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By Alexander 2014

Giralang has 30 students. There 13 Year 5 and 17 Year 6 students. Here is some information about what we do in Giralang.

Reading groups
In reading groups, we listen to a book and then write

about it and do tasks about it. We do silent reading and some times we do hand writing.

H.S.I.E Antarctica
In H.S.I.E., we have being doing Antarctica. We have

read Antarctica books about penguin and how they first explored Antarctica. We had a man called Chris Turney visit us. He has been to Antarctica.

In math, we do some addition , subtraction and

multiplication. We have also being doing some measurement and fashions. For example, we got some trundle wheel's and 1 metre rulers and measured a room.

Every Friday we go down to the flat and play soccer and practise soccer. We all so play hand ball and some times we play doge ball.

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