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Richard Bradley Morris

Mailing Address: 4101 36th St NE ! Tacoma WA 98422

Phone Number: 253.722.3759
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1he pasLor ls a scholar, and Lhe scholar ls a pasLor. 1he academlc ls noL allowed Lo be
so absLracL LhaL hls or her words have no relevance for Lhe people slmng ln Lhe pews.
And Lhe mlnlsLer has a responslblllLy Lo be so well-versed ln blbllcal and Lheologlcal
sLudles LhaL he does noL shorLchange hls congreganLs. My passlon ls brlnglng
LogeLher Lhe oen separaLed worlds of Lhe academy and Lhe church.
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l was born on Aprll 12, 1989 ln lederal Way, WashlngLon. l auended publlc school
LhroughouL my elemenLary and hlgh school years, and l would noL exchange LhaL
experlence for anyLhlng.
l accepLed ChrlsL aL Lhe age of slx (1993) when my famlly began golng Lo church. 1hls
was my rsL expresslon of falLh, buL LhroughouL my llfe Lhe SplrlL has conunued Lo
make ChrlsL more beauuful and hls work more meanlngful and personal. When l was
Lwelve, Lhe passlon Lo be a pasLor began Lo develop. 1hls sense was rened aL
WheaLon College. AL uallas Semlnary lL was made clear LhaL l also have a
LemperamenL well-sulLed for Lhe classroom.
ln my spare ume, l en[oy wrlung, cooklng, and waLchlng movles and shows LhaL make
me laugh.
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8achelor of ArLs - 8lbllcal SLudles (2009)
Magna Cum Laude
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MasLer of 1heology - new 1esLamenL SLudles (May 2014)
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AssoclaLe of ArLs (2007)
CraduaLed wlLh Ponors
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Wlll Leach Speclal Lducauon sLudenLs ln a low-lncome communlLy ln SouLh

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Crade and record weekly asslgnmenLs ln addluon Lo research and Loplc

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ueslgned and LaughL an elghL-week course for adulLs Lhrough hlllpplans.
CreaLed handouLs and homework for sLudenLs. CuluvaLed personal
relauonshlps wlLh sLudenLs lnslde and ouLslde of Lhe classroom.

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Auended monLhly leadershlp semlnars. MeL bl-weekly wlLh a SplrlLual
lormauon fellow for prayer. MeL, LaughL, and prayed weekly wlLh 4-6 men ln
my small group. CuluvaLed personal relauonshlps wlLh my group ouLslde of
scheduled meeungs.

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reach exposluonal sermons for Lhe congregauon on Sundays. erlodlcally
LaughL Lhe youLh and college-aged sLudenLs.
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Serve blweekly aL Sunday servlces | lall 2012 - resenL
Acuve member of small group | lall 2012 - resenL
ueslgned Men's 8eLreaL pamphleL | Sprlng 2012
lnluaLed and deslgned membershlp maLerlals | lall 2011 - lall 2012

8/++/$ 9*.,+,5":/+ 0.2"#/&'6 9.;/$
Co-edlLor for SLudenL !ournal | lall 2013 - resenL
SLa wrlLer for SLudenL !ournal | lall 2011 - resenL
lloor llalson for WashlngLon Pall (campus houslng) | lall 2011

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Currlculum developer, uv8 (mlddle school group) | lall 2010

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ulsclpleshlp Small Croup CoordlnaLor and Croup Leader | Aug 2008 - May 2009
Chlcago Lvangellsm 1eam | SepL 2008 - March 2009
88LAkAWA? MlnlsLry mlsslon Lo uenver, CC | March 2009
SLudenL revlewer for Zondervan @AB 852&%$5 C#D=% | SepL - CcL 2007
1elephone MlnlsLry for Lhe 8llly Craham Classlcs" broadcasL | uec 2009
Counselor and co-laborer for lranklln Craham lesuval ln knoxvllle | Apr 2008

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lalLh ln Acuon school clean up pro[ecL | !ul 2009
lnluaLed and served church owerolnL mlnlsLry | CcL 2003 - uec 2006
Church omce asslsLanL | Aug 2003 and Aug 2006

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rlmary wrlLer of ugeL Sound Larly College's consuLuuon | !une - uec 2006
8oad Crew for ugeL Sound Larly College | !an - May 2006
ln progress: 1he 8ole of Women ln Lhe Cospel of Luke" C#D=#"5,%+) 8)+*)

SLudenL !ournal arucles (u1S)
Marry Lhe Cospel, Lngage Lhe CulLure" lnLervlew wlLh ur. uarrell 8ock
1he Mlracle of 8read"
Look for Lhe 8lue Awnlng"
new Campalgn lans Lo uouble Scholarshlps"

E,% F*)+% 5" F="*> F)9G 1 ;/ H)> I"25, H%J"K"$)=. MusLang, Ck: 1aLe
ubllshlng, 2006.

page 3 of 4
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uallas 1heologlcal Semlnary
rofessor of 8lble Lxposluon
Senlor LdlLor C#D8)+
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ClLy Church lnLernauonal
AssoclaLe asLor
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ersonal lrlend

Additional references available upon request.
page 4 of 4
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Awarded for scholasuc achlevemenL and hlgh mlnlsLry poLenual.
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Awarded Lo Lhe sLudenL who demonsLraLes ouLsLandlng Leachlng ablllLy ln Lhe
semlnary's Lay lnsuLuLe.
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Awarded for scholasuc achlevemenL and leadershlp poLenual.

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