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Its either me or him! they cornered in on her. Grabbing, pushing and shoving through the heavy hard boxes.

Rays on the floor, lying helplessly as theyve gone insane. No! Rayne screams ecstatically. Shaking, and trembling as she laid in her bed with the sheets thrown off. Realizing its just a dream, no a night mare, and its the same exact one shes been having for quite a few weeks now. The creek of dawn begins to peer through her thin curtains making her eyes strain and burn to see as she looks around. She begins to think. Could it be because of what happened 2 years ago? That dreadful, cold, stormy night, when rain was pouring down on them heavily like a rushing waterfall? Rayne grew scared. Boisterous strong winds of air blew trees fearlessly. She ran, it was all she could do. He told her to. He told her. She didnt want to leave him, but He made her. After all, they were after her. They still are, somewhere deep down, waiting for her. Rayne jumped at the thought. Time to get up. Time to get ready for another day at hells home. Curving down the pavement of the cold wooden stairs, with the coldness seeping through her thin socks, freezing her feet as she makes her way down, grazing the peeling walls, out into the open. The smell of bitter coffee takes over the room. My stepfather is sitting at our brand new counter. Good morning, he tells me. I walk past, without giving him a reply, just a fierce look. I can tell hes been doing it again, its written all over his face. The red in his eyes tell it all. He told my mother hed stop. Good Morning! he said again, in a raucous tone more intensely. I tried to move on, past him but he grabbed me strenuously and vigorously and said Answer me! Now I could really smell it. The stench and odor, based on the fact he doesnt clean up very adequately. But thats not the reason. Its his nasty habit. Knowing I rather make it out alive, instead of suffocating by his malodorous, foul smell. Good Morning. I finally say and pull away. Thats much better, Raely. He says while giving me a sinister, crooked grin. I hate that name. I rush out of the kitchen door, trying not to show it. The pain, fear, and scars I have left. Tears rush down my face as I make my way down to the bus stop. Hes the reason why. Why I hate so much. Why I am the way I am. Why I dont trust or love anymore. Why Im so cruel and mean. The reason why, I put on this hard act in front of people. Even though deep down inside Im scared, depressed, and so fearful. Hes the reason why. I hate him. Whyd mother ever marry him? What does she see in him? I asked to myself, although I already know the answer. Thinking of that dark, scary, intense, night, when he told me it was Beep, Beep! A car drives by, clearing my thoughts. I finish my way to my destination and Katies there. Hey. she says. Was sup. I said back. She goes on to talk about her new boyfriend, as my mind drifts off to thinking. I dont know why she even bothers. Were not friends. She still doesnt like me. Not

like I care. Life goes on. Is she still angry at heart that I stole her boyfriend, in what like 7th grade? That was three years ago. Why is she trying to make me jealous when her boyfriend looks like a chewed up frog. Anyway she already knows I could get him if I wanted to. Hell I could get any guy, so really come on. Move ahead in life. But I really cant be talking, thinking about my stepdad Hennery once more. He is not my father. He is nothing to me but a rotten ole dirty piece of trash. I hate him. Why me? Why did he have to do those things to me? Its our little secret Raely. I remember him saying. No nothing is ours. The bus is here and its time to go. Thank God, now Katie can shut her mouth up. Who knew a morning could go so wrong. Wondering what else was in store for her, the bus pulls off. Looking around seeing the fakeness of smiles, laughter, and joy I walk up into school with my crew not feeling it. Everyone stops to talk to me, tell me how pretty I look. Same old, same old. I know Im beautiful, gorgeous, and everything but this gets tiring. Every girl wanting to be like me and all the boys chasing after me. I used to like it. That is the attention. Not anymore, not after him. Anyway I make my way down to my locker and then to the bathroom, trying to avoid people. Claire and her wanna-be friends are in there. I just keep moving and stop at a mirror to do my makeup and wet my hair that waves up instantly. The tension is so strong in here. They glare at me thinking I dont see them. Theyre so jealous and its so cute. They know all I use is lip gloss not all those cosmetics the average girl uses. Im natural, no flaws, no anything. Oh, how they hate and pucker their lips and scrunch their ashy peeling noses. They just make my day. Knowing how much they cant stand me and hate on me which only makes me even better. I make my way out as the one minute bell rings. Sitting in hell, playing on my phone and listening to music, this very attractive guy walks in our classroom. Ive seen him before. I know I have, its just I dont remember where. I glance at him but quickly look away. He seems interesting. All the thirsty girls are staring practically, drooling over the boy as they go to say hi. He looks around and his eyes land on me. Looks around again, but turns his glace back to me. One more time he repeats, and then he flashes a smile showing his gorgeous white teeth with braces and winks at me. I just roll my eyes. He comes and takes the empty seat right beside me. Here we go now. Hes cute and everything, Im just not interested. We talk for a while. Next thing you know time flys like a soaring eagle and the bell rings, indicating time to leave. I leave him in the dust like a Nascar race driver racing against his opponents, only to find out he has another class with me. Just like a baby duckling following mamas lead, he comes and plops down right beside me, creating a gush of wind that caresses me. I smell the scent of his cologne, heavy but smelling so good with delight almost making me fall in love. I slowly find myself smiling, and my eyes rolling back, but I stop. I must play it cool. Im not interested. I must remember that. Class goes by and I get to know a lot more about this new guy. His name is Wayne Currie, and he moved here from Memphis, Tennessee. So, when did you actually move here? I ask.

