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Page 1 of 4
Sarah urake
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! 1eacher as a Leader
! ulfferenLlaLlon 1heory and SLraLegles
! MoLlvaLlonal 1heory
! AcLlon 8esearch
! lnsLrucLlonal Leadershlp
! 1echnology ln lncluslon SeLLlngs
! 1eachlng and Learnlng ln lncluslon SeLLlngs
! SLudy Skllls and ConLenL LlLeracy
! ConnecLlng 8eadlng and WrlLlng for Success
uolvetslty of New oqlooJ 2014

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uolvetslty of Moloe 2008, 5ommo com looJe

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Moloe uepottmeot of Jocotloo, xpltotloo 2015

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5t. Iosepbs colleqe of Moloe, 2010

! 1he unlverslLy of Malne College of LducaLlon and Puman
uevelopmenL CuLsLandlng CraduaLlng SLudenL, 2008
! unlverslLy of Malne 1op Scholar
! unlverslLy of Malne CrchesLra ConcerL MasLer

6%&;-8%&'$0 >-%$;-. - SouLh orLland Plgh School, SouLh
orLland, ML
(Aoqost 2011-pteseot)
cootses. nooots lte-colcolos, nooots ooJ colleqe ltep Alqebto ll,
Ceometty, Alqebto l
" ulfferenLlaLe lnsLrucLlon on a dally basls
" lully lnLegraLe lad and LnC board Lechnology lnLo
" MalnLaln a course webslLe LhaL lncludes: updaLed Coogle
calendar for asslgnmenLs, exLra help resources, handouLs,
and compleLed class noLes


Page 2 of 4
Sarah urake

" Work collaboraLlvely wlLh sLudenLs, parenLs, and guldance
counselors Lo ensure a poslLlve and engaglng learnlng
" Cffer ample opporLunlLles for remedlal maLh LuLorlng
before and afLer school on a dally basls for my sLudenLs
" repare and lmplemenL well organlzed, rlgorous lessons
" CollaboraLe wlLh maLh deparLmenL colleagues Lo creaLe
sLandards-allgned common assessmenLs
" MalnLaln a poslLlve, safe learnlng envlronmenL LhaL meeLs
Lhe needs of all sLudenLs

6%&; >-%8 ,(%$; - SouLh orLland Plgh School, SouLh orLland,
(Aoqost 201J-pteseot)
" Crganlze and coordlnaLe pracLlces as well as
LransporLaLlon Lo and from maLh meeLs

7#88-. E$%"-8< 9)0&.#$&(. - SouLh orLland Plgh School, SouLh
orLland, ML (Iooe-Ioly 2010,2012,201J)
cootses. Ceometty ooJ Alqebto ll
" lmplemenLed a fully sLandards-based currlculum
" 1aughL one-on-one and small group lessons whlch were
Lallored Lo lndlvldual sLudenL needs
" MalnLalned a poslLlve learnlng envlronmenL ln whlch
sLudenLs could work aL Lhelr own pace

6%&;-8%&'$0 >-%$;-. - Sanford Plgh School, Sanford, ML
(Aoqost 2008-2011)
cootses. Al colcolos A8, nooots lte-colcolos, nooots ooJ colleqe
ltep Alqebto ll, Ceometty, Alqebto l, ooJ lte-Alqebto
" rovlded clear and conclse dlrecL lnsLrucLlon
" AcLlvely parLlclpaLed ln boLh sLaLe and dlsLrlcL lnlLlaLlves
such as Malne Course aLhways and Sanford's vlslon for
" Served on Lhe lnLervlew commlLLee for new maLh poslLlon

,3%00 (/ DHCC E"I'0(. - Sanford Plgh School, Sanford, ML
(Aoqost 2008-Iooe 2011)
" Supervlsed and organlzed evenLs such as: homecomlng,
!unlor/Senlor prom, Mr. SPS, fundralsers, and graduaLlon
" Managed class flnances


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Sarah urake


2.'I%&- J'(3') >-%$;-. ! 8uL SLrlngs, 8angor, ML
(Octobet 2006-Iooe 2008)
" 1aughL beglnner Lo lnLermedlaLe Suzukl vlolln
" CommunlcaLed wlLh parenLs on a weekly basls
" CusLomlzed lessons Lo lndlvldual sLudenL needs and
provlded weekly pracLlce plans

7&%)"%."0 :%0-" ,(88'&&-- - SouLh orLland Plgh School, SouLh
orLland, ML
(Aoqost 2012-201J)

" ulscussed whaL sLandards-based gradlng would mean for Lhe
SouLh orLland School ulsLrlcL and posslble meLhods for

J'0'() K-%"-.0;'5 >-%8 - Sanford School ueparLmenL, Sanford,
(Aoqost 2010-2011)

" ALLend monLhly meeLlngs Lo dlscuss Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhe
Sanford School ulsLrlcL's vlslon for 2013 whlch sLaLes Sanford
Schools wlll be enLlrely sLudenL-cenLered performance-based
by Lhe year 2013

L-B9)I-)&')@ 7$;((30 ,(%3'&'() FL97,G - Workshops ln 8Su #37
level 2 - J Joy wotksbop, Iooe 2010
level J - J Joy wotksbop, Iooe 2011

" Learned meLhods and sLraLegles requlred Lo successfully
lmplemenL a sLandards based classroom


Page 4 of 4
Sarah urake

" Malne rlnclpals' AssoclaLlon 5lmpllfyloq kespoose to
lotetveotloo, presenLer Mlke MaLLos
" Malne rlnclpals' AssoclaLlon leoJetsblp fot Moss
costomlzeJ leotoloq, presenLer 8ea McCarvey
" SouLh orLland Local CraduaLe CredlL 1welve 1ools fot
loteqtoteJ 21
ceototy 1eocbloq ooJ leotoloq
" 1l-nsplre 1echnology Workshop for Algebra l and Algebra ll
" Advanced lacemenL Conference polty of Access fot oll
Moloe 5toJeots
" new Lngland Secondary School ConsorLlum nlqb 5cbool
keJeslqo lo Actloo


" ALLendlng exLra-currlcular evenLs aL SouLh orLland Plgh School
Lo supporL my sLudenLs
" CuLdoor acLlvlLles such as: hlklng, swlmmlng, cuLLlng flrewood,
burnlng brush, flshlng, and lobsLerlng
" Spendlng Llme wlLh my famlly and frlends

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