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Clay Eckert January 5th, 2014 7th hour Ms.

Wolf On March 27th, 1997 the Humor family moved to Atchinson, KS on 304 Elm St. The house had been abandoned for at least five years and was completely out of date. The whole town knew something about the house that the Humors did not. The Humor family consisted of parents, Zach and Zia, and their two children Zane and Zoey. The home they moved to had two stories with three bedrooms. The master bedroom was upstairs, and Zach and Zoeys bedrooms were on the main floor. Their basement was pretty much just a dust and cob web trap. Zoey was five and Zane was 14. Zia and Zoey had a very different gift to where they could see things and people other people could not. The first day they moved in, Zoey was setting up her room when she looked out her window and saw a woman in a long white gown. The lady walked up to Zoeys window and started talking to her. She told Zoey that her name was Ms. Tippman, and started a short conversation. Later during the day when the family was in their living room, Zoey said that there was a beautiful flower meadow behind the bushes and tree row, and that there were diamonds hidden in the basement. The family asked Zoey who had told her that, and Zoey said Ms. Tippman. While Zach and Zane hurried to the basement to look for the diamonds, Zia asked Zoey what all Ms. Tippman had told her. Zoey said Ms. Tippman told her she wasnt allowed to repeat it to anyone else. Zia was hoping to herself that Zoey was just imagining Ms.

Tippman and nothing was real. Since she was worrying about Zoey so much she went downstairs to talk to Zach about it, but when she got down there, Zane and Zach were shuffling threw a box of diamonds. This made Zia have second thoughts about her doubts about Ms. Tippman. Half of her was thinking it was her daughters imagination, but the other half was really concerned because this Ms. Tippman supposedly told Zoey that there were diamonds in the basement and there actually were. The next few days the family saw Zoey talking to air, which in their eyes meant Ms. Tippman. During the nights pots and pans would chatter and doors would slam, but whenever Zach and Zia would go to see what was downstairs, there was nothing. One night the disturbances went over the top when the family pictures were shattered, things were broken, couch cushions were ripped, and the list goes on. After the concerned parents saw the whole mess they went to check on their kids and they were fine, but Zoey had these weird claw marks on the end of her sheets. The following night when Zach and Zia got ready for bed, they noticed there were screws in their bedroom door and scratch marks on the wooden floor. The next day was normal, except at dinner when Zoey was eating her steak. Every piece shed pick up with her fork, shed stab it hard enough to where you could hear it hit the glass plate. Her dad repeatedly told her to stop, but she just looked up with no compassion (she would always listen to her parents) so he finally put his hand in front of her, but she stabbed it! And then all the sudden woke up as if she was in some sort of trance and kept saying Im sorry, Im so sorry, I didnt mean to. Her dad wasnt super mad at her, but he did send her to her room.

During the next day Zia saw Zoey talking to no one, which meant Ms. Tippman. Zia said Zoey come on, Zoey asked why, and Zia told her she was not allowed to talk to MS. Tippman anymore. Zoey took this very badly. That night Zia and Zach were in bed with their door closed, talking about Zoey, when she knocked asking if she could come in. They told her no, they were talking. Zoeys voice started to get deep so Zach ran to the door and screwed it shut. Zoey tried to open it a few times, then screamed and a knife went through their door! This put them over the edge, so the next morning they went to city hall to ask about their home. The city clerk said Lance Olpe and Minnie Tippman had lived there. They got kind of quiet when they heard Tippman. The lady continued and said that Lance and Minnie had gotten engaged, bought the wedding dress, and were making plans, but Minnie was different. She wasnt normal, she would get very angry and wouldnt be herself (shed get big and red with a very deep voice) mentally, or physically. She would almost kill Lance when he wouldnt do exactly what she wanted if she could get to him, but hed hide in their room, screw the door shut, and slide the big dresser in front of it. Lance was done and couldnt live like that. He wanted to kill her and just be done, but shed never sleep because she knew he wanted to. One night before they went to bed he got a lot of sleep medicine and put it in hot tea and gave it to her, being a gentleman. She drank it all, went upstairs and fell asleep. He carried her down stairs and put her in the oven and taped it shut, he put it on high and watched her burn. He was happy she was gone, and went back to bed. During the night his door slammed open and she was standing there (as a ghost) in her wedding dress, and then walked up and strangled Lance to death.

That night Zia and Zach could barely sleep knowing where they were. They knew Ms. Tippman was turning Zoey into herself. Through the next few days Zoey became aggressive and wouldnt listen. Zia and Zach began screwing their door shut and sliding their dresser in front of it at night. The Humors decided they would have to move considering Zoeys condition. They packed up everything and were going to move the next morning. Zoey told the family she didnt care they were moving. While the whole family was in the living room talking about the move, Zoey got medicine from Ms. Tippman to put in warm milk and gave it to her family, saying she wanted to be nice and make up for the things she had done. They were surprised with joy that she was coming around and said thank you. All of them drank it up. That night she took them one by one to the car and taped the arms and legs together so they couldnt move and their mouth shut. They all started to kind of wake up and moved and yelled. Zoey sprayed gasoline everywhere in and out of the car and set it to flames. After that Ms. Tippman took her to bed and killed her, and then Zoey became just like Ms. Tippman. Every family who moved to that house was killed by one of the children (hanging, tied to pool chairs and pushed in to drown, etc.). And then Ms. Tippman would kill them so theyd become part of her army. If I were you, I wouldnt walk into that trap!

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