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Number: HANS 01
Collector name: Syarifah Hanisah Bt Syed Mokhtarruddin(22463)
Date: 27 August 2009.
Family: Turneraceae.
Botanical/Scientific name: Turnera ulmifolia Linnaeus.
Local names: Yellow Buttercup Flower
Locality: Station Petronas, Kota Samarahan.
Plant descriptions: Weak shrub to 1.5m; too conspicuous,
prominent glands on leaf stalk
Habit: Subshrub, Shrub
Trunk/stem; twigs: 0.5-2.5mm diameter of the stem. Consist of
alternative thorns on the stem usually 2-3mm long.
Leaves: Ovate-elliptic or ovate-oblong, very distinctly dentate-
serrate, petiole 4–20mm long. Leaflets: lanceolate 1.5-8cm long,
with apex of leaf blade is acute. Inflorescence types: Scorpioid
Cyme; The flower is Solitary (bracteolate), axillary; predominantly
yellow, regular, pedicellate, pedicel 3–8mm long, perianth 2-
whorled. Calyx 5–8mm long, 5 sepals, all sepals joined. Corolla 25–
36mm long, 5 petals, all petals free. Stamens 5, adnate to the
perianth, all alternating with the corolla parts, free of each other.
Anthers versatile, dehiscing via longitudinal slits. Ovary syncarpous,
superior, 1 -celled. Ovules numerous. Styles 3, simple. Fruits: The
fruits is dehiscent, a capsule, non-fleshy, 7–10mm long, to 6mm
wide. Habitat: Amongst medium trees; occurring on the coast; in
loam; growing in disturbed natural vegetation, in gardens (and
Uses: As an intestinal anti-inflammatory.

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