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SepLember 2014

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uear SLudenLs

Cver Lhe pasL few years Lhe SLudenLs' unlon aL u8C Ckanagan has undergone many drasLlc
changes, someLlmes for Lhe beLLer and someLlmes for Lhe worsL. 1he u8CSuC has grown
drasLlcally and evolved lnLo a much dlfference sLudenL socleLy Lhan lL ones was. As our sLudenL
body grows and Lhe campus evolves, so musL Lhe SLudenLs' unlon. We have now grown Lo
represenL approxlmaLely 9,000 sLudenLs, we run an operaLlng budgeL of over 1.3 mllllon dollars,
employ over 120 full Llme and parL-Llme sLaff, operaLe and manage Len dlfference buslnesses
and over 20 dlfferenL servlces. 1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee and our Ceneral Manager oversee Lhe
day-Lo-day operaLlons of Lhe socleLy wlLh dlrecLlon from our 8oard of ulrecLors Lo ensure our
flduclary duLy as ulrecLors ls upheld.

lL ls a unlque and humbllng experlence Lo be able Lo represenL sLudenLs' of Lhe hlghesL callbre
LhaL choose Lo aLLend u8C Ckanagan from all across Lhe globe. When we ran for our elecLed
poslLlons we made promlses Lo sLudenLs... we lnLend on keeplng Lhem. WlLh LhaL ln mlnd, l
would llke Lo Lake Lhls opporLunlLy Lo lnLroduce, Lo you, some of our lnlLlaLlves, campalgns and
pro[ecLs for Lhe 2014/2013-year.

1he M? u8C campalgn ls focused on engaglng Lhe sLudenL populaLlon aL large, lL acLs as an
advlsory commlLLee Lo Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors, comprlsed of an LxecuLlve member of every
sLudenL assoclaLlon. 1hls wlll acL as a forum for consulLaLlon and cross club collaboraLlon. 1hls
CommlLLee wlll also advlse Lhe 8oard on Lhe sLraLeglc developmenL plan and flnanclal ouLlook of
Lhe socleLy.

1he 8ulLu u8C campalgn ls Lasked wlLh encouraglng furLher developmenL of lnformal sLudy
space on Lhe Ckanagan Campus, keeplng ln mlnd Lhe ma[or space consLralnLs on our currenL

1aco uel Mar (1uM), a new food servlce provlder belng lnLroduced ln SepLember ln Lhe unC Lo
provlde sLudenLs wlLh more varleLy ln Lhelr dleL.

1he reopenlng of Lhe u8CSuC SLudenL 8esource CenLer conslsLlng of Lhe Women's 8esource
CenLer, rlde 8esource CenLer, and eer SupporL neLwork (resource cenLers operaLlng aL
dlfferenL Llmes, buL Lhe cenLer lLself wlll ALWA?S be open durlng regular offlce hours).

Space plannlng lncluded renovaLlng Lhe currenL bank space for 1uM, bulldlng a new space for
Lhe 88C Advlce CenLer ln Lhe unC, asklng 1he hoenlx Lo vacaLe Lhelr currenL premlses, and
provldlng lnfrasLrucLure for Lhe radlo club and Su.

SLudenL unlon roducLlons (Su) a new buslness Lo help sLudenLs wlLh Lhe burden of hlgh renLal
fees on producLlon equlpmenL for sLudenL assoclaLlon evenLs. lL acLs as a full servlce producLlon
company offerlng everyLhlng from sound Lechnlclans, u!'s, sound equlpmenL, llghLlng Lo securlLy
and fenclng.

SLudenL Legal lund/8esldenLlal 1enancy Workshop a servlce now belng offered wlLh Lhe prlmary
goal Lo lnform sLudenLs of Lhelr rlghLs as LenanLs ln Lhe greaLer Ckanagan area and on campus.
As well as asslsLlng sLudenLs ln fundlng non-crlmlnal legal dlspuLes.

Lobbylng for an amendmenL Lo Lhe unlverslLy AcL for Lhe purposes of havlng more democraLlc
and LransparenL sLudenL socleLy pracLlces.

orLable deblL/credlL LransacLlon machlnes for sLudenL socleLles ln order Lo provlde a more
secure way of handllng moneLary LransacLlons for clubs and course unlons.

lnsLallaLlon of full servlce permanenL producLlon equlpmenL for 1he Well SLudenL ub lncludlng
full llghLlng, fog machlne, k sound equlpmenL and new resldenL u!.

A full club orlenLaLlon package LhaL wlll lnclude one easy Lo read and undersLand book,
everyLhlng a club needs Lo know from how Lo apply for fundlng Lo how Lo book space.

LqulLy and lncluslon CommlLLee focuslng on marglnallzed groups. We also have an LxecuLlve
and sLaff member poslLlve space" Lralned, and have a fully Lralned eer SupporL neLwork Leam
Lo ensure all sLudenLs can feel safe and comforLable aL Lhe SLudenLs' unlon. lurLher Lo Lhls all
sLudenL leaders wlll be asked Lo undergo equlLy orlenLaLlon Lo ensure Lhey have Lhe proper

A resLrucLured budgeL LhaL full dlscloses all LxecuLlve salary and expendlLure lnformaLlon Lo
ensure Lransparency and accounLablllLy of Lhe socleLy.

Club fundlng has been lncreased Lo $80,000 Lhls year ln order Lo provlde more fundlng for Lhe
developmenL of sLudenL assoclaLlons on campus, ln an efforL Lo lncrease sLudenL engagemenL
and combaL apaLhy.

1hls llsL ls [usL Lhe Llp of Lhe lceberg and acLs as an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe dlfferenL campalgns and
servlces your SLudenLs' unlon ls commlLLlng Lo for Lhe upcomlng year. 1he u8CSuC has also
commlLLed Lo redeveloplng our enLlre regulaLlon package (whlch lncludes club and course unlon
pollcles) over Lhe summer, Lhls ls now compleLe. ln order Lo ensure falrness and Lransparency ln
Lhls process we wlll be openlng and releaslng Lhe package for consulLaLlon and
recommendaLlons aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe school year. 1he 8oard of ulrecLors wlll Lhen only pass
wlLh package afLer lL has flrsL been presenLed Lo sLudenL assoclaLlons aL Lhe sLudenL assoclaLlon
Lralnlng day on 13
SepLember 2014.

Movlng forward Lhe u8CSuC wlll make a commlLmenL ln brlnglng Lhe sLudenLs we represenL a
sLudenL experlence LhaL enhances every aspecL of sLudenL llfe by enrlchlng Lhe servlces we
already offer and developlng new and lnnovaLlve ways Lo keep sLudenLs engaged.

WlLh greaL humlllLy, an open hearL and open mlnd l would llke Lo welcome you Lo Lhe new and
lmproved u8CSuC. l look forward Lo meeLlng and worklng wlLh each and every one of you!

?our frlend always,

8ocky klm
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8ob urunkemolle
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