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Born to Race

Picture Description The camera panned across to reveal a cityscape. This indicates that this film will be fast paced and full of action. It also hints that we will be encountering a wide range of characters (as a city is full of diversity) The camera has been put on the floor to give a snail s eye view. It also gives the audience an idea of the speed the cars are going! cars also indicate a fast paced environment. This gives us an even further indication that the film will be fast paced. This is a wide shot showing a "bac# street race$. This is when races happen on highways and roads illegally. This could indicate a crime culture within the city. %urther increases the stereotype of women and what they wear. &a#es them have to appear to not wear a lot' and not spectate( )ust ta#e part. It is a menial role( bac#dating the presumption that women were only suited for menial supporting roles( for the male drivers This increases the stereotype that men see her as an ob)ect' and not as a person. It is a medium two shot

This could be seen as a point of view shot from one of the drivers. The fast rate in which we see the spectators on the road can help indicate this.

*e get a better view of the spectators when the se+uence of the race starting is repeated. The stereotype about women not being interested in racing is somewhat challenged here( although it is clear that they are in the minority. The camera pans up after the title of the film is shown from the bottom of the car up to the view of when we can see someone getting out the car. ,udging by the driver s appearance we can assume that he is from a lower class( by the car he drives and his clothes. -e has a hooded )ac#et on and a baseball cap with the tongue facing the other way. This is thought to be the appearance of people from the urban areas of a city' and those of rap artists.

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