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Amanda Morse 10/11/13 Period 2 MODELING OSMOSIS (LAB) PROBLEM: Which way will water flow when a raw

egg is placed in 250ml of vinegar? HYPOTHESIS: If a raw egg is placed in vinegar (water) and left for four days, then the water will flow into the egg from an area of high concentration through the membrane into an area of lo concentration causing the egg to expand. THEORY: Osmosis is the diffusion of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. The reason I hypothesized that water will move into the egg because, there is 95% water in vinegar and only 74% in the egg. Some of the molecules of water are going to move into the egg because it has a lower area of concentration. This will happen because molecules move from a high area of concentration, (vinegar) to a low area of concentration, (egg). The egg will start to expand because of all the compact molecules that are traveling to get into it. Since the vinegar is a weak acid it will create a chemical reaction, which will dissolve the eggshell. This is what happens in the process of osmosis. PROCEDURE: 1. Measure circumference of a raw egg using string and a ruler in cm. 2. Place egg in beaker and fill with 250 mL of vinegar. 3. Record observations. 4. Measure circumference for 4 days and record observations. DATA/OBSERVATIONS: DAYS 1 CIRCUMFERENCE (cm) 13.5 LIQUID LEVEL (ml) 300 OBSERVATIONS - Bubbles on egg shell - 50ml displacement - Bubbles floating off of the shell - 200ml after removing the egg - Bubbles all over the egg - Slimy and squishy - Dissolved egg shell -190ml without egg





Morse, Amanda

Friday, October 11, 2013 9:12:18 AM Pacic Daylight Time


-Clearer -Smooth -Expanded more

TOTAL EXPANSION GROUP #1 = 3.5cm AVERAGE EXPANSION CLASS = 2.9cm AVERAGE EXPANSION (7th GRADE)= 2.7cm 100% of the eggs tested expanded.

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Morse, Amanda

Friday, October 11, 2013 9:12:18 AM Pacic Daylight Time


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CONCLUSION In this lab we investigated the process of osmosis. After four days, the water molecules in the high concentration vinegar (water) moved across the selectively permeable membrane to the area of low concentration water in the egg. This caused the egg that was 74% water to expand. In comparison to the 7th grade average expansion, (2.7) our groups total expansion, (3.5) was 0.8cm more. I hypothesized that the water molecules would flow from the vinegar into the egg; I hypothesized correctly 100% of the time. ANALYSIS 1. The eggshell dissolved when the vinegar that was composed of 5% acetic acid met the surface of the egg that was composed of 74% water. This created a chemical reaction that led to the eggshell being dissolved. 2. The difference between group 3s egg expansion and group 7s expansion is 3.4. The rate of expansion of group 3 was 1.125 and the rate of group 7 was 0.275. These groups got different results because results can differ in the process of osmosis, which affects the amount of expansion in the egg. 3. Cells need water because water helps regulate temperature in cells; it helps transport materials and nutrients to other cells. Water also

Morse, Amanda

Friday, October 11, 2013 9:12:18 AM Pacic Daylight Time


takes a very important role in many chemical reactions, and is mandatory in the process of osmosis.

Morse, Amanda

Friday, October 11, 2013 9:12:18 AM Pacic Daylight Time


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