Um, not to long ago. Maybe like a week ago. He replied. How do you like Virginia, so far? Ive lived here before, but it was when I was young. But right now, I love it. Thats good. I say. Yea. He said. Well Im glad youre here. I said. Oops, maybe I shouldnt have said that because now he giving me this warm flashy smile and says Thanks. I turn back to my notes, kind of disturbed. The teacher announces we have 5 more minutes left in class. To avoid flirting, or anything, I turn on my phone and listen to some music. Finally, the bell rings and we are dismissed. I storm out of class like a hurricane settling in. I make my way through the crowd and towards my locker. Just when I think Im ready, and about to leave, someone taps my shoulder. Its him, Wayne. Hey. He said. Yea? I asked. Oh, um you left you pencil in class, and I wanted to give it back to you. Thats not my pencil. I chuckle. Okay so really, um you left so quickly I never got to ask you your name. he said blushing. Its Rayne. I smile and say back to him. Thats a gorgeous name, Rayne. I was wondering, since Im new around here, do you think you could help me around? Yea, sure. Heres my number. We exchange phone numbers and thats when the vibe is shot. Thanks, Raely. Do not call me that! I yelled at him. He jumps back, looking kind of hurt. Im sorry, I just thought... No. Nothing. Thought what? That we were friends? Well we are not friends. Ok? Dont try to act all buddy, buddy with me. Lose my number and get out of my way! I told him. He stands there with a shocked expression on his face. He looked worried like a hurt soul. I push past him, realizing what I have just done. I know what I did was mean, and I actually feel bad, but he came at me the wrong way. I hate that name. Walking home from school, tears start rushing down my face. I hate myself. Some first impression. To think that I kinda started to like him and now he probably thinks Im crazy, and surely rude. Walking down an alley, I start hearing noises. Talking, yelling, animals, and then heavy footsteps behind me. Oh no! Its Riley, my ex-boyfriend. A few years ago he and I were crazily in love. Nothing could separate us. Until he committed a murder and it wasnt an accident as the cops thought it was. It was a dangerous one. Riley had killed his dad, because he threatened to kill me and him, and even put a gun to our heads so that he could show us that he really would if we told about what happened to Rileys mother. Since we couldnt go to the cops we didnt know what to do, and we couldnt hide. Rileys dad was everywhere; he owned the streets on the block. Finally, Riley had, had enough and confronted his dad by this lake. They were arguing and things got pretty heated. Riley and his dad Rick were pushing and shoving each other, and next thing you know I ran out before them as a gun was on the ground. Riley told me to grab it and shoot his dad, but I couldnt.

