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Guhyasamaja, Manjuvajra (Tibetan: sang wa du pa, jam pai dor je. English: Melodious Vajra, Se ret !ssembly".

#ibliographi re$eren e: Shri Vajra %ridaya &am'ara Tantra(nama, Toh )*+ and ,o.)) in the Gyu de -untu set o$ mandalas.

....Manjuvajra, with a body the olour o$ puri$ied gold, three $a es and si/ hands. The main $a e is yellow, the right blue and the le$t white. The $irst two hands embra e the Mother. The lower right hands hold a sword and arrow, and the lower le$t an utpala 0$lower1 and bow2 wearing jewel ornaments and having the thirty(two major and eighty minor mar's2 seated with the legs in the vajra posture. 3n the lap is the Mother Manjuvajra with three $a es and si/ hands, with the olour, hand obje ts and embra e, the same as that o$ the 4ather. #oth are resting in a state o$ union and emanating $orth rays o$ light.. (5ritten by 6amyang -hyentse 5ang hug, +*7)(+*89 re$eren e".

!t the bottom enter is the meditational deity ( the goddess o$ power ( -uru'ulla. To the right is #rahmarupa Maha'ala in his $orm as an 3ndian as eti . To the right again is the $emale prote tor deity E'ajati holding a heart to her mouth with the proper right hand and a grey wol$ held out to the side in the le$t hand. !t the bottom le$t are a $amily o$ donor $igures seated a ording to hierar hy.

&ineage o$ Tea hers: Manjuvajra, #uddha 6nanapada, Shri :eva, Vimala Gupta, the two ;in hens, ;isul <ogini, ,yen &otsawa =hogyan, to the 4ive Masters, :ampa -unga :rag, Tashi >al, -unga Sonam Shap, :o >al -irti Shri -hanpa, Sa?ang -upon, ,gor hen, Mu hen, Gyaltsap -un'hyen 6e, ;atnavardha, -on hog &hundrup, Sangye Senge, ,am'ha >al @angpo, =hog &eg -hupon, Sempa =henpo -hyenrab Tend?in @ang, :rowa Sempa =henpo -hyenrab Tend?in @ang, :rowai &ama -hyenrab =hampai >al, et .

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