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Course Code

Course Title
Course Description Socio-cultural and institutional challenges for the effective
delivery of housing
Allowable No. of Absences Maximum of four (4); Three (3) lates/tardiness = a!sence
No. of Hours / Week Three (3) hours lecture
Credit Units Three (3) units
Objectives To !roaden the "ers"ective of the student on the
as"ect of housing
To "rovide the architecture students a more rational
!asis for housing design solutions
Course ro!ra"
Week Content Activit$ %eference
# $riefing/%a""ort-
&ntroduction to
'lass consultation
of rules
'lass )iagnostic
Mutual agreement
and commitment to
class rules and
+ssay on "ersonal
conce"t of the
housing "ro!lem in
the country
'lass ,rogram
--. $rief &ntroduction
to /ousing
- Macro
- 1ocal
+lements of
'urrent &ssues2
Trends and
&deas in ,lanning
3rou" %e"orting
&nvitation of
%esource S"ea0ers
+xercise4 *""lication
of /ousing Theories
,erce"tion ,a"ers
Time-Saver Standards for
Site Planning !y 5ose"h
)e'hiara and 1ee +6
Time-Saver Standards for
Landscape Architecture !y
'686 /arris/96T6 )ines
Site Design and
Construction Detailing !y
Theodore )6 8al0er
The New Uranism !y ,eter
!esidential Development
Handoo" !y the ;r!an 1and
People Places +dited !y 'lare
'oo"er Marcus < 'arolyn
Streets # Shaping of Towns
# Cities !y Michael
South>orth < +ran $en-
Communities $ithin the
Cities !y 8676)6 )avies/)6T6
Class Learning
%irst &'amination
- ?-# State of /ousing in
the ,hili""ines
/ousing )elivery
System in the
'ase Study
'lass %e"orting
=ield Tri"
$, --#
%* @-@A
,) A.@
,) -?
/ousing Strategies
and ,hili""ine
*gencies involved
in /ousing
1a>s2 ,olicies
affecting /ousing
in the ,hili""ines4
$, --#2 %* @-@A2
,) A.@ and ,)
9/* >e!site
/;)'' >e!site
/1;%$ 3uidelines
'lass 1earning
Second +xamination
3 -3 %esidential
Sectoral ,lanning
Social Sector/Su!-
sector4 /ousing
Site )esign ,late
1in0 B"tions4 >ith
13;s2 ,rivate
)evelo"ers2 9/*2
/a!itat for /umanity
Processing and Approval of
Sudivision Plans ($, --#)
(olume ))* !evised
)mplementing !ules and
!egulations for +atas
Pamansa +lg,--. !y the
/ousing and 1and ;se
%egulatory $oard -##6
Processing and Approval of
Sudivision Plans /PD.012
(olume ))* !evised !ule and
Standards to )mplement the
Sudivision and
Condominium +u3er4s
Protective Decree !y the
/ousing and 1and ;se
%egulatory $oard AA.6
5uidelines for the
%ormulation6!evision of
Comprehensive Land Use
Plan* Social Sector7 (olume
)) !y the %ules and Standards
)evelo"ment 3rou"2 /ousing
and 1and ;se %egulatory
$oard2 AA?6
4 'onsolidation 'onsolidating
1ecture )iscussion
Su!mission of ,late/
'om"letion of
'om"utation of
=inal 'lass 1earning
=inal +xamination
=inal 3rading of
Course %e&uire"ents
P&!C&NTA5& SHA!&
D&%)N)T):N6 PA!A9&T&!S6 )NT&NT
Student Attitude6
)nterest /)ncludes
class attendance7
demeanor #
general ehavior
in class2
This is to assess the level of learning
com"rehended !y the student "ertinent to course
This is to give o""ortunity for those >ho
cumulatively >as not a!le to learn satisfactory in
class and for those >ho >ant to ta0e ris0 in raising
their exem"tion grade6
Drawing Plates7
This is meant to asses related ex"eriences of a
student and to !etter clarify conce"ts2 techni(ues
and issues to !e lecture and discussed in class6
This is to communicate and a""ly the !asic
conce"ts theories and tools learned in the course
on a s"ecific local area6
$ritten !eport ;0<
This is to document the >or0s of the students to
contri!ute to the !ody of 0no>ledge in the field6
8ui>>es ;0<
This is to assess the level of learning gras"ed
and understood !y the student on the course
%inal &'am
This is to asses the level of learning gras"ed and
understood !y the student6
!ecommended Teaching Strategies 6 9ethodologies
1ecture )emonstration
5rading S3stem
Thrice a >ee0 meeting (# a!sences allo>a!le)
Absences 'rade Absences 'rade
# ?
- C
3 A
4 # %,A,
(evel of (earnin! 'rade oint )&uivalent
+xcellent A?-## 6#
Dery 3ood A4-A. 6-.
3ood A--A3 6.
Satisfactory CA-A 6@.
C@-CC -6#
=air C4-C? -6-.
C--C3 -6.
@A-C -6@.
,asses @.-@C 36#
=ailed $elo> @. .6#
8ithdre> >ithout "ermission 86=6
8ithdre> >ith "ermission 86,
=ailed due to *!sences =6*6

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