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School _________________________________________________________________

Teacher.: Ednara Rita Subject: English

Date: ___________
Grade: ____
Students: _______________________________________________________________

Evaluation Activity
1. Leia as sentenas e escreva (V) para verdadeiro ou (F) para falso.

) Podemos usar WAS e WERE apenas em frases negativas.

) O passado do verbo TO BE tem forma nica.

) Nas frases interrogativas, s usamos o verbo antes do pronome.

) No plural no usamos apenas a forma WERE.

2. Associe as perguntas s repostas.

a) Were the students at the school?

) No, he wasnt.

b) Were we at school last Saturday?

) Yes, they were.

c) Was he at home yesterday?

) No, it wasnt.

d) Was it hot yesterday?

) yes, we were.

3. Organize as seguintes frases.

a) yesterday we happy were
b) not was he sad
c) dirty she was ?
d) I sick was

4. Complete com o passado de WAS OU WERE:

a) Sandra _____ at the cinema.

c) He __________ not at the museum..

b) We __________ at school.

d) I ________ at the park.

5. Reescreva as frases conforme indicado.

a) He was a mechanic. (int)


b) They were at school.(neg) _____________________________________________

c) Was he sad? (afir)


d) I was happy. (neg)


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