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Water Displacement Video

By: Christine and Chris

Hello! I am Christine. I am Chris. Today s lesson is designed for k-5th grade science students on the topic of displacement on water. The materials for the project are: 2 clear cups, water, marker, tray, toy car, pennies, rocks, rubber duck

First we are going to test a large object, such as a toy car. We are going to place the toy car into the cup of water to see if it will float or sink and if the water rises or stay the same.

We are going to test a smaller object, such as pennies. We are going to place the pennies into the cup of water to see if the pennies will float or sink. Think of what happened to the toy car to make a prediction.

We are going to test a heavy object like rocks. We are going to place the rocks in the cup of water to see if the water level will overflow. Think about the mass of the object during this trial.

We are going to test a lighter object like a cute rubber duck. Think about the mass of this object to make your prediction if it will float or sink.

Review data results from the four trials to review the water displacement of size and weight of the two main factors tested. Hope you have more knowledge on the topic of displacement of water.

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