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MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.

Discover Science & Maths

Evidence Log
Step 1: Science
Strand: Living Things

Strand unit: Plant and Animal Life

The children in our school are currently participating in a local competition to

Grow the Biggest cabbage! They are all growing a green cabbage, which will be
judged in June. They have researched the best growing conditions (light, soil,
food etc), and their cabbages are doing well.
MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.

Strand: Energy and Forces

Strand Unit: Forces (Explore how some moving objects may be slowed

The children designed and made their own parachute, using a selection of
provided materials. The aim was to allow an egg to drop from a certain height.
The children were marked on their egg being unharmed on landing, and the
slowest descent. (3rd-6th Class)

Strand: Materials

Strand Unit: Materials and Change- Mixing and other changes

JI & SI Mixing and dissolving- make a circle of skittles, add water and watch as a
rainbow appears!


Class Mixing and dissolving leave an egg

in vinegar for 3-4 days. What does the acid in the vinegar do to the egg shell?
MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.

3-6th class Identify how materials are used- Design and make a bridge using just
1 A4 page of paper. Whose design would be able to hold the most coins?

Strand: Environmental Awareness & Care

Strand Unit: Caring for the Environment

As a school we gather our fruit peelings and teabags every day in mini compost
bins. We add these to our giant compost bin and make our own compost. We
then use this to help grow plants and flowers to keep our school looking
MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.

And, we had the Exploration Dome visit us on Wed 5 th April as part of our Space
topic. It was brilliant!

STEP 2: Technology
1. This year, the children of Cross N.S. studied the topic of Space from JI to 6 th
Class. We studied the planets, the moon and the sun, as well as famous
astronauts and space missions. We found our iPads invaluable when we
needed to do research for our projects. We used sites and apps such as
Google, NASA, DK Find Out, Wikipedia etc to find out loads of interesting

2. The children using the IWB to learn about

Easter in JI.
MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.

3. Here is Rachel preparing her PowerPoint presentation which will form part
of the STEM Showcase.


We participated in Engineers Week in our school. The children typed up their

thoughts on the experience.

Engineers Week

Engineers Week was from the 4th-10th of March 2017.

On Monday the 4th of March we watched a PowerPoint on all the

different types of Engineering.

On Tuesday the 5th of March we coloured in Quiver pages. We used

the Quiver app on our Ipads to make the rabbits come to life. It
was great fun.

On Wednesday the 6th of March we were set a challenge. We had

to make the biggest and strongest structure with marshmallows
and pasta.

On Thursday the 7th of March, Anthony Byrne from Donegal who

works as a civil engineer for P and D Lydon, came to our school. He
talked to us about what sort of engineering he does and what kind
of work a civil engineer does. He said he worked hard in school and
got a degree in College to become an engineer. He loved maths
and science in school and was very good at them. We went
outside and all got to look through his laser. We had a fantastic
time talking to Anthony.

On Friday the 8th of March we had another challenge. This time we

had to make a bridge with a sheet of paper and see how many
coins it could hold. There were loads of different designs. It was so
much fun.
MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.
MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.

STEP 4: Maths
1. The children are using their measuring skills to measure the height of their


2. Children in 4th, 5th and 6th class participating in a Measures Maths Trail in
the school yard.
MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.

STEP 5: STEM Show and Tell

The girls of 6th Class presenting their PowerPoint to the rest of the school.
MO014 Saint Feichns N.S, Cross.

The children had great fun recapping all their experiments and experiences. They
remembered the investigations that had worked really well, and also the ones
that didnt!

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