Trembling I raised my hands up and aimed. Pull the trigger Rayne I said to myself. Grasping it in my small cold hands, I just could not. I could not kill. I wasnt a killer. I wasnt a murder. I dropped the gun and Rileys dad let go and got it. He aimed it at Riley and was so close to shooting him, but I had saved the day, at least part of it. I stabbed him with a piece of glass from an ancient beer bottle. Down he went in pain on his knees, and dropped the gun. Riley ran faster than wind itself, blowing 60 mph. He grabbed it and finally shot him. Rick fell into the deep, dark, shadowy lake. That was the last of him, and us sadly. We were both arrested but Riley took blame, for shooting and stabbing him, so he could save me. His sentence wasnt long and we had many trials. Rileys not the guy he used to be anymore. Hes hasnt been since that night, and I dont blame him. But sadly, he didnt just loose his dad, he lost me too and its terrible because out of all people, he wanted me to stay. He needed me, to stay. He loved me so dearly. I was his first love and I broke his heart. But I had to let go. Too much pain was swelling up in my heart and mind. I didnt know what to do. I was always the one to run, always running away from all my problems, instead of facing them or solving them. That just wasnt me, I couldnt do it. So I just left. Heavy footsteps gain up to me. Strong arms wrap around my waist, and peeled through my hair down towards my mouth, so I couldnt scream out loud. But Im not going to because I know who it is, but Ill just play along. Riley throws me into an abandon shed and says Guess who? Help me! I screamed, fighting, hitting, and scratching. He shakes me, to calm me and says Guess who? once more. I finally just say Who? Riley? Yea, baby. Ya miss me? Sure. But hey wassup? I ask him. He tries to give me a kiss but I back up. I still love him, but we have too much of a past. He still loves me obviously, but we cant just start over. Were too different. Oh, what? So youre too good to kiss me now? Riley can be very forceful and demanding. Thats another reason we didnt work out. Knowing him I say something pleasant. Yes I missed you I just dont wanna kiss you right here, right now. But he kisses me anyway. Even though Im a little mad he did that but I kind of liked it. Anyway we talked for hours and soon its late evening, lights are off, kids are going into their houses and the sky is baby blue with streaks of crimson shining through the fluffy cotton candy clouds. Riley walks me home. When I get home no ones there. I start to think about Wayne and how rude I was to him earlier. I decide to text him and say Hey, Im sorry about how I acted today, I feel so bad. I understand if you dont want anything to do with me I was totally in the wrong. Youre a nice person, so far and yeah I would like to get to know you I pause for a second, wondering if I should say that. I dont wanna sound thirsty. So I add If you want. Then looking it over and analyzing it, I hit send. Few minutes later I get a text back and its from him! It reads Rayne, Im sorry too, and of course its okay. Maybe we were both in the wrong, both in the wrong, but I would like to get passed this and get to know you better to if thats okay. Smiling and thinking to myself I text him back letting him know thats cool. Next thing you I know, were texting for hours and talking on the phone all night. Oh how Im falling for

him. Weeks go by and were talking every day. One day all of a sudden he texts me saying Rayne bae Ik weve been talking for a while, and I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me and after that go catch a movie, Friday night? Wow, Wayne really had liked me. I mean I had liked him but I dont know. I text him back saying Sure, Id love to go. Alright. Cool, its a date then. At the end of our talking I start to do my homework when suddenly a door creaks open. Ha, thats weird because Im the only one here. I think to myself. I continue to work on my homework. Then I start hearing slow and quiet whispers almost sounding like their saying Rayne, Rayne. I shiver and start to grow timid. I deiced to put my headphones in and listen to some music but then the lights flicker. One blink, two blink. I wonder if I should go downstairs to check. Next thing you know as I stand to get up, all the lights shut off. Now Im freaking out. Oh how I wish Wayne was here. Thats it I think. I quickly call Wayne and right when he says hello the phone is knocked out of my hand and then Boom! Im slowly knocked out like a Sumer wrestler finishing off his opponent. All I can remember is curtains moving and being dragged out. Im carried out like a drunken girl over a sober mans shoulder with my head dangling down and then I get thrown in a truck of some sort. The people start their engine and drive off casually as if nothing ever happened. Rayne has been kidnapped, taken, perhaps stolen. By who? Were all wondering. Could it be that she was threatened or maybe its then people that were after her. Are after her. Have they finally found her? But if so how? He promised shed be okay. He promised hed watch over her. He promised to keep her safe. He promised. But where is she now? The winds begin to blow fiercely as the van jumps up and forth like it was on a trampoline. They make a sharp turn sending Rayne flying towards the other side, crashing hard. Finally theyre drawn to a hard stop. The people get out and carry Rayne off into the distant, through some deep woods. They tie her to a rope and hang her upside down. Rayne starts to wake up and realizes she not at home but in the shadows of some deep dark death woods. Let me go! Let me go. NOW! I yell loudly. Oh someones a little feisty. Struggling to break through the rope and break free, I move motionless and desperately. Ugh! I scream. Panting heavily and hard, my chest starts to pound as if it was going to explode like a grenade. The wind picks up and rain starts to trickle down my sweaty forehead. You know youre not getting out of that right? The voice is so awakening. Ive heard it before, a lot. Just as I turn my head, I begin to say Hener! Yes its me your step father. Im surprised you figured it out he said sarcastically. Yelling fiercely now, I scream for help. Biting, tearing, gnashing of my teeth like I am a vicious animal fighting its predator. Please, someone help me! I scream. You do know no one can hear you, Right? Out of the distance I hear another voice say. Oh my lord! It was so familiar. Too familiar. Please dont tell me. No! I whimper and pout displeasingly. Its Riley.

