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AP Biology Moapa Valley High School 2014-2015 Syllabus

Instructor: Lisa Cornwall, Room 418

Textboos!. Biology" Ma#e$ % &i'#elspecht" 201( 11e" Mc)$a* Hill Publishe$;
Supplemental textboos: AP Biology Investigative Labs: An Inquiry-Based Approach, Student
!anual, Colle"e#oard.
$$ % &ariet' o( ot)er resources will also be used durin" t)is course to supplement t)e textboo
and lab manual.
+ou$se ,-e$-ie* a'# ,$ga'i.atio'!
%t m' )i") sc)ool, we are on a bloc sc)edule. %* #iolo"' meets e&er' ot)er da' (or +,
minutes. Students comin" to %* #iolo"' must be a -unior or senior. .)e presentation se/uence
and teac)in" met)odolo"ies are distincti&e (eatures o( our Inte"rated Science pro"ram. .)e labs
also (eature, w)ene&er possible, collection and anal'sis o( aut)entic data. %not)er si"ni(icant
(eature o( Inte"rated Science is an emp)asis on scienti(ic researc) sills and t)e presentation o(
researc) (indin"s. .)e' pro&ide a crucial context (or t)e stud' o( basic scienti(ic principles.
*rere/uisites (or %* #iolo"' are one 'ear o( #iolo"' and C)emistr'. 0)en students reac) %*
#iolo"' t)e' )a&e a solid (oundation in pre1re/uisite nowled"e to be success(ul, and are
(amiliar wit) a t)ematic unit and in/uir' approac) to learnin" science concepts. In %* #iolo"',
students are (urt)er exposed to in1dept) instruction in biolo"ical processes, and continue to
en"a"e in in/uir' based laborator' in&esti"ations.
.)is %* #iolo"' course is structured around t)e (our #i" Ideas and 2ndurin" 3nderstandin"s
4235s6. %ll 2ssential 7nowled"e 4276 will be tau")t and all Learnin" 8b-ecti&es 4L85s6 will be
met t)rou") t)is curriculum 4see t)e Colle"e #oard %* #iolo"' Curricular 9ramewor (or a
complete list6. .)e course will be based on in/uir' based laborator' wor and t)e use o( t)e
science practices in bot) lab and non1lab acti&ities.
The /ou$ Big 0#eas a$e!
Big 0#ea 1! The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
Big 0#ea 2! Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to
reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
Big 0#ea (! Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life
Big 0#ea 4! Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess
complex properties.
Students will be "i&en a cop' o( t)e #i" Ideas, 2ndurin" 3nderstandin"s 4235s6 and Learnin"
8b-ecti&es to sel(1assess t)eir master' as t)e' pro"ress t)rou") t)e course. .)e #i" Ideas and
2ndurin" 3nderstandin"s will be posted in t)e room. %s connections are made across #i" Ideas,
a line will -oin t)e related 235s, &isuall' buildin" a web o( relatedness as t)e course pro"resses.
Sills will be practiced e&er' da', not necessaril' all sills e&er' da', but eac) da' at least one
sill will be used to introduce t)e biolo"ical content students stud'.
B$ea#o*' o/ Big 0#eas by topic a'# by 1ua$te$!
:uarter 1: C)emistr' o( Li(e; Cells; Cellular 2ner"etics; *)otos'nt)esis; Cellular Respiration
:uarter ;: <eredit'; !olecular =enetics
:uarter >: 2&olution; 8r"anisms; *opulations
:uarter 4: %natom' ? *)'siolo"'; *opulation @'namics; 2cos'stem; =lobal Issues
Big 0#eas a$e 0'te$-$elate#!
.)e #i" Ideas will not be tau")t in isolation. .)e course will connect t)e 2ndurin"
3nderstandin"s (rom one #i" Idea wit) t)ose o( t)e ot)ers w)ere&er possible. Students will
maintain a curricular map o( t)e #i" Ideas and 2ndurin" 3nderstandin" s)owin" connections as
t)e' are made.
2xa3ples illust$ati'g the types o/ co''ectio's to be 3a#e th$oughout the cou$se!
Big 0#ea 1 a'# (!
23 1.#: 8r"anisms are lined b' lines o( descent (rom common ancestr'
23 >.%: <eritable in(ormation pro&ides (or continuit' o( li(e.
