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1uesday 1
Aprll free chocolaLe for
all Lhe children (maybe)
1hursday 3
!unlor School
Cpen AfLernoon -2:30 Lo 3:00pm
lease pop ln and have a look aL
your childs work

lrlday 4
Aprll lasL day of Lerm.
Pappy LasLer!
lrlday 4
Aprll- lnfanL School 1lA
LasLer 1reasure PunL 3.13pm ln
lrlday 4Lh Aprll- 3:13pm unLll
4:43pm !unlor School LasLer ulsco!

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8ack Lo school on
Wednesday 23

Monday 28
Aprll !unlor
School class phoLographs

Monday 28
9am lederaLlon
volunLeer 1ralnlng
1uesday 29
2.30pm- lederaLlon
volunLeer 1ralnlng
8oLh sesslons aL Lhe !unlor

"#$%&' () *) $% +,-(-. Dont be stuck for things to do
Lhls LasLer, Lake a look aL Lhe many acLlvlLles around
Lhe clLy, some free, some come wlLh a small charge.
8emember lf you are enLlLled Lo Lhe upll remlum
granL you can clalm 73 off a childs entrance fee by
slmply leLLlng offlce sLaff have Lhe recelpL so LhaL Lhey
can relmburse you. 1ake a look and book some acLlve
LasLer fun! (see Lhe aLLachmenL Lo Lhe newsleLLer, look
for a paper copy ln a bookbag or plck one up from Lhe
school offlce areas ln boLh schools).
+*/01($)% 2$(3 as well as LasLer AcLlvlLles around Lhe
city dont forget to log on to LducaLlon ClLy, a Lop
programme wlLh Lhe lnfanL chlldren, Lry maLhs,
llLeracy, sclence games - beaL your besL score as you
lmprove your skllls aL Lhe same Llme. Why noL check
you can successfully log on Lhls week? Any querles
please talk you your childs class teacher.
Pave a lovely LasLer Pollday back Lo school on
Wednesday 23

"#- 40#))5 6/.'- or rather the Federation Nurse will be in school on Aprll 2
. She ls avallable unLll 10am Lo
Lalk Lo parenLs abouL any maLLer LhaL she can help wlLh. !unlor School parenLs are very welcome Lo meeL her
aL Lhe lnfanL School by Lhe SLarllghL 8oom (by Lhe llshLank)

Cn lrlday we appolnLed Clalre Mcklmm Lo Lhe posL of
AcLlng AsslsLanL PeadLeacher aL Lhe !unlor School, sLarLlng
ln SepLember when Mr Sulllvan becomes AcLlng
PeadLeacher. l am sure you wlll [oln me ln congraLulaLlng
Clalre, and wlll glve her all Lhe poslLlve supporL and
encouragemenL she deserves.

7-1*$%& 8). 9-1%$%& :).;'#)<
As chlldren geL more confldenL wlLh Lhelr readlng Lhey move from worklng ouL whaL Lhe words on Lhe page
say Lo worklng ouL whaL Lhey mean. 1hls can be a really dlfflculL LranslLlon for some of Lhem Lo make. 1o
supporL you ln helplng Lhem wlLh Lhls we are runnlng a arenLs Workshop aL Lhe !unlor School Lomorrow
(1uesday) from 3:13 4:13. Some of you have already slgned up, buL Lhere are sLlll some places avallable lf
you would llke Lo come along.

9/=' () 5/%0#
We had 63 mums and loLs of lnfanLs come along Lo our speclal lunch lasL Wednesday. lL was lovely Lo see
you all and puL names Lo some faces. 1hank you for Laklng Lhe Llme Lo come along and agaln Lhanks Lo all
Lhe sLaff LhaL make Lhese days posslble.
lrom Lhe new Lerm, maln meals ln boLh schools wlll lncrease sllghLly Lo 2.20. 1hls lncrease reflecLs
lncreases ln food cosLs whlch we unforLunaLely have Lo pass on. We sLlll feel LhaL Lhls represenLs excellenL
value for money wlLh a nuLrlLlonal and LasLy Lwo course meal and drlnk for 2.20.

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lnfanL and nursery School !unlor School lollow us on 1wlLLer
01392 238894 01392 667830 SLokefed

4<.$%& >.)/%*' 9).%$%& 1omorrow wlll brlng Aprll
wlLh Lhe monLh of May speedlng behlnd lL so Lhls
ls [usL an advance remlnder LhaL Sprlng Crounds
Mornlng for Lhe lnfanL and nursery School ls planned
for SaLurday 11
May beLween 9- 12noon. Save Lhe
daLe for some dlgglng and planLlng Lo help our school
bursL lnLo colour for Lhe Summer 1erm - more
lnformaLlon afLer Lhe holldays.

larewell for now and all our besL wlshes Lo Mrs
Charlene 1wlLchen and Mrs Laura-!ane Channlng
who commence Lhelr MaLernlLy Leave on lrlday!

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We have had to set a new date for the Curriculum Evening advertised in your childs annual report envelope.
We hope LhaL you wlll sLlll be able Lo come along on:
Wednesday 14Lh May
LocaLlon: ?ear 2 8lock
Following the targets set in your childs report we will be offering a range of workshops and opportunities to
help your chlld Lo achleve Lhelr LargeLs ln sLyle and wlLh no grumbles aL all!

1he !unlor School 1A are runnlng an +1'(-. ?$'0)
on lrlday afLernoon from 3:13 4:43. 1he chlldren
can brlng parLy cloLhes Lo change lnLo afLer school.
unforLunaLely we cannoL lnvlLe younger or older
slbllngs Lo Lhe dlsco due Lo consLralnLs of space.

We conLlnuously rlsk assess LhroughouL Lhe school
and havlng consldered access Lo Lhe !unlor school,
we have declded LhaL Lhe drlveway gaLe wlll be shuL
aL 8.20 each mornlng. lf you need Lo access Lhe slLe
afLer Lhls Llme, please park on Lhe road and walk ln.
1hls declslon has been made wlLh Lhe chlldren's
safeLy ln klnd. lease supporL us by respecLlng Lhe

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