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Piecing together Industrial America

You have 8 puzzle pieces; each puzzle piece will have a term, idea, or concept of Y !" choice #ma$e sure %ou can rationalize %our choices& 'ach term, idea, or concept in the puzzle piece will have the following Name( )lessing or *urse( "ationale( #+,- sentences&

.here must /e at least one term, idea, or concept from each section of *h.0 After, all the puzzle pieces are filled with terms, ideas, and concepts 1irst, %ou will review %our puzzle pieces .hen, either illustrate or descri/e what %our pieces create in the conte2t of the Industrial development 1inall%, rationalize %our illustration or description /ased on %our choices in puzzle pieces #3,4 5entences&

Rational of Puzzle Pieces:

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