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Marissa Wilson
3226 Gateway Ledge ! '"((04 3"607 !8 9:+;< ! =,9:> ?-@A+:B: ! 1$(%);B<CD%EF04E

"#$%&'()%* 1o obLaln a poslLlon as an elemenLary or mlddle school Leacher

+,-&.'(/0* Mlchlgan SLaLe unlverslLy, ueLrolL, Mlchlgan
llfLh year Leacher lnLern program, AugusL 2013-May 2014
12 graduaLe credlLs, May 2013

Mlchlgan SLaLe unlverslLy, LasL Lanslng, Mlchlgan
8achelor of ArLs, May, 2013
Ma[or: LlemenLary LducaLlon
1eachlng Ma[or: 1.'2%3.'(&4
1eachlng Mlnors: +.567 82(6,2//, 9%)%6/:3%0' ;<=>

8%5'(?(&.'(/0* Mlchlgan LlemenLary rovlslonal CerLlflcaLe
@A3 All Sub Areas, MaLhemaLlcs 6-8 May 2014
Larly Chlldhood (ZS) LndorsemenL May 2014
+D:%5(%0&%* B%.&2%5 E0'%50F G6%0C.57 +6%3%0'.57F H.66%, I.J% 8/04/6(,.'%, =&2//6 9(4'5(&'
Commerce 1ownshlp, Mlchlgan, AugusL 2013-May2013, Crade Level: 1
responslble for lead Leachlng ln all sub[ecL areas for a class of economlcally dlverse flrsL graders
planned and lmplemenLed unlLs ln maLhemaLlcs and llLeracy based on CCSS and sclence and
soclal sLudles based on CLCL
assessed and monlLored sLudenLs progress LhroughouL Lhe year Lo help lnform lnsLrucLlon
Lhrough formaLlve and summaLlve assessmenLs lncludlng anecdoLal records, runnlng records,
u8A, uWA, and maLhemaLlcs progress checks
dlfferenLlaLed lnsLrucLlon across currlculum Lo meeL Lhe needs of every sLudenL lncludlng
accommodaLlons for sLudenLs wlLh speclal needs
used mulLlple Leachlng sLraLegles lncludlng whole group lnsLrucLlon, small group lnsLrucLlon,
parLner work, learnlng cenLers, and menus
uLlllzed "#$%&'(& )(*+$,(*-./ Lo plan lnqulry based maLh workshops
lncorporaLed a balanced llLeracy program uslng readlng workshop, wrlLlng workshop, 0(-1& 2,
gulded readlng, and )(3-45 )$(4-45
supporLed sLudenLs soclal and emoLlonal needs by bulldlng sLrong LrusLlng relaLlonshlps
dellvered currlculum uslng a varleLy of Lechnologlcal resources
brldged Lhe home school connecLlon by communlcaLlng wlLh parenLs Lhrough leLLers, emalls,
conferences and a weekly blog LhaL was wrlLLen wlLh Lhe sLudenLs
organlzed, managed and led Len klndergarLen and flrsL graders ln 0$/*-4(*-64 7,(5-4(*-64, a
program LhaL helps sLudenLs develop Leam work, sclence and maLhemaLlcs knowledge, and

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Walled Lake ConsolldaLed School ulsLrlcL, 2013-2014

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SepLember, 2012 - Aprll, 2013, Crade Level: 3
prepared and lmplemenLed lnqulry based lessons ln maLhemaLlcs, llLeracy, soclal sLudles and
sclence wlLh dlfferenLlaLlons for sLudenLs wlLh speclal needs
parLlclpaLed ln a maLhemaLlcs lesson sLudy wlLh four oLher sLudenL Leachers
creaLed lndlvlduallzed maLhemaLlcs sLudy guldes for sLudenLs

Marissa Wilson
3226 Gateway Ledge ! '"((04 3"607 !8 9:+;< ! =,9:> ?-@A+:B: ! 1$(%);B<CD%EF04E

