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I have increasingly been thinking about what I have done this academic year and how I can improve

the next as the year draws to a close. This is in part because I am almost about to enter the second half
of middle school, and I want to summarize all my achievements and use them as a guideline to decide
my future.

Regarding my academic achievements, I would say they were excellent in many subjects, with a few
exceptions. My grades in math, the physical sciences, and the social sciences — all the ones that apply
calculation and heavy knowledge — and a few other subjects, or specifically, a final grade of 9 in all
cases. There are some subjects where I have received a lower grade, notably Literature, however, they
were more creativity-leaning subjects. I have also taken part in a few extracurricular events this year,
like the Open Day volunteer program and most recently and ongoing Fun Fact Festival, although I
definitely could have been more active in joining more of these activities. In addition, I found that I have
been able to assist my teachers more and get to know them and other people in the school better, a
step up from the first day of school after lockdown where I felt quite isolated.

Reflecting on what you have done is helpful, but planning for the future is much more so. There were a
number of issues this year that can be changed for the better. Like I said before, I definitely could have
participated in more extracurricular activities, like joining one of the clubs this year. They would have
been a path to improve many essential social skills like cooperation skills, as well as English skills and my
social outreach. I think I was afraid of the obligations when I decided not to join the clubs at the
beginning of the year, but now, I am sure that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Another
thing that I can improve is that I could definitely try harder at Literature and some other subjects next
year. While I completed all my assignments and filled my notebooks, I was kind of apathetic towards
them as they require writing a lot of words and being creative, and as a result, I honestly did not revise
very extensively in those subjects. That can be improved in the next year, although it might be a
challenge as the workload increases from grade to grade. Nevertheless, I think I can make it, as there is
no cost too high for success.

This have been my essay on what my achievements were after over 8 months of school and what I can
improve in the next academic year. I know I need to ramp up my studies as both the workload increases
in grade 8 and also, I am inching one year closer to the high school entry examinations, which will
essentially decide what my future will be. I hope that students can use this as a guide to plan their own

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