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uslng Lxcel for SLaLlsLlcal Analysls

?ou don'L have Lo have a fancy panLs sLaLlsLlcs package Lo do many sLaLlsLlcal funcLlons. Lxcel can perform
several sLaLlsLlcal LesLs and analyses.
llrsL, make sure you have your uaLa Analysls 1ool
pack lnsLalled.
?ou should see uaLa Analysls on Lhe far rlghL of your
Lool bar.
lf you don'L see lL go Lo llLL |
C1lCn| Auu lnS and add Lhe
Analysls 1ool.

Learn abouL your daLa
Cne nlce Lhlng abouL Lhe uaLa Analysls Lool ls LhaL lL can do several Lhlngs aL once. lf you wanL a qulck
overvlew of your daLa, lL wlll glve you a llsL of descrlpLlves
LhaL explaln your daLa. 1haL lnformaLlon can be helpful for
oLher Lypes of analyses.
LeL's use Lhe CCMM07.xls flle (LesL scores for communlcaLlon
ln 7
grade ln Mlssourl Schools)
lf we wanLed Lo geL a qulck overvlew of Lhe SCC8L varlable,
we can use Lhe uLSC8l1lvL S1A1lS1lCS Lool.
Co Lo Lhe uA1A Lable and cllck on Lhe uA1A AnAL?SlS Lool.
lrom Lhe llsL of Lools, choose uLSC8l1lvL S1A1lS1lCS:
PlghllghL Lhe column conLalnlng Lhe SCC8L daLa (buL noL Lhe
header). Check SuMMA8? S1A1lS1lCS:

1hls looks llke a loL. 8uL some of Lhese varlables can be helpful.
lor example, when you do a regresslon, you wanL Lhe Mean
(average) and Medlan (mlddle value) Lo be falrly close LogeLher.
?ou wanL your SLandard uevlaLlon Lo be less Lhan Lhe Mean. So ln
Lhe above Lable, our Mean and Medlan are close LogeLher. 1he
sLandard devlaLlon ls abouL 29 - whlch means LhaL abouL 70
percenL of Lhe schools scored beLween 133 and 213.

AnoLher good overvlew of your daLa ls a correlaLlon
MaLrlx, whlch glves you an overvlew of whaL
varlables Lend Lo go up and down LogeLher and ln
whaL dlrecLlon. lL's a good flrsL pasL aL relaLlonshlps
ln your daLa before delvlng lnLo regresslon. 1he
correlaLlon ls measured by a varlable called
earson's 8, whlch ranges beLween -1 (lndlrecL
relaLlonshlp) and 1 (perfecL relaLlonshlp).
Co Lo Lhe uA1A Lable and Lhe uA1A AnAL?SlS Lool
and choose CC88LLA1lCnS. Choose Lhe range of all
Lhe columns (less headers) LhaL you wanL Lo compare:

?ou geL a Lable LhaL maLches each varlable Lo all oLher
varlables. 8ecause Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lwo columns
ls Lhe same, no maLLer whlch dlrecLlon you compare, Lxcel
glves you Lhe value [usL once. 8elow you see LhaL Lhe
correlaLlon beLween Column 3 and Column 1 ls -.43348. lL
would be Lhe same beLween Column 1 and Column 3.

1hls shows me LhaL Lhe varlables wlLh Lhe sLrongesL relaLlonshlp are Column 3 (C1_CC8) and Column 4
CorrelaLlon provldes a general lndlcaLor of Lhe llnear relaLlonshlp beLween Lwo varlables, buL lL doesn'L allow
you Lo leL you predlcL one varlable based on anoLher. 1o do LhaL, you need llnear regresslon, also known as
ordlnary leasL squares regresslon.
A noLe abouL Lxcel: lL ls plcky
1. ?our daLa should be numerlc.
2. ?ou should noL have any
empLy cells.

Some characLerlsLlcs help predlcL oLhers. lor example, people
growlng up ln a lower-lncome famlly are more llkely Lo score lower
on sLandardlzed LesLs Lhan Lhose from hlgher-lncome famllles.
8egresslon helps us see LhaL connecLlon and even say abouL how
much characLerlsLlcs affecL anoLher.

1o sLarL, you need Lo deLermlne whlch characLerlsLlcs are whaL we
call lndependenL varlables. 1hese are Lhe predlcLors. nexL, Lhe characLerlsLlcs Lhey help predlcL are Lhe
dependenL varlables.
When you run a regresslon, you geL a resulL called an 8-square. 1haL wlll help you see how much Lhe
lndependenL varlable predlcLs Lhe dependenL varlable.

LeL's 8egress
Co Lo Lhe uA1A Lab and cllck on Lhe uA1A AnAL?SlS Lool:
Choose 8egresslon from Lhe llsL of sLaLlsLlcs.
nexL, Lxcel wlll ask you Lo hlghllghL Lhe range of cells for Lhe x and ?
ranges. 1he ? ls your uLLnuLn1 varlable and x ls your
lnuLLnuLn1 varlable. Check Confldence Level and leave aL 93
percenL - Lhe
common level used for soclal sclence research. Check
new WorksheeL ly so Lhe ouLpuL goes lnLo a new
worksheeL. Leave everyLhlng else blank for now.

1here's a loL ln Lhe ouLpuL. 8uL for now, leL's pay aLLenLlon Lo a couple of varlables: Ad[usLed 8 Square and

8 Square Lells you how much of Lhe change ln your uLLnuLn1 varlable can be explalned by your
lnuLLnuLn1 varlable. ln Lhls case, only abouL 16 percenL of Lhe change ln SCC8L can be explalned by C1
1LS1Lu. An 8 Square ls beLween 0 and 1 - Lhe closer Lo 1, Lhe sLronger Lhe relaLlonshlp.
1he SlCnlllCAnCL varlable ls 0.000 --- lf Lhls ls less Lhan .03 lL means your resulLs are slgnlflcanL - or LhaL Lhey
dldn'L [usL occur by chance.
LeL's check anoLher varlable. 8un a regresslon wlLh C1CC8 as you lnuLLnuLn1 varlable and SCC8L as
your uLLnuLn1 varlable.

So Lhere ls a much sLronger relaLlonshlp wlLh C1CC8. lL explalns 80 percenL of Lhe varlaLlon. 1he 8 Square
doesn'L Lell you everyLhlng. AnoLher lmporLanL varlable ls whaL ls labeled above as x vA8lA8LL 1, whlch ls
-0.84291 1hls ls Lhe SLCL of Lhe llne. WhaL Lhls Lells you ls LhaL for every 10 polnL lncrease ln C1CC8,
SCC8L goes down abouL 8 polnLs.
uslng Lhls lnformaLlon, Lxcel can Lell us wheLher a school ls
dolng beLLer or worse Lhan lL should glven Lhe percenL of
poor sLudenLs.
under 8LSluuALS, check 8LSluuALS, S1AnuA8ulZLu
8LSluuALS Anu LlnL ll1 LC1S
1he reslduals Lell you how well a school dld:

1he flrsL school had a score of 210.3, whlch ls 6.77
polnLs beLLer Lhan lL should glven lL's poverLy level. 1he
S1AnuA8ulZLu 8LSluuAL Lells you Lhe same
lnformaLlon ln Lerms of sLandard devlaLlon.

1he ploL glves you a graphlc lmage of your model:

use Lhe flle sLrong_mayor.xlsx Lo see lf
Lhere ls any relaLlonshlp beLween
populaLlon and elecLlon resulLs

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