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Paso Robles High School 2014-2015

English 1 Syllabus
Mr. Kevin Lelair
Dear Students and Parents:
Welcome to English 1 in room 1023 at Paso Robles High School. I loo !or"ard to getting to no"
#ou and $ro%iding #ou "ith the sills and no"ledge #ou need to be success!ul in #our !uture. It is m#
res$onsibilit# to $ro%ide #ou "ith a stimulating learning en%ironment. It is #our res$onsibilit# to learn.
Ha%e a great #ear at Paso Robles High School&
on!ac! "n#or$a!ion%
I "ill be a%ailable in room 1023 during tutorial or b# a$$ointment. 'ou can contact me at
mleclai r($ or lea%e a %oice mail at &'05( )*+-1500 ,M- .50+4/.
ourse 0escri1!ion English 1 23-% )his t"o*semester college $re$arator# course is designed to
$re$are students to master +ali!ornia,s +ommon +ore +ontent Standards -+++S. in reading/ "riting/
listening/ and s$eaing. )he course is com$rised o! eight units "here #ou "ill e0$lore literature and
in!ormational te0t in order to !orm and share o$inions about the themes or central ideas. 1t the end o!
each unit/ #ou "ill be re2uired to "rite a !ormal essa# -e0$lanator#/ argumentati%e/ or narrati%e. and
$re$are t#$ed !inal dra!ts using 341 !ormat. )he readings include a %ariet# o! short*stories/ $oems/
$la#s/ no%els/ essa#s/ articles/ letters/ and other in!ormational selections. )his course 2uali!ies as
5+6+S5 -b. !or English. 7ote: PRHS re2uires 8*#ears o! English.
4ha! !o bring !o class &su11lies(% )e0tboos are e$t in class. 9n*line access to the te0tboo is
a%ailable and6or #ou can chec out a te0tboo !rom the librar#. 'ou "ill be gi%en an Interacti%e
Reader to use !or home"or all #ear. Please bring the !ollo"ing items to class e%er# da#:
Pens5 1encils5 highligh!ers5 s!u6en! "0 car6
-in6er #ille6 7i!h 1a1er
Ho$e7or8 assign$en!s5 in-class rea6ing novels an6 o!her !e9!s
4ri!ing :ournal -This journal will be collected and graded every two weeks. You may use a
spiral notebook that has a minimum of 100 pages to include all class notes, quickwrites,
quies, and daily language activities..
"n6e1en6en! rea6ing novel -You will read and complete a literature analysis for at least one
independent book outside of class each semester. ! will provide you with a list of
recommendations. "owever, you may choose to select a book that is not on the list as long
as you approve it with me. You must have your first independent book by #riday, $eptember
La!e ; Ma8e-u1 4or8% Pre$are to com$lete and turn in all assignments on the da# the# are due.
4ate "or "ill be acce$ted/ but "ill onl# recei%e :0; o! the %alue o! the assignment and must be
turned in during the unit "e are currentl# "oring on. <o la!e or $a8e-u1 7or8 7ill be acce1!e6
a#!er 0ece$ber 1'5 2014 #or !he #irs! se$es!er5 or May 225 2015 #or !he secon6 se$es!er. It is
u$ to #ou to mae u$ 2ui<<es/ tests/ essa#s/ and other assignments "hen #ou are absent. 'ou "ill
ha%e t"o da#s !ollo"ing an e0cused absence to turn in "or or mae arrangements to com$lete
assessments "ithout a late $enalt#. 5se tutorial time to mae u$ #our "or. Don,t "ait until it,s too
1s I "or to incor$orate +ali!ornia,s +ommon +ore +ontent Standards into the curriculum/ this #ear
students "ill be e0$ected to utili<e technolog# during some assessments. )he 2uestions ma# di!!er
!rom traditional assessments= !or e0am$le/ the multi$le*choice 2uestions ma# ha%e more than one
correct ans"er/ "here the students must select more than one res$onse. )hese digital e0ams ma#
also include "ritten res$onses "here the students must t#$e short or long essa#s to ans"ers
2uestions or re!lect on readings. It is im$erati%e that students ha%e o$$ortunities to de%elo$
e#boarding sills both in and out o! class in order to become com!ortable using technolog#.
>esides assessments/ #our English grade is de$endent on com$leting all assignments and
$artici$ating in the learning $rocess. +lassroom $artici$ation is essential and is connected to all
assignments. Partici$ation includes "or $er!ormed "ith grou$s/ $artners/ and6or indi%iduall#.
I "ill use a standard $oint s#stem based on home"or/ 2ui<<es/ class discussions/ $a$ers/ grou$
$ro?ects/ and !ormal assessments.
A = 90% to 100%
B = 80% to 89%
C = 70% to 79%
D = 60% to 69%
F = below 60%
&lease remember if you fail even one semester of 'nglish, you are immediately at risk of not
graduating with a diploma from &("$. +ontact me i! #ou need hel$. We can "or together to ensure
#our success in this class&
School Rules ; lassroo$ <or$s%
1ll school rules are in e!!ect in our classroom. Please read the school handboo !or details on the
rules and conse2uences at PRHS. 7orms are agreed u$on beha%iors. )he $ur$ose o! norms is to
maintain a classroom !ull o! trust and mutual res$ect. I! #ou ha%e an idea !or another classroom
norm/ $lease "rite it belo". )hese are our classroom norms:
1. +ome to class $re$ared and begin "oring "hen #ou enter the room.
2. S$ea clearl#/ using Standard English in a $ublic %oice that #our audience can hear.
3. 4isten to others. >e res$ect!ul o! members o! the class. We are a team e%er# da#&
8. +ell $hone or electronic de%ices must be silent and out o! sight unless ased to be used !or
academic $ur$oses onl#.
@. >e res$ect!ul o! car$et/ dess/ and e2ui$ment b# not eating/ drining/ or "riting on an#
A. Wait !or the teacher to dismiss #ou/ not the bell.
Dreshman #ear brings man# challenges and can be a $i%otal #ear as students learn ho" to be
success!ul high school students. 4etEs "or together to ensure success this #ear. I! #ou ha%e an#
concerns/ $lease bring them to m# attention as soon as $ossible so that "e can $re%ent a small issue
!rom becoming a big $roblem. I loo !or"ard to "oring together !or #our childEs education.
3r. Fe%in 4e+lair
Paso Robles High School 2014-2015
English 1 Syllabus
Mr. Kevin Lelair
)han #ou !or reading this s#llabus. I ho$e #ou understand the course e0$ectations !or English 2. I!
#ou ha%e an# 2uestions or concerns/ $lease add comments to this signature $age or contact me.
Student 7ame: Student Signature:
Parent 7ame: Parent Signature:
+omments6+oncerns6Something "e should no":

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