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2013-2014 School ?ear
k-3Lh Crade newsleLLer

Welcome 8ack!!!

We are very exclLed for Lhe new school year and are looklng forward Lo worklng wlLh Lhe k-3Lh grade sLudenLs ln Lhe year ahead! ?ou and your
chlld can sLay connecLed vla Lhe SlC arL pages aL arenLs and sLudenLs can access Lhls blog Lo flnd lnformaLlon
regardlng due daLes, pro[ecLs, lnLeresLlng arL arLlcles, and Lhe arL syllabus. SLudenLs may also access Lhe blog Lo connecL Lo varlous lnLeracLlve
arL games, drawlng programs, and access Lo local and naLlonal arL gallerles. We encourage you Lo go Lo Lhe blog and follow by emall"(found on
Lhe rlghL hand column). 8y addlng your emall address you wlll be auLomaLlcally noLlfled every Llme Lhere ls a new posL. lcLures and names of
sLudenLs wlll nC1 be used on Lhls blog. rlvacy ls of uLmosL lmporLance.

We wanLed Lo keep you lnformed of our classroom rules and procedures for Lhe year ahead.


Cur phllosophy ls LhaL sLudenLs should learn Lo become self-regulaLlng ln a classroom seLLlng. ln order for Lhls Lo be successful our
expecLaLlons/consequences/lncenLlves should be clear and falr. We belleve ln muLual respecL and an open dlalogue beLween us and Lhe
sLudenLs. Cur door ls always open lf sLudenLs need Lo dlscuss anyLhlng wlLh us. ln order Lo make sure Lhls ls a successful and en[oyable year for
all, we wanLed Lo leL you know whaL our expecLaLlons, rules, procedures, consequences, and lncenLlves are for Lhe upcomlng year.

Cur expecLaLlons are dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe rules LhaL are ln place for Lhe arL class. 1hose rules are as follows:
1. 8especL each oLher
2. uo my besL (ln all LhaL l do)!
3. 1ake charge of my behavlor and my learnlng.
4. 1ake care of Lhe classroom and everyLhlng ln lL.
3. Come Lo class prepared!

We hope LhaL each chlld Lakes prlde ln hls/her own work, respecLs Lhemselves and each oLher, and puLs forLh a poslLlve efforL ln all Lhey Lry. 1he
rules are geared aL puLLlng Lhe sLudenL ln charge of Lhelr own acLlons and behavlor. lf an lssue occurs, along wlLh Lhe School-Wlde 8ules (ln
parenL handbook), we have lncluded a shorL-hand verslon below of consequences for Lhe followlng lssues: homework lnfracLlons/class
preparaLlon, mlsconducLs, and classroom clean-up.


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SLudenLs for conslsLenLly good behavlor or for golng above and beyond Lhe call of duLy wlll be glven a Mona 8uck durlng or aL Lhe end of class.
Mona 8ucks wlll be slgned by Lhe sLudenL and dropped lnLo Lhe Mona 8ucks box. Lach week, we wlll do a drawlng and LhaL sLudenL wlll earn a

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1. When enLerlng classroom, sLudenLs wlll quleLly go Lo Lhelr asslgned seaL.
2. 1hey wlll noL Louch Lhe maLerlals on Lhe desk and wlll walL quleLly for lnsLrucLlons.

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Any sLudenLs LhaL compleLe Lhelr pro[ecL ahead of Llme, may geL a free draw handouL, or asslsL me ln any pro[ecLs LhaL l may have for Lhem
(cleanlng palnLbrushes, eLc.)

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SLudenLs are free Lo move lndependenLly around Lhe classroom Lo geL maLerlals, buL nC1 Lo soclallze or wasLe Llme.

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1alklng ln class ls allowed as long as Lhe Lalklng does noL keep sLudenLs from Lhelr work, geLs Loo loud, or ls durlng Lhe Llme LhaL Lhe Leacher ls

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8esLroom breaks are dlscouraged, as we have llmlLed class Llme. Powever, lf lL ls an emergency and sLudenLs do noL abuse Lhe prlvllege,
sLudenLs may be excused Lo go Lo Lhe resLroom. klndergarLners wlll go wlLh an alde. llrsL, second, and Lhlrd graders wlll go wlLh a buddy.

1. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo ralse Lhelr hands durlng class Lo ask quesLlons or share.
2. SLudenLs are also expecLed Lo respecL each oLher.


1. All paper aL Lhelr Lable and floor musL be recycled.
2. All maLerlals puL back exacLly how Lhey were when Lhey came lnLo Lhe room.
3. MaLerlals llke palnLbrushes wlll be placed ln slnk.
4. WaLerbuckeLs re-fllled for nexL class.
3. 1ables cleaned and drled.

1. When Lables are clean, sLudenLs wlll walL aL Lhelr Lables Lo be excused.
2. We wlll hand-ouL Lhe wlnner of Mona 8ucks for Lhe day
3. 1ables wlll be dlsmlssed based on behavlor and cleanllness.
4. SLudenLs may plck up Lhelr books and leave Lhe classroom.


We work closely wlLh your chlld's homeroom Leacher over Lhe course of Lhe year as well as wlLh Lhe admlnlsLraLlon. lf Lhere are addlLlonal
resource Leachers needed, we would be glad Lo glve you more lnformaLlon on where/how Lo geL ln conLacL wlLh Lhem.

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grade sLudenLs wlll recelve an arL box durlng Lhe flrsL weeks of school. lease make sure LhaL Lhe box ls clearly labeled wlLh
Lhelr name/grade/secLlon.

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Crades 1-3
follow a sLandards based reporL card ln ArL. 1he sLandard on Lhe reporL cards for ArL reads AcLlve arLlclpaLlon."
AcLlve arLlclpaLlon ln ArL ls deflned as:
-lollowed ulrecLlons
-undersLood concepLs
-used creaLlvlLy and Lhelr own ldeas
-ulsplayed neaL, Lldy work/good crafLsmanshlp

Lach pro[ecL ls assessed by Lhe rubrlc below. We keep a record of Lhese ln Lhe classroom.
8ubrlcs are noL senL home for grades k-3
. We belleve LhaL arL should be fun and do noL wanL Lo sLlfle Lhe sLudenLs creaLlvlLy wlLh Lhe pressure
of a grade. lf a sLudenL ls conslsLenLly noL meeLlng expecLaLlons for LhaL Llme of Lhe year, we wlll conLacL you Lo leL you know where a sLudenL ls
sLruggllng ln arL.
lease be aware LhaL ln Lhe flrsL LrlmesLer, mosL sLudenLs wlll recelve a mark of approachlng" on Lhelr reporL card as we have noL yeL masLered
Lhe end of Lhe school year goals/expecLaLlons. 1he goal ls Lo progress Lo be aL Lhe meeLlng expecLaLlons" by Lhe end of Lhe school year.

arLlclpaLlon shows LhaL Lhe sLudenL: @@
8eyond end of
year grade level

AL end of
year grade
end of year
grade level
Maklng llmlLed
Loward end of
year grade
1. lollowed dlrecLlons
2. undersLood concepLs
3. used creaLlvlLy and Lhelr own ldeas
4. ulsplayed neaL, Lldy work/good crafLsmanshlp
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We encourage you Lo please conLacL us durlng Lhe school year lf you have any concerns/commenLs/or [usL Lo lnLroduce yourself. We Lry Lo
respond Lo emalls wlLhln 24 hours and Lhls ls Lhe qulckesL way Lo geL a hold of us durlng Lhe day. AlLhough, we encourage you Lo lnLroduce
yourself Lo us lf you see us on campus, we do noL always have Llme for an lmprompLu conference. lf you would llke Lo seL-up a conference wlLh
elLher of us, please emall or call us wlLh lnformaLlon on whaL days/Llmes you would be avallable Lo meeL and lnformaLlon on whaL you would llke
Lo dlscuss so we can be well prepared for Lhe meeLlng. Cur conLacL lnformaLlon:

Mrs. Mlchelle Mlfsud (k-2
grade arL)
(408) 377-6343

Mrs. Mary Saca (3
grade arL)
(408) 377-6343

And please, by all means, keep checklng ln on our arL blog We encourage you and your chlld Lo become a follower"
of Lhe blog and Lo follow by emall" so LhaL you wlll be auLomaLlcally noLlfled every Llme Lhere ls a new posL.

Looklng forward Lo Lhe upcomlng year and Lo seelng whaL creaLlve Lhlngs Lhe sLudenLs come up wlLh!! Welcome back!

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