Hey baby. Whats up? Did you miss me? he asked. I cant believe this is happening. No reply, oh cool But just so you know, that rope has a timer and in 45 minutes if I dont get what I want, you and him are going to die, as in that little boyfriend of yours. Hes here too. He says while smirking. Now knowing that theres a timer and Wayne here, I must come up with a plan. Thats it. I remember when I saw you at the movies with him. I was like is that my little Rayne. My little Raely? With some other guy? Oh no she wouldnt do that Shes Mine! He knows how much I hate that name. Let alone how much I hate him. But I must play it cool, and be careful now aware that Wayne is here. Oh, Babyboy that was nothing. Dont you know that I love you? I only want you baby. What do I have to do to get down and show you how much I want to be with you? I thought you loved me. How are you doing this to me? I ask him in my puppy dog face. You really love me Rayne Riley asks me. Of course I do Riley. Ive always have and you know that baby. I lie to him. That settles it then. Give riley what he wants and we will let you go. Hennery says. Well, um what does he want? I ask slyly. You. Wayne says out of nowhere. I look around and turn to find Wayne tied to a chair with gasoline right above him, with a tube of matches waiting to be lit. I must get out of here, and save Wayne. He doesnt deserve this. well if thats it, he can have me. I say. Okay, weve got a deal. But wait, under one condition. You let Wayne go free. So it will be. Hennery says. When I get to the ground Riley is waiting for me grinning. Okay, so you can have me as soon as you let Wayne go. I tell him. Oh did I agree on that. My bad, I forgot. In order for this to work, funny huh.. He has to die. He says giving me a cold stare. No! That wasnt part of our agreement. I yell. Well either he dies and you live, or you both die. Riley says evilly. I look around the woods and see if theres anything to grab. Theres a gun on the table, but its too far. I would have to make a run for it. But then I see something sparkle in the moonlight. Its a pocket knife in Rileys pants. I make my way over thee and wrap my arms around him. Oh, baby. I whisper in his ear. I love you so much and just want you. Give me a kiss my dear. I tell him. Slowly we kiss and I make my hands down to the knife and grab it. He hugs me tight and then I stab him hard. Ow! he yelled in a shock of pain. Hennery runs over to him cursing and I make my way to the table and grab the gun. Freeze! I yell and aim the gun at them as if any minute I would pull the trigger. They quickly stood up as Riley was oozing out blood. She wont do anything Riley whispered to hennery. Shut Up! I aimed it at him. Oh Raely, you know you cant. You couldnt even do it that night I killed my father. Youre not about it. Dont test me. I will do it! I scream. Oh, Raely come here baby. I wont tell anyone, its just our little secret. Hennery said with a chuckle. They started taunting me and I couldnt take it anymore. I shot the gun in the air, and they shut up instantly.

Now its me, I win. Aiming the gun at Riley and my father I say No one else will ever touch me, molest me, abuse or rape me again. Ha! Father you lose. You all lose. This is the end of you. Goodbye. I pull the trigger and the bullet shoots up at the pan bounces off and hits the runner and drops down the rope that they got caught in. Down they fell, crashing against the rocks of the steep cliff fall. Theyre finally gone. I rush to Wayne and untie him. We hug and kiss passionately for a long time and I realize its true love. All that is left is unspoken. It seems as if its a happy ever after ending until he tells me, Rayne, I love you. Those three words. That is why, why Ive killed them. Wayne I love you too. But Im sorry. I cant let you live. I chuckle. As my arms are around him I pull the trigger to his back. Boom! down he falls to his knees looking up at me. Goodbye Wayne. I push him off the cliff and watch him fall as he goes down. Hahahaha! I bitterly laugh, theyre all gone! Theyre All Gone! I smile a crooked smile. This time I kill them. I kill them all. I realized I like to kill. Newsflash my life has changed. I wake up, eyes bold, flashy and aware. My name is Rayne. Rayne Carlilido and this is my story.

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