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8uckne|| Un|vers|ty, Lewlsburg, A - Lxpected May 2014

8achelor of ArLs - Ma[or ln Lconomlcs, CerLlflcaLlon ln Soclal SLudles for Secondary LducaLlon, Mlnor ln LducaLlon
Awards: aLrloL League Academlc Ponor 8oll, 8ucknell uean's LlsL
ke|evant Coursework: Lconomlc rlnclples/roblems, Mlcroeconomlcs, Macroeconomlcs, 8uslness Calculus,
ubllc ollcy, ollLlcal Lconomy, SLaLlsLlcs, ComparaLlve Lconomlc SysLems, Lconomlc uevelopmenL
Lake-Lehman n|gh Schoo|, Lehman, A - Graduated 2010

Lew|sburg n|gh Schoo| (Lew|sburg, A) - !"#$%&" (%)*+%, - Ianuary 2014-present
Calned capaclLy for self-reflecLlon and eLhlcal reasonlng Lo respond Lo challenges encounLered ln a professlonal
Managed approxlmaLely 100 sLudenLs dally wlLh dlverse learnlng requlremenLs and backgrounds
CbLalned excellenL organlzaLlonal and Llme managemenL skllls
1he kyan noward 8|g |ece Ioundat|on & 1he C|ay 8uchho|z Ioundat|on (W||kes-8arre, A) - -&"%,& - Summer 2013
8esponslble for malnLalnlng relaLlonshlps wlLh cllenLs and securlng donaLlons from a large neLwork of donors
CoordlnaLed evenL loglsLlcs, lncludlng evenL preparaLlon and execuLlon
roofed press maLerlals Lo be uLlllzed ln local and naLlonal medla ouLleLs
Analyzed Lhe posL evenL aucLlon sales breakdown and developed lmprovemenL plans based on Lhe resulLs
D|ese| Sports Group (W||kes-8arre, A) . -&"%,& . Summer 2013
AsslsLed ln markeLlng and producL placemenL for ulesel luel" and ulesel 8ecovery" producL llnes
Worked Lo develop brand awareness of ulesel SporLs Croup producL llnes
kock So||d I|tness (Luzerne, A) - /),0%"1&2 344,$1&)"4, . 2012-present
CreaLed and managed company webslLe and soclal medla
ConLlnued expandlng cllenL base Lhrough neLworklng and markeLlng opporLunlLles
nSI 1echno|og|es (Luzerne, A) - /),0%"1&2 344,$1&)"4, - 2010-present
MalnLalned Lhe company webslLe, sales brochures, and sales daLabase
SupporLed AccounLlng, rocuremenL and LxecuLlve personnel
rovlded compuLer supporL for cllenL daLabases and seLup new cusLomer Lracklng daLabase for Sales and Servlce
8uckne|| Un|vers|ty I|e|d nockey Camp (Lew|sburg, A) . 3)56 34#&7%84,934)*+ - Summers 2011-present
Supervlsed approxlmaLely 130 glrls ln grades 7-12
Crganlzed varlous drllls and acLlvlLles Lo help wlLh Lhe developmenL of new fleld hockey skllls
Soc|a| Secur|ty Adm|n|strat|on (Se||nsgrove, A) . :;"%,& . W|nter 2011
arLlclpaLed ln a one day overvlew of Lhe organlzaLlon and shadowed varlous sLaff members

D|v|s|on I I|e|d nockey . <"+8%"% - 2010-resent
uedlcaLed 30 hours a week Lo pracLlce and compeLlLlon
Acqulred Llme managemenL and leadershlp skllls
Calned experlence worklng wlLh new and dlfferenL personallLles whlle developlng a Leam-orlenLed aLLlLude
MalnLalned a coachable mlndseL ln order Lo efflclenLly learn new skllls
8uckne|| Student Government - =%6,%7%&")"1>% . 2013-present
8epresenLed Lhe Class of 2014 by proposlng and supporLlng sLudenL lnlLlaLlves
arLlclpaLed ln weekly voLlng on a wlde range of measures such as flnanclal allocaLlons, sLudenL affalrs, and on-
campus evenLs
NCAA Cho|ces Comm|ttee - :>%&"7 3+)1, . 2012-resent
romoLed awareness abouL Lhe dangers of subsLance abuse Lhrough organlzlng varlous subsLance free evenLs and
educaLlng Lhe sLudenL body
| 8eta h| Soror|ty . /%5?%, - 2011-resent
Arrowboard CommlLLee member - 8esponslble for plannlng slsLerhood and bondlng evenLs for approxlmaLely 140
ermanenL Address:
28 WalnuLwood urlve
uallas, A 18612

Le|gh A. n|||man
Cell: (370) 762-3074

CurrenL Address:
701 Moore Avenue C2264
Lewlsburg, A 17837

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