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SCHWARCZ +43.1.276 49 23
Liechtensteinstrae 3/16, !1"9" #ien
International English Instructor and eLearning Professional
TESOL Online Instruction Licensed in A! "SA
O#$ecti%e& $ighly e%&erience' international (nglish instr)ctor see*s o&&ort)nity to )se
s&ecialize' training in +(,-L an' online instr)ction to teach a')lts (nglish as a secon'
Core E'(ertise ) S*ills& .nstr)ctor /)rric)l)m 0e1elo&er 2acilitator .nstr)ctional
0esigner 3entor '1isor +)tor (')cator ,ta4 0e1elo&er /ase 3anager 5roctor
6ecreation 0irector
Professional +e%elo(,ent& 7irginia +eaching /erti8cate 9(nglish, ,ocial ,t)'ies, an' (,L :!
12. 2"14!2"19; 6+ +raits #riting +echnology (')cation Lang)age 0e1elo&ment ,&ecialist
/am<o'ian Lang)age an' /)lt)re
+i0erentiated Instruction Online Teacher Professional +e%elo(,ent Progra,
=>.7(6,.+? -2 #.,/->,.> ,+-=+, 3(>-3->.(, #. 1/2"14 @ 3/2"14
/ontri<)te' to im&ro1ing the mo')le 'i4erentiating instr)ction Aor (,-L st)'ents while
trac*ing an' engaging &re1io)sly )ns)ccessA)l 'isc)ssion &osts thro)gh the 0esire 2 Learn
902L; learning management system.
/reate' a &ersonal eLearning &ortAolio that will <e )se' as a mo'el Aor A)t)re certi8cate
&rogram gra')ate st)'ents.
Ad,inistrati%e Assistant to +e(ut1 +irector of the Regional Infor,ation
2anage,ent Center 3RI2C4
3(6./> /->,=L+(, 26>:2=6+, B(63>? 4/2"11 @ 6/2"13
5ro1i'e' <ac* )& s)&&ort to 4 a'ministrati1e assistants ser1ing 7C em&loyees in D satellite
oEces an' 179 &osts worl'wi'e Aor 6.3/ .
5roctore' 5earson7)e an' 5rometric e%ams as a certi8e' a'ministrator Aor 6.3/Fs
.nAormation 3anagement +echnical /enter.
0e1elo&e' a training man)al that ser1e' as the mo'el Aor the 4 other assistants in 6.3/.
+raine' 3 new assistants, incl)'ing the e%ec)ti1e assistant to the 6.3/ 0irector, )sing training
man)als ena<ling them to e%ec)te their 1ario)s roles within wee*s rather than months.
6ecognize' Aor e%em&lary management oA rare, high le1el 1isit oA C .ns&ectors Beneral ')ring
their -Ecial 6.3/ re1iew.
2iddle School ESOL Teacher
56.>/( #.LL.3 /-=>+? ,/$--L 0.,+6./+, 3>,,,, 7 9/2""9 @ 6/2"1"
.m&lemente' an integrate' colla<orati1e instr)ctional a&&roach to 3C limite' (nglish s&ea*ers
in lang)age arts, science an' social st)'ies that res)lte' in a C"G increase in &assing scores
o1er the &re1io)s school year.
/olla<orati1ely mo'i8e' alternati1e &ortAolio assessments oA stan'ar'ize' tests oA non!(nglish
s&ea*ers to achie1e 1""G &ro8cient or &ro8cient!&l)s scores in (nglish.
Instructor for Wor*ing Adults
>(# L.2( /$6.,+.> /$=6/$ 9/2""9 @ 6/2"1"
ssiste' limite' (nglish s&ea*ing a')lts to achie1e s)ccessA)l Hasic (nglish s*ills Aor the
Ad$unct Instructor the Acade,1 for Culture and Learning
>-6+$(6> 7.6B.>. /-33=>.+? /-LL(B(, 3>,,,, 7 9/2""D @ 9/2""9
.m&lemente' c)stomize' intensi1e (nglish co)rsewor* Aor 4D in'i1i')als, DCG oA whom
&asse' the +-(2L e%am.
Continued on next page
SHERRY A. SCHWARCZ / Page 2 +43.1.276 49 23
2iddle School Teacher of English! Language Arts and Social Science
3>>$(.3 3.00L( ,/$--L, 0(56+3(>+ -2 0(2(>,( 0(5(>0>+, ,/$--L,!(=6-5(, 3>>$(.3, B(63>?
