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My Current Personal Template for Body Weight Workouts http://owenjohnstonkarate.

com/ This is just a template - these are not set routines. The exercises, frequency, intensity, and volume often change from week to week, depending on how !m feeling or what my goals are. Day 1 - Monday. Repeated on Wednesday and Friday will lessen the num"er of exercises, training days, and/or volume #reps and sets$ depending on the need for recovery. The intensity of the exercises may "e manipulated with simple tweaks. %ee my "elow articles for ideas'(&/')/progressive-calisthenics-for-strength.html'(&/(&/integrated-gymnastics-"ody-weight-strength-training-pdf"ook.html Warmups %ome cardio for at least ('-&' minutes #high knees, cycling, jogging, skipping rope$ *oint rotations for a few minutes +ips - ('-(, -ori.ontal pullups - ('-(, /rog stand / tripod, 0trifecta0 stretches #1-sit, "ridge hold, twist hold$ - minimum of 2x, seconds each 03alk it off0 some - 0active rest0 only long enough to get some 0fresh0 feeling "ack into the muscles Pushups 3armup sets /ull pushups - &x('-(, 3ork sets -alf one arm pushups with medicine "all or "asket"all #at least &x,4 aim for &x(' with perfect form$ 1ever pushups - &x&' Pullups /ast warmup set of full pullups - ('-(& 5neven pullups - 6x, each hand - my goal is "uilding up to consistently getting &x), then start working more on one arm eccentrics #3alk it off again for a few minutes, shaking out and stretching the muscles$ !pe"iali#ed forearm $ hand training 07agle claws0 - (' /inger tip pushups - kneeling - &x, 3rist pushups - &x, Towel hangs - see the hang grip progression in 8onvict 8onditioning & 3rist roller - (, pounds #all the way up and "ack down is ( set$

Body %eight %orkouts& page ' Day ' - Tuesday. Repeated on Thursday. %aturday workouts, for me personally, have light core and leg work, plus some skill work. Warmups %ome cardio for at least ('-&' minutes #high knees, cycling, jogging, skipping rope$ *oint rotations for a few minutes /rog stand / tripod, 0trifecta0 stretches #1-sit, "ridge hold, twist hold$ - minimum of 2x, seconds each 03alk it off0 some - 0active rest0 only long enough to get some 0fresh0 feeling "ack into the muscles Bridging 3armup sets %hort "ridges #&x('$ 3ork sets 3all walking down and up - "uilding up to &x9 :eck "ridges - still working my way up the neck progression in 8onvict 8onditioning & (eadstands 3armup set ;ox headstand pushups - ( set of 9-(' 3ork sets -andstand pushups against the wall - &x9 #working towards progression standard - &x(,$ )egs 1unge stretches and ankle rotations to open up the muscles and oil the joints %uperset go"let squats with kettle"ell and calf raises off a step #%ee calf raise progression in 8onvict 8onditioning &$ #3alk it off and stretch4 usually do a few lunge stretches and ankle rotations, then walk a slow lap around the fitness center!s track "efore getting into core work$ Core 1eg raises - working towards 8onvict 8onditioning progression standard for hanging straight leg raises <" wheel - working on a" wheel progression in =vercoming >ravity

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