@A% and RA% are carriers o( "enetic in(ormation t)rou") transcription, translation and
replication 4L8 1.1B6. Students will model in(ormation (low in a inest)etic acti&it' and discuss
t)e similarities in t)e process amon" di((erent domains. .)is will be connected to 27 >.%.1.B:
@A% replication ensures continuit' o( )ereditar' in(ormation 4L8 >.>6. 4.)is is an example o( a
student acti&it' t)at will connect endurin" understandin"s between di((erent bi" ideas and is an
example o( w)at students will do t)rou")out t)e course6.
Big 0#ea 1" 2 a'# 4!
23 1.#: 8r"anisms are lined b' lines o( descent (rom common ancestr'.
23 ;.#: =rowt), reproduction, and d'namic )omeostasis re/uire t)at cells create and maintain
internal en&ironments t)at are di((erent (rom t)eir external en&ironments.
23 4.1: Interaction wit)in biolo"ical s'stems lead to complex properties.
Students build an inner mitoc)ondrial membrane and identi(' it as a (eature allowin" separation
wit)in t)e cell. Student discuss and researc) )ow t)is separation is conducted in proar'otes to
"enerate a proton "radient, and discuss t)e e&olutionar' connections across domains t)rou") a
#L%S. searc) (or proteins in t)e 2.C. 4Connects L8 1.1C and L8 ;.14, L8 4.B, L84.C6
Big 0#eas 1" ( a'# 4!
23 1.%: C)an"e in t)e "enetic maeup o( a population o&er time is e&olution.
23 >.%: <eritable in(ormation pro&ides (or continuit' o( li(e.
23 4.#: Competition and cooperation are important aspects o( biolo"ical s'stems.
Students will participate in a <ard' 0einber" acti&it' w)ere t)e' calculate allelic (re/uenc'
c)an"e. .)ese alleles will be connected to @A% instructions and related bac to e&olutionar'
)istor'. In a second part o( t)is acti&it' students will in&esti"ate t)e role o( en&ironmental
c)an"e in t)e c)an"in" "enetic mae1up o( a population.
Big i#ea 1 a'# 4!
23 4.#: Competition and cooperation are important aspects o( biolo"ical s'stems.
23 1.C: Li(e continues to e&ol&e wit)in a c)an"in" en&ironment. Students will trac t)e
c)an"in" (lowerin" p)enolo"' o( particular species o( (lowerin" plants across a wide territor'
4suc) as Aort) %merica or 2urope6 or t)e c)an"in" (li")t patterns o( mi"rator' insects or birds in
relation to "lobal climate c)an"e. Students are pro&ided wit) opportunities to meet t)e learnin"
ob-ecti&es wit)in eac) o( t)e bi" ideas. .)ese opportunities must occur outside o( t)e laborator'
The Se-e' Scie'ce P$actices!
.)e Science *ractices 4S*6 are used t)rou")out t)e course. %ll acti&ities and class wor will be
connected to at least one science practice and t)at will be clearl' communicated to students so
t)e' can see t)e science practices as t)e (ramewor around w)ic) t)e learnin" o( t)e course taes
place. Representati&e examples o( acti&ities are below:
S !" .)e student can use representations and models to communicate scienti(ic p)enomena and
sol&e scienti(ic problems.
.)is science practice will be incorporated extensi&el' in all aspects o( t)e course. %n example o(
a student acti&it' s)owin" incorporation o( t)is science practice outside o( t)e speci(ic laborator'
.)e students will wor wit) models suc) as: immune s'stem, action potentials, and cellular
communication t)at allow students to problem sol&e as t)e' c)an"e conditions wit)in t)e model.
Students will model t)e e((ect o( c)an"e 4(or example disease or dru"s6 and communicate t)e
results predicted due to c)an"e. 4L8>.>C (or example6
S #" .)e student can use mat)ematics appropriatel'.
.)is science practice will be incorporated extensi&el' in all aspects o( t)e course. %n example o(
a student acti&it' s)owin" incorporation o( t)is science practice outside o( t)e speci(ic laborator'
Students will participate in a <ard' 0einber" simulation as a class acti&it'. 0it)in t)is acti&it',
students will mae predictions and test t)em usin" mat)ematical models to stud' population
"enetics. 4L81.C6
S$" .)e student can en"a"e in scienti(ic /uestionin" to extend t)inin" or to "uide
in&esti"ations wit)in t)e context o( t)e %* course.
.)is science practice will be incorporated extensi&el' in all aspects o( t)e course. %n example o(
a student acti&it' s)owin" incorporation o( t)is science practice outside o( t)e speci(ic laborator'
Students will c)ose se&eral or"anisms to examine some aspect o( t)eir e&olutionar' relatedness.