1"/2""" @ 4/2""D
s gra'e le1el team lea'er an' 'e&artment chair, create' an' share' inno1ati1e,
colla<orati1e, integrate', &ro<lem <ase' learning &roIects to incl)'e st)'y tri&s an' g)est
s&ea*ers. 5roIects which e%cee'e' stan'ar's, im&ro1e' st)'ent learning an' ser1e' as mo'el
lessons share' in wor*sho&s an' sta4 'e1elo&ment acti1ities.
s co!chair, le' the school im&ro1ement committee to gather, collate, inter&ret an' re&ort
st)'ent 'ata to >orth /entral ssociation oA /olleges an' ,chools 9>/;, s)&erinten'ents,
colleag)es an' &arents to s)ccessA)lly achie1e accre'itation Aor the ne%t 81e years.
s sta4 'e1elo&er, incor&orate' >/ s)ggestions to coor'inate, im&lement an' 'eli1er
&roAessional 'e1elo&ment acti1ities Aor contin)o)s school im&ro1ement an' s)ccessA)l
reaccre'itation Aor the ne%t cycle.
3entore' 2 st)'ent teachers who com&lete' )n'ergra')ate reJ)irements an' attaine' their
teaching license.
'1ise' D st)'ents Aor >ational $istory 0ay cl)< to com&ete an' win regional com&etitions
an' go on to re&resent o)r 'istrict in the >ational /om&etition at /ollege 5ar* 3arylan'.
Su,,er Recreation +irector for the Tahoe 2eado5s Pri%ate Ho,eo5ners
+$-( 3(0-#,, ,. L:( +$-(, / 7/2""" @ 9/2""2 9,(,->L;
/onsistently came in at or )n'er &roIecte' <)'get Aor recreational acti1ities Aor all ages
A)n'e' <y the association.
Instructor for Ad%anced Co,(osition for non6nati%e s(ea*ers of English
3English 78894
/L.2-6>. ,++( =>.7(6,.+? + $?#60, $?#60, / 9/1999 @ 12/1999
/reate' an' im&lemente' a writing &rogram to ens)re enrolle' )n'ergra')ate st)'ents &ass
the man'atory writing &ro8ciency e%am an' gra')ate.
2iddle School Teacher of English! Language Arts and Social Science at
Pleasanton and Hart 2iddle Schools
5L(,>+-> =>.2.(0 ,/$--L 0.,+6./+, 5L(,>+->, / 9/199C @ 1"/2"""
#or*e' colla<orati1ely with C6 colleag)es to create mo'el lessons an' achie1e 0isting)ishe'
,chool 'esignation.
3entore' colleag)es in 'i4erentiate' rea'ing instr)ction in a Ktrain!the!teacherL mo'el to
com&ly an' im&lement ssem<ly Hill 1"D6, which reJ)ire' all s)<Iect matter instr)ctors to
teach (nglish literacy s*ills.
/o!a)thore' an' recei1e' a grant Aor MC""" to im&lement 5ower5oint soAtware as &art oA the
0istrictFs writing an' s&eech &ro8ciency assessments Aor eighth gra'ers.
>ominate' Aor the highly com&etiti1e +eacher oA the ?ear in ')ring secon' year in the 'istrict.
2iddle School Teacher of Hu,anities at Patterson :unior High School
5++(6,-> =>.2.(0 ,/$--L 0.,+6./+, 5++(6,->, / 9/1994 @ 6/199C
s the lang)age 'e1elo&ment s&ecialist on an inter'isci&linary team oA 6 teachers,
'i4erentiate' c)rric)l)m to im&ro1e (nglish lang)age 'e1elo&ment Aor 12" st)'ents.
2iddle School Teacher of Social Studies at +aniel We#ster 2iddle School
,+-/:+-> =>.2.(0 ,/$--L 0.,+6./+, ,+-/:+->, / 9/1993 @ 6/1994
/olla<orate' with 24 ,ocial ,cience &eers at this at!ris* school to achie1e ,ocial ,t)'ies
0emonstration ,chool stat)s.
;raduate Certi<cation in E6Learning! S(eciali=ation in Online Instruction
=ni1ersity oA #isconsin ,to)t @ 3enomonie, #isconsin @ ,&ring 2"14
2aster of Art! English! S(eciali=ation in TESOL
/aliAornia ,tate =ni1ersity @ $aywar', / @ ,&ring 1999
>achelor of Science! Education 5ith a 2inor in English Literature
=ni1ersity oA >e1a'a @ Las 7egas, >e1a'a @ 3aIorN ,ocial ,cience @ 2all 1992
Hirth'ateN 2D &ril 1969 3arrie', >o /hil'ren

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