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How can you use poetry as a tool?

How can you create emotion in your poetry?

How can poetry be used for selfexpression?

Terms: Lyric poem, Imagery, Diction, Sonic Ability, Alliteration, Ode, Sonnet, Lyric Specific Poets: Pablo Neruda Julianna Baggott Gwendolyn Brooks Maya Angelou Terms: Satire, Current Events, Factual Evidence, Specific Poets: Langston Hughes Phillip Levine Russel Edson Imamu Amiri Baraka Terms: Audience, Diction, Factual Evidence, Ekphrastic Specific Poets: Eloise Greenfield Nikki Giovanni Amorak Huey

What poets write to express emotion? How can you use poetry this way?
How can poets portray a need for change in their poems?

How can poetry be used to evoke change? (Global Political or Social)

What poets have used poetry this way?

How would you use poetry to evoke change? For what cause? How can you construct an educational poem?

How can poetry be used to educate or inform?

What poets have used poetry this way?

What would you inform your readers about? Why?

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