Students will narrow down an appropriate, under1explored /uestion t)rou") researc) and
de&elop testable )'pot)eses. Students will s)are researc) results. 4L81.1C6
S%" .)e student can plan and implement data collection strate"ies appropriate to a particular
scienti(ic /uestion.
.)is science practice will be incorporated extensi&el' in all aspects o( t)e course. %n example o(
a student acti&it' s)owin" incorporation o( t)is science practice outside o( t)e speci(ic laborator'
Students will examine e&idence re"ardin" speciations and extinctions on 2art). Students will
plan, desi"n, and carr' out data collection to e&aluate t)ese scienti(ic claims. 4L8 1.;16
S&" .)e student can per(orm data anal'sis and e&aluation o( e&idence.
.)is science practice will be incorporated extensi&el' in all aspects o( t)e course. %n example o(
a student acti&it' s)owin" incorporation o( t)is science practice outside o( t)e speci(ic laborator'
Students will select and read a case stud' in&ol&in" a medical procedure, de&ice, dru" trial or
similar e&ent. Students will statisticall' anal'De and e&aluate t)e data and report on t)e (indin"s.
4L8>.>E (or example6
S'" .)e student can wor wit) scienti(ic explanations and t)eories.
.)is science practice will be incorporated extensi&el' in all aspects o( t)e course. %n example o(
a student acti&it' s)owin" incorporation o( t)is science practice outside o( t)e speci(ic laborator'
Students will compare cells in di((erent domains wit) re"ard to internal membranes and t)eir
(unction. Students will extend t)is anal'sis in an examination and application o( scienti(ic
explanations in endos'mbiont t)eor'. 4L8;.1>6
S(" .)e student is able to connect and relate nowled"e across &arious scales, concepts and
representations in and across domains. .)is science practice will be incorporated extensi&el' in
all aspects o( t)e course. %n example o( a student acti&it' s)owin" incorporation o( t)is science
practice outside o( t)e speci(ic laborator' pro"ram:
Students will mae s)ort mo&ies s)owin" t)e relations)ip between a molecular e&ent and "lobal
c'cles suc) as between p)otos'nt)esisFrespiration and "lobal carbon c'cles. 4L8;.+6
Social a'# 2thical +o'ce$'s!
It is &itall' important t)at students connect t)eir classroom nowled"e to sociall' important
issues. .)e course will allow students to learn about and discuss man' issues in a &ariet' o(
(ormats. Issues will be discussed in a class settin", bot) li&e and electronicall'. Students ma'
researc) and report on a current topic t)at )as social or et)ical issues associated wit) it. Since t)e
"oal will be to discuss a timel' e&ent, t)e list below s)ould be seen as illustrati&e as new issues
continuall' appear.
GStem Cell Researc) 4#i" Idea >6
G=lobal 0armin" 4#i" Idea 46
G%ntibiotic Resistance and t)e *roblems wit) Improper %ntibiotic 3se 4#i" Idea 16
G=eneticall' !odi(ied 9ood 4#i" Idea >6
G.)e 3se o( =enetic In(ormation 4#i" Idea >6
!' e((ort is to "et t)em to see t)emsel&es in t)e same li")t, and become scienti(icall' literate
citiDens or e&en become scientists t)emsel&es.
Applicatio' o/ the Scie'ce P$actices i' the 4abo$ato$y P$og$a3!
Students will be able to appl' t)e science practices t)rou")out t)e laborator' wor. % matrix
describin" t)eir application is below. S* re(ers to t)e science practice and t)e Lab number relates
to t)e list abo-e. %ll science practices will be used in eac) o( t)e listed student directed lab

#L%S. 4#i" Idea 16 Science *ractice 1 and B
<ard'1 0einber" 4#i" Idea 16 Science *ractice 1, ;, B
%rti(icial Selection 4#i" Idea 16 Science *ractice 1,;,B,E
Cellular Respiration 4#i" Idea ;6 Science *ractice 1,;,>,C,E
*)otos'nt)esis 4#i" Idea ;6 Science *ractice 1,;,>,4,C,E
@i((usion ? 8smosis 4#i" Idea ;6 Science *ractice ;,4,B
Cell @i&ision: 4#i" Idea >6 Science *ractice 1,B,C,E
#iotec)nolo"' Lab H1: #acterial
.rans(ormation 4#i" Idea >6
Science *ractice 1,>,B,C,E
#iotec)nolo"' Lab H;: Restriction
2nD'me %nal'sis 4#i" Idea >6
Science *ractice >,C
2ner"' @'namics 4#i" Idea 46 Science *ractice 1,;,>,4,B,C,E
9ruit 9l' #e)a&ior 4#i" Idea 46 Science *ractice 1,>,4,B,C,E
.ranspiration 4#i" Idea 46 Science *ractice 1,;,4,C,E
2nD'me %cti&it' 4#i" Idea 46 Science *ractice B,C,E
The 4abo$ato$y P$og$a3!
