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8rlghL WaLer MonLessorl seeks a 8uslness Manager/

8ookkeeper Lo begln lmmedlaLely. 1hls ls a greaL half-Llme

poslLlon LhaL allows flexlblllLy durlng Lhe summer monLhs and
an employee dlscounL for preschool LulLlon. 1he 8uslness
Manager/8ookkeeper carrles ouL a wlde varleLy of Lasks relaLed
Lo Lhe flnanclal well-belng of 8rlghL WaLer MonLessorl
preschool, followlng pollcles esLabllshed by Lhe 8oard and
wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhe board's flnanclal pollcles. 1he 8uslness
Manager runs Lhe buslness operaLlons under Lhe supervlslon of
Lhe reschool ulrecLor and ln cooperaLlon wlLh Lhe 1reasurer of Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors.
1he 8uslness Manager/8ookkeeper performs Lhese duLles:
Pandles accounLs payable, accounLs recelvable, and relaLed banklng LransacLlons.
rocesses employee beneflL appllcaLlons and paymenLs.
repares and revlews flnanclal sLaLemenLs for accuracy, conslsLency, and compleLeness.
CollaboraLes wlLh Lhe reschool ulrecLor and 1reasurer of Lhe 8oard on Lhe developmenL and
enLry of annual and reforecasL budgeLs.
repares payroll and makes all relaLed accounLlng enLrles.
CommunlcaLes and collaboraLes on an ongolng basls wlLh Lhe reschool ulrecLor ln all maLLers
relaLlng Lo Lhe flnances of Lhe preschool.
Complles and analyzes flnanclal lnformaLlon Lo prepare enLrles Lo accounLs, such as general
ledger accounLs and Lhe documenLaLlon of buslness LransacLlons, prepares monLh-end general
ledger [ournal enLrles and performs reconclllaLlon of general ledger accounLs uslng Culckbooks.
Works wlLh Lhe reschool ulrecLor Lo prepare budgeLs for granLs, meeL all granL and reporLlng
deadllnes, and apply and Lrack all granL funds.
Works closely wlLh Lhe sLaff and parenLs on fundralslng acLlvlLles, ensurlng LhaL all funds are
collecLed and recorded accuraLely.
Works wlLh reschool ulrecLor Lo assure Lhe school ls complylng wlLh all sLaLe and federal
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3140 lremonL Ave norLh
Mlnneapolls, Mn 33430
hone: 612.302.3410
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Molly Coodyear, 8rlghL WaLer board member
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8rlghL WaLer MonLessorl reschool
Mlnneapolls, MlnnesoLa
SLarL uaLe: !une, 2014

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8achelor's degree ln accounLlng or relaLed fleld or
commensuraLe experlence
Culckbooks experlence
LxcellenL compuLer skllls, lncludlng knowledge of
MlcrosofL Lxcel and Word
SLrong wrlLLen and oral communlcaLlon skllls
CulLural compeLency
SLrong ablllLy Lo bulld LrusLlng relaLlonshlps wlLh
famllles and have poslLlve, empowerlng lnLeracLlons wlLh people
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Lxperlence seLLlng up and malnLalnlng effecLlve sysLems wlLhln a buslness envlronmenL
Self-moLlvaLed wlLh excellenL follow-Lhrough skllls
AblllLy Lo work ln a collaboraLlve envlronmenL
undersLandlng of non-proflL budgeLlng and flnances and non-proflL fundralslng
8lllngual ln Lngllsh and Spanlsh
1he 8uslness Manager/8ookkeeper ls a half-Llme, 12-monLh poslLlon. Salary ls commensuraLe wlLh
quallflcaLlons and experlence.
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1o apply, please submlL:
A cover leLLer sLaLlng your lnLeresL ln Lhe poslLlon and relevanL experlence
A resume wlLh 3 references
lease emall documenLs, preferably as uls, Lo buslnessmanager[ 1he
appllcaLlon deadllne ls May 23, buL we encourage you Lo submlL your appllcaLlon as soon as posslble.
8rlghL WaLer MonLessorl ls an Lqual CpporLunlLy Lmployer.
8rlghL WaLer MonLessorl offers Lhese programs:
=,>>7*" 9,::/-#&?2 !oyful and sponLaneous, our 1oddler
CommunlLy conslsLs of 13 Loddlers ages 16 monLhs Lo 3
years, a MonLessorl-Lralned Leacher and Lwo asslsLanLs.
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MonLessorl-Lralned Leachers and an asslsLanL gulde abouL
27 chlldren ln each beauLlful classroom where everyLhlng ls
deslgned Lo meeL Lhe developmenLal needs of Lhe chlldren. ln Lhree Chlldren's Pouses, our prlvaLe
preschool lncludes 48 3- and 4-year-olds and our free publlc charLer elemenLary school lncludes 30
lounded ln 2004, 8rlghL WaLer MonLessorl ls an AMl-recognlzed non-proflL preschool servlng chlldren
ages 18 monLhs Lo 6 years ln norLh Mlnneapolls. 8rlghL WaLer LlemenLary, a charLer MonLessorl for
grades k-6, was esLabllshed ln 2008 as our parLner school. Cur wonderful sLaff lncludes seven AMl-
Lralned guldes and flve asslsLanLs, mosL of whom have been wlLh Lhe school for
more Lhan flve years. Cur famllles come largely from Lhe nelghborhoods of norLh
Mlnneapolls, buL many Lravel from surroundlng communlLles as well. lnLenLlonal
dlverslLy ls a crlLlcal and unlque componenL of a 8rlghL WaLer educaLlon, and boLh
our sLaff and our sLudenL body reflecL Lhls. Cf our preschoolers, 43 are
Caucaslan, 40 Afrlcan Amerlcan, 7 Plspanlc, 6 Aslan and 2 naLlve Amerlcan.
AbouL 40 of our preschoolers quallfy for free or reduced lunch. 8rlghL WaLer
sLudenLs learn Lo respecL and celebraLe Lhe dlfferences among people and Lhey
develop Lhe ablllLy Lo work cooperaLlvely wlLh one anoLher.
8rlghL WaLer MonLessorl Schools are housed ln Lhe Lhree-floor school bulldlng aL Cur Lady of vlcLory
church. We have a gymnaslum space and a beauLlful naLural ouLdoor playscape. Cur preschool
program ls a 10-monLh school year wlLh a 2-monLh opLlonal summer program.

8rlghL WaLer
lnsplres passlon for
learnlng ln an
lnLenLlonally dlverse

8rlghL WaLer seeks Lo be a school wlLhouL an achlevemenL gap and a
model for norLh Mlnneapolls. 8rlghL WaLer School ls lnsplred by Lhe
educaLlonal phllosophy of ur. Marla MonLessorl and seLs hlgh
expecLaLlons for all chlldren. ln parLnershlp wlLh parenLs we gulde
chlldren Lo develop Lhelr lndlvldual glfLs whlle preparlng Lhem for llfe
ln a cooperaLlve communlLy and a changlng world. We nurLure
lndependence, a love of learnlng, cooperaLlon, creaLlve Lhlnklng, and
respecL for self, oLhers and Lhe envlronmenL.

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