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Eve Christine Yap D-15 W1 4R

October 09, 2012 Synthesis Paper

History is defined as the continuum of events that occur in succession. It is a record that interprets the happenings that occur and is preserved in writing. On the other hand, biology is the study of life. It includes every process not only in our body but also in the surroundings. If we relate the two fields of study, we can see that they are not so different. First is history is able to help biology in certain ways such that it was able to discover and improve what is known today. It continues to let us learn more to be able for us to apply more and create more to help not only the present but also the future generations. History is essential in biology for it has recorded certain evolutions of life, how it started and came to be. History defines biology from ancient to modern practices. It helped the field of biology know our ancestors and also species that have lived and is already extinct. It helps us know how science started and how it was studied by the early species of human. It helps know how certain knowledge were discovered and learned of and the reason behind it. History enables people to learn earlier beliefs and practices especially in medicine. It helps us innovate and discover new ways of making life more convenient. History also helps biology in tracing back the ancestors of different species. These descendants will enable present scientists learn and dive into the world of the past, their lifestyle and environment. History will biology justify the knowledge they focus on. The study of biology is not only for the present life but also for the past and future. History gives us a hint of how things work and it gives us an idea of it will be in the near future. In short, history helps biology predict certain things which is related to life. History makes us understand how we came to accept certain facts. History helps us search for the background of each life on earth. It traces back the early times where we do not exist in our form today. It helps biology manage to explain this to people and enlighten people how interesting life

Eve Christine Yap D-15 W1 4R

October 09, 2012 Synthesis Paper

was, is and will be. The two fields are related in a way that discovery, input, innovation and output of knowledge is in continuum which can never let people stop studying it. Science explain everything in facts which were proven or started from the past that was dug up by historians. People continuously record events so that the knowledge and the science will bring the future generations more idea of life and shows the essences of the fields in learning our identity. It enables us not only to discover what the world before, now and ahead but is helps us know what we were once, are now and what we might be later. It helps us learn of ourselves, the surroundings and it explains every detail. Every reason for us to acknowledge life was provided by history. History holds the key for everything we are today. We are life and those who have no life are things still essential to biology. All these things are kept by history. It is like history defines the present and predicts the future. History serves as our guide, handbook or manual which helps us avoid mistakes, learn from those and use them well for the present and allow it to show us possibilities we might find on our way of satisfying curiosity of people. History is like an endless bedtime story composed of infinite number of characters which tells about unending events that takes place in the past, present and what might occur in the future. History is a key of biology in knowing life and its mechanism. It organizes facts, thoughts, ideas, assumptions, predictions and hypotheses based on what have already taken place and might again happen. It gives the present a complete run-through of the past and uses it to decide the future. It makes biology more accurate, reliable and interesting even though it only circulates the system which we call universe and enables us to imagine and uncover the never ending list of possibilities, secrets and treasures the universe holds for us and awaits its discovery in the near time.

Eve Christine Yap D-15 W1 4R

October 09, 2012 Synthesis Paper

History for biology is a starter of a persons curiosity for biology to study and assimilate the possibilities and identify which will serve best to represent the facts for biology to keep to enable more people to know more and make them become aware of things that happen everywhere.

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