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Akmalia Fatimatul Isnaini (02) Endah Setyaningsih (05)

A Need E-Library Soon!!! problem

Increasingly advanced age is also growing existing technology. And the one of latest technology is e-library. E-library is physical site or website that provides 24hours online access to digitized audio, video, and written material. And many predict that the digital age will wipe public bookshelves clean, and permanently end the centuries-old era of libraries become e-Library.

Easily and rapidly accessing books, archives and images of various types are now widely recognized by commercial interests and public bodies alike. Simply because digital information requires very little physical space to contain it. Increased accessibility to users. Round the clock availability A major advantage of digital libraries is that people can gain access 24/7 to the information Multiple access The user is able to use any search term (word, phrase, title, name, subject) to search the entire collection. Digital libraries can provide very user-friendly interfaces, giving clickable access to its resources. Certain characteristics of objects, primarily the quality of images, may be improved. Digitization can enhance legibility and remove visible flaws such as stains and discoloration.


So, from this, we can conclude, the Elibrary is very needed. E-library is very useful for human with its advantages. We can change traditional library become E-library.

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