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Handout 9.

6p A PORTFOLIO - Qualified


9th Grade Mid-Year Update
Name: Dylan Rhoads MY GOALS
Think about the goals you have set for yourself for this year. Then, either coy them or update them.

ACADEMIC GOAL: I will succeed in my classes this year because I am very determined to set myself up
for a successful future doing something that I enjoy.

ACTIVITIES GOAL: To get involved in school and my community this year, I will participate in Basketball, Track, and Summer Ball. COLLEGE & CAREER READINESS GOAL: To become more college & career ready this year,
I will continue to use my advisory period as a resource for college and career information.

PROGRESS IN 9TH GRADE: ACADEMICS (Note your grades and whether you think you are doing well or not.) Language Arts: Math: Science: Helth: Digitools :

Grade A Grade B+ Grade B Grade A Grade A Grade: B

How I am doing: I think I am doing well. How I am doing: I think I am doing well. How I am doing: I think I am doing well. How I am doing: I think I am doing well. How I am doing: I think I am doing well. How I am doing: I think I am doing well.



I am involved in the following activities: Football, basketball, and track.

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