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Moltllltetocy testloq. A ctltetloo-tefeteoce tool to ossess stoJeots moltllltetocy leotoloq wltblo o
tecbooloqy-tlcb, moltlmoJol Jomolo.

?our chlld ls lnvlLed Lo Lake parL ln a sLudy belng conducLed by AssoclaLe rofessor lan 8rown from Lhe
unlverslLy of Wollongong and colleagues. We are seeklng your approval for your chlld Lo Lake parL ln Lhls
1hls ls Lhe LesLlng phase of Lhe sLudy whlch ls based on assesslng mulLlllLeracy skllls of sLudenLs (can
Lhey make meanlng of LexL, audlo, lmage, and vldeo) whlch ls conducLed on a slmulaLed onllne
envlronmenL (looks llke Lhe lnLerneL buL Lhere ls no acLual access). 1he alm ls Lo flnd ouL how rellable
Lhe onllne-MulLlllLeracy assessmenL ls and how well Lhe slmulaLed onllne envlronmenL works when used
by large numbers of sLudenLs. 1he developmenL of Lhls assessmenL wlll enable Leachers Lo gulde
declslons abouL learnlng, as Leachers need evldence LhaL Lhe complex naLure of meanlng, now requlred,
ls Lruly belng LaughL by Leachers and undersLood by sLudenLs.
We wlll ask your chlld Lo compleLe Lhe onllne-MulLlllLeracy assessmenL. 1hls assessmenL wlll be
compleLed Lhree Llmes over Lhe year. Lach assessmenL Llme wlll lnvolve four dlfferenL sesslons over a
week and Lhree sesslons wlll lasL for approxlmaLely 60 mlnuLes, one sesslon wlll lasL 30 mlnuLes. 1hese
sesslons wlll lnvolve sLudenLs developlng a number of skllls lncludlng crlLlcal Lhlnklng, vlsual llLeracy and
Lechnology, and wlll Lake place aL your chlld's school and wlLhln class Llme. ?our chlld ls requlred Lo
supply Lhelr own headphones/ earphones, as he or she wlll be llsLenlng Lo audlo durlng Lhe assessmenL.
arLlclpaLlon ls volunLary and your chlld wlll only Lake parL lf boLh you and your chlld agree. lf you declde
noL Lo Lake parL, lL wlll noL affecL your chlld's resulLs or progress aL school. lf you or your chlld change
your mlnd abouL Laklng parL, even afLer Lhe sLudy has sLarLed, [usL leL Lhe researcher know (conLacL
deLalls below) and any lnformaLlon already collecLed abouL your chlld wlll be desLroyed.
no-one wlll be able Lo ldenLlfy you or your chlld from Lhe resulLs of Lhe sLudy. Cnly Lhe researchers wlll
have access Lo Lhls lnformaLlon, excepL when sLudenLs are ldenLlfled as belng aL rlsk of harm Lo
Lhemselves or oLhers. ln Lhls case, Lhe names of Lhese sLudenLs wlll be glven dlrecLly Lo Lhe school
prlnclpal. lnformaLlon collecLed durlng Lhe sLudy wlll be sLored for 3 years on password-proLecLed
compuLers or ln a locked flllng cablneL ln Lhe researcher's offlce.
When you have read Lhls lnformaLlon lan 8rown or kellle 8uckley-Walker wlll be avallable Lo answer any
quesLlons you may have. lf aL any sLage you would llke Lo know more, please feel free Lo conLacL:
lan 8rown on (02) 4221 3390 or emall lbrown[ Cr
kellle 8uckley-Walker on (02) 4221 3106 or emall kelllebw[
nC1L: lf you have any concerns or complalnLs regardlng Lhe way ln whlch Lhe research ls or has been conducLed,
you can conLacL Lhe SecreLary of Lhe unlverslLy of Wollongong Puman 8esearch LLhlcs CommlLLee on (02) 4221
4437 or 8SC-LLhlcs[
1hls lnformaLlon sheeL ls for you Lo keep. ?our chlld has also been glven lnformaLlon abouL Lhls pro[ecL.

lan 8rown

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