanitation and

hygiene and these Points.
Helping Kawar Yatris on there way to Mandirs by providing
them proper clean Drinking water and places to rest to
survive on there journey.

Food dristribution Drive presented by Our Foundation which

help those who can’t afford them.
Planting: Planting is essential for numerous
reasons. It enhances air quality by absorbing
carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, vital for
human and wildlife survival. Trees and plants
prevent soil erosion, maintaining fertile ground
for agriculture. They provide habitats and food for
various species, preserving biodiversity.
Additionally, green spaces improve mental well-
being and mitigate urban heat islands. Planting
trees and plants is a crucial step towards
mitigating climate change, fostering sustainable
ecosystems, and creating a healthier, more
vibrant planet for current and future generations.
As deforestation is increasing we should plant
more trees.
Cleaning Environment: Cleaning the
environment involves the systematic removal
of pollutants, waste, and debris to maintain a
healthy and aesthetically pleasing
surroundings. It encompasses tasks such as
waste disposal, surface cleaning, and air
purification to mitigate the impact of
pollution on ecosystems and human well-
being. Effective environmental cleaning helps
sustain biodiversity, safeguards natural
resources, and fosters a cleaner and safer
habitat for all living organisms.
Social awareness stands as a cornerstone of a compassionate
and harmonious society. It is the profound understanding of
the diverse perspectives, emotions, and challenges that
shape the lives of individuals within our communities.
Through empathy and informed consciousness, we can
address pressing issues, bridge gaps, and foster meaningful

Social awareness compels us to confront inequality,

discrimination, and injustice head-on. It urges us to stand as
allies for those whose voices might otherwise go unheard. By
recognizing the power of our actions, words, and attitudes,
we pave the way for inclusivity and equal opportunity.

This journey of awareness is ongoing, demanding constant

self-reflection and a commitment to unlearning biases. It
necessitates open conversations, active listening, and an
unwavering dedication to learning from one another.

Ultimately, social awareness is a catalyst for change. It

propels us towards a world where empathy and respect
guide our interactions, where every individual's dignity is
upheld, and where we collectively strive to uplift the
marginalized and create a brighter, fairer future for all. By
embracing social awareness, we take a pivotal step towards
shaping a society that values compassion, justice, and the
shared humanity that unites us all.

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