='-,%0' B%.&2%5F 1=M 82(6, 9%)%6/:3%0' I.#F L.46%''F 1(&2(C.0
SepLember, 2012 - uecember 2012 Age: 3-4yrs
esLabllshed unlL lesson plans and planned large group lessons, small group lessons and free
cholce acLlvlLles based on Chlldren Currlculum and 6 developmenLal domalns: cognlLlve, soclal,
affecLlve, language, aesLheLlc and physlcal
assembled chlld porLfollos and lead parenL-Leacher conferences
faclllLaLed and planned a school wlde sclence nlghL for famllles
communlcaLed wlLh parenLs Lhrough weekly newsleLLers and dally lnLeracLlons aL drop off and
plck up
worked wlLh chlldren enrolled Lhrough Pead SLarL and chlldren wlLh speclal needs

I%., B%.&2%5F B%,,7 N%.54 K6.72/-4%F 8/33%5&% BO:F 1E
May - AugusL 2012, 2013 Ages: 4-3yrs
LaughL full day preschool and prepared sLudenLs for klndergarLen
developed weekly Lheme based lesson plans lncludlng large and small group lessons ln 7 learnlng
domalns: language, maLhemaLlcs, sclence, muslc, large moLor, flne moLor, and arL

P-0(/5 Q%.5 K6.&%3%0'F I-&% R/., +6%3%0'.57 =&2//6F S63.F 1E
!anuary - May 2011 Crade Level: klndergarLen

=/:2/3/5% Q%.5 K6.&%3%0'F 8.).0.-C2 +6%3%0'.57 =&2//6F I.04(0CF 1E
AugusL - uecember 2010 Crade Level: 2

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SepLember 2013-resenL
LuLor, monlLor, and assess sLudenLs ages 13-17 ln algebra and geomeLry
supporL a flfLh grade sLudenL ln readlng and wrlLlng Lo reach llLeracy goals

B%.&2%5 S(,F 1=M 82(6, 9%)%6/:3%0' I.#F +.4' I.04(0CF 1E
SepLember 2011-May 2012 Age: 3-4
conducLed small and large group lessons and helped sLudenLs fosLer lndependence and develop
soclal skllls

=-#4'('-'% B%.&2%5F B%,,7 N%.54 K6.72/-4%F 8/33%5&% BO:F 1E
May-AugusL 2011 Ages 2-3

T.007F U.53(0C'/0 L(664F 1E
!une 2009-AugusL 2009, !une 2010-AugusL 2010
9%)%6/:3%0'* Learnlng 1argeL 1ralnlng, 8eLhlnk and 8eLell, Walled Lake, Mlchlgan, 2013
ulfferenLlaLlon ln Lveryday MaLh, 8ackground knowledge and vocabulary, Walled Lake, Mlchlgan, 2013
LducaLlonal 1echnology Conference, LasL Lanslng, november, 2013
CerLlfled ln llrsL Ald and C8 for chlldren and adulLs, !une 2013
Member, nC1M, SepLember 2013 - presenL
Member, ku, LducaLlon Ponor SocleLy 2011-2012
L/0/54 .0,
S&2(%)%3%0'4* CraduaLed wlLh honors, Mlchlgan SLaLe unlverslLy, May 2013
uean's LlsL, Mlchlgan SLaLe unlverslLy, uecember 2009 - May 2013
kappa uelLa hl, LducaLlon Ponor SocleLy, 2011-2012

Laurle WursL, MenLor 1eacher
Clengary LlemenLary
8843 Lllls
ClarksLon, Ml 48348
(248) 623-0848

8eLh 1lmlln, rlnclpal
Clengary LlemenLary
3070 Woodbury
Walled Lake, Ml 48390
(248) 936-3100

1rlsha Carr, ulrecLor
1eddy 8ears layhouse
2300 L Cakley ark 8oad
Commerce 1wp, Ml 48382
(248) 669-6880
8lch uurda, lleld lnsLrucLor
Mlchlgan SLaLe unlverslLy
3601 ScoLL
1roy, Ml 48083
(248) 703-7444

Luclnda ALalla, Pead 1eacher
MSu Chlld uevelopmenL Lab
3730 Academlc Way
PasleLL Ml, 48840
(317) 643-7331

krlsLln 8endl, rlnclpal
Cakley ark LlemenLary
9439 8oncreasL SL.
Commerce 1wp Ml, 48382
(248) 333-2290

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