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Date: 17 NOVEMBER 2019

Poetry Analysis Sheet

For this project you will read and analyze a poem written by a Latino poet. The following instructions will help
you uncover the meaning of the poem.

1. What does the title mean? HARLEM by Langston Hughes

Take a look at the title and reflect on what it means: The poem “HARLEM” reflects the post- World War II mood
of many African-American. The Great Depression was over, the war was over, but for African Americans the
dream, whatever particular form it took, was still being deferred.

(You will need this for the introductory paragraph.)

2. Put it in your own words

Read the poem two or three times. You will see something different each time you read the poem. Write a brief
summary of the poem in your own words. Highlight or list some of the words (nouns, verbs, phrases) that are
important to understanding the poem.
For me, I think the poem is about Harlem Renaissance which was a cultural movement during 1920s. It was
known as the “New Negro Movement”. It was centered in the Harlem neighbourhood of New York City. It is
shown that not much else can be taken from the title, except that it will be about the part of the city.

3. What do you think the poem means?

Now think about the meaning of the poem, not just the obvious meaning of each word but what they
mean beyond the literal. Do these words suggest something else? Answer these questions:
• Who is the subject of the poem? African-American
• What are they talking about? They are talking about Black American’s people dream for the right to Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
• Why do you think the author wrote the poem? To reflects the post World War II mood.
• When is the poem happening? During 1920s
• Where is the poem happening? Harlem
• What is the poet’s attitude? Anger then almost threatening
• How does the poem shift from person to person or between different times or places

• Most poems tell us about a poet’s understanding of an experience so the beginning will be different then the end.
The change may be in feelings, language (slang to formal), or connotation (positive to negative). Explain how
these shifts convey the poem’s message.

Poetry Analysis Sheet (continued )

4. Poetic devices: Tools of the poet

Identify different poetic devices and how they convey the poem’s message.
• Simile – comparison using like or as does it dry up like a raisin in the sun, does it stink like rotten meat
• Metaphor – a direct comparison ___________________________________________________________
• Personification – giving human qualities to nonhuman things ___________________________________
• Tone – what emotion does the speaker use as he talks _________________________________________
• Point of view – who is the telling the poem __________________________________________________
• Imagery – creating pictures with words _____________________________________________________
• Alliteration – repeating the same letter : What happen to a dream deffered? Does it dry up? (line 1-2) like
syrupy sweet (line 7)

5. Theme
Identify the theme (central idea) of the poem. How does the theme convey the poem’s message?
The theme of the poem is about dreams/ hope tha are forgotten, pushed aside,or simply never achieved.
However, Hughes takes a specific, bold stance on the forgotten dreams not only individual African-Americans.
But that of entire race. Even after they are freed from the oppression of slavery. They still face teribble

6. Look at the title again

Now look at the title again. Do you now have a different interpretation of the title?


7. Begin writing your analysis

Start with the introductory paragraph. It should contain the title, the author, and an explanation of the
writer’s position as well as the significance of the title. Include a brief overall statement of the meaning of the
poem. This will lead you into the body of the analysis. In the body of the analysis, discuss how the poem was
written, which poetic devices were used, the tone, the poet’s attitude, and the shift of the poem from the
beginning to the poet’s ultimate understanding of the experience in the end. Add your interpretation of the

The poem “HARLEM” by Langston Hughes reflects the post- World War II mood of many African-American.
The Great Depression was over, the war was over, but for African Americans the dream, whatever particular
form it took, was still being deferred. In a broad term, the “dream” in this poem refers to African-American
dream for the right of light and pursuing happiness. The poetic devices that were used in the poem is
Alliteration and Simile. While the tone of the poet seems to be anger and suddenly turning to threatening.
Hughes is expressing his frustration he and many other black had to put up with.

8. Historical and cultural context

Integrate the research you have done on your author into your poetry analysis. Explain how the author’s history
and culture have influenced the poem.
List two important experiences that influenced the author:
1. The post World War II mood of many African-American.
2. By the time “Harlem” was written in 1951, poverty and poor living conditions had become the norm in
List two conditions in the author’s country that influenced his/her life (poverty, political unrest, war, lack of
opportunities, social constraints especially for women):
1. Poverty
2. War

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