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Automated Library Management System of MAY-AKDA

Balamban, Christine Joy Chua (2018-00381)

Bañes, Tricia Bables (2018-00387)

Delorino, Ellein Sy (2018-00485)

Area of Investigation

MAY-AKDA Town Library is a two-story, medium sized establishment is located beside

Cainta Municipal Hall.

With over 5,000 books, and estimated 60-100 visitors that come and go everyday through the

library, here are some challenges the library has been experiencing:

• Inventory being on paper and file lost

While there is no digital system in place, it is always difficult to find records, especially if

they are in huge chunks. This is the main problem the researchers are trying to ease up,

while it is easier for most the librarians of May-Akda, a computerized system will definitely

help them store and search records.

• Data integrity on borrowing/returning of books

Books and resources are always borrowed on the library. One of the main problems are

borrowed books recorded on paper sometimes get lost. For example, when there’s a book

has been borrowed and the record was lost. On the proposed system, the admin could just

search for the book issued and can be returned easily.

• Difficulty to search record

There are a lot of records inside the library, especially when newly acquired books get

mixed up with the old ones, it gets difficult to handle them in large numbers.

• Space storage shortage

As the quantity of records grows drastically, the amount of physical storage space for files

and data grows as well and takes up the room. Keeping records over time would reach its

capacity on the long-term.

• Cost consuming

Each record paper will have to be added manually that it increases the expense of the


• When resources hit critical levels

While the library is packed with large volumes and copies of each book, shortage of books

is always a problem in terms of borrowing. The proposed system can notify users when it

comes to hit critical levels.

The researchers came up with the idea which is a library management system that can be a huge

benefit to be used by librarians to administer the library with the help of a computerized system

that allows them to add new books, films, and page sources.

This project will allow librarians to manage different features and modules:

• Login module (Librarians, Administrators)

On the login page, librarians and administrators can login and land on the dashboard.

• Books (New acquired and old books)

This module is where the acquisition of books and old books can be managed by adding,

updating, and archiving.

• Circulation (Borrowing/Returning of books)

This is the module which feature users the issuance, return, and lost books. The users can

see the book title, author, and the date the book is borrowed and when it should be returned.

Lost books are also recorded on this module.

• Members

A module that features viewing, adding, updating, and deleting new and old members

• User access level

The dashboard for editing, updating, and viewing user members’ profile are for librarians

and administrators only, while the searching and viewing of books and resources can be

accessed by visitors of the library

Libraries are critical in the process of providing citizens with access to information. They are more

important than ever before in the digital age. Our country's library systems are written, which is

why we use a lot of paper. This is extremely detrimental to the environment, and the researchers

are taking steps to mitigate it.

As a stand-alone project, it would feature login form, the dashboard, book genres form, managing

the authors forms, and many more from that bracket.

Aiming to provide efficiency in handling and managing activities involved in a library in a reliable

way. This project's key goals include less staff management, easier availability searches, and user

profile management.

Software Development Tools

• Java Programming Language (Netbeans Editor)

As Java may be used to build full apps that can run on a single machine or be spread across

a network of servers and clients, it can also be used to create a small application module that can

be embedded in a Web page.

• MySQL Database, PhpMyAdmin

MySQL can hold a wide range of data, from single characters to entire files or pictures. Despite

the fact that it can be accessed by most computer languages, it is frequently used in conjunction

with PHP because the two operate well together.

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