.)e students will be en"a"ed in in&esti"ati&e laborator' wor (or a 3i'i3u3 o( ;BI o(
instructional time. 0)ene&er possible, t)ese labs will be in/uir' based, student directed
in&esti"ations. .)ere will be at least ; laborator' experiences per #i" Idea selected (rom t)e list
below (rom t)e ) Biology *nvestigative Lab +anual" )n *n,uiry )pproach, or ot)er labs wit)
similar ob-ecti&es. .)ese labs will be spread t)rou")out t)e sc)ool 'ear. .)e descriptions below
summariDe t)e student in/uir' portion o( t)e in&esti"ation. %dditional, more prescribed
acti&ities supplement t)e student in/uir'.
Big 0#ea 1! 2-olutio'
#L%S. %cti&it': Students use AC#I to compare @A% and protein se/uences (or or"anisms to
test student"enerated
)'pot)eses on t)eir relatedness.
<ard'10einber": Spreads)eet de&elopment to in&esti"ate (actors a((ectin" <ard'10einber"
%rti(icial Selection: Students will "row or"anisms suc) as 9ast *lants and select (or speci(ic
traits o&er se&eral
Big 0#ea 2! +ellula$ P$ocesses5 2'e$gy a'# Matte$
Cellular Respiration: Students in&esti"ate some aspect o( cellular respiration in or"anisms.
*)otos'nt)esis: Students in&esti"ate p)otos'nt)etic rate under a &ariet' o( student selected
@i((usionF8smosis: Students in&esti"ate di((usion and osmosis in model s'stems and in plant
Big 0#ea (! )e'etics a'# 0'/o$3atio' T$a's/e$
Cell @i&ision: !itosis and !eiosis. Students compare mitotic rate a(ter exposure to lectin or
ot)er substances presumed to a((ect mitotic rate.
#acterial .rans(ormation: Students in&esti"ate bacterial trans(ormation.
Restriction 2nD'me %nal'sis: Students in&esti"ate restriction enD'me anal'sis.
Big 0#ea 4! 0'te$actio's
2ner"' @'namics: Students de&elop and anal'De model s'stems t)at describe ener"' (low.
9ruit 9l' #e)a&ior: Students in&esti"ate c)emotaxis in (ruit (lies.
.ranspiration: Students in&esti"ate t)e mo&ement o( water t)rou") plants in a model s'stem.
2nD'me In&esti"ation: In an open in/uir' lab, students will in&esti"ate and /uanti(' (actors t)at
a((ect enD'me action.
)$a#i'g Scale!
+,I 1 1,,I %
8,I 1 8+I #
E,I 1 E+I C
C,I 1 C+I @
,I 1 B+I 9
Assess3e'ts! % combination o( (ormati&e and summati&e assessments will be used to monitor
student pro"ress. %ssessments will include, but not be limited to, t)e (ollowin":
3nit tests consistent wit) %* (ormat
:uiDDes 4announced and unannounced6
Lab reports and anal'sis
<omewor problems and re&iew /uestions
Independent student in&esti"ations
<ands1on acti&ities and simulations, includin" web1/uests
Collaborati&e wor
Researc) papers
Class discussions
8ut1o(1class pro-ects
)$a#e +alculatio'!
4, I 1 Labs and lab reports, classwor, )omewor
C, I 1 .ests, /uiDDes and pro-ects
+lass$oo3 2xpectatio's!
1. Come to class prepared and on time e&er' da'.
;. Respect eac) ot)er at all times.
>. %ssi"nments, pro-ects and lab reports must be completed and submitted in a timel'
(as)ion. 0or turned in one da' late will lose ;BI o( its &alue. 0or turned in two da's
late will lose B,I o( its &alue. 0or turned in t)ree da's late will lose EBI o( its &alue.
0or not turned in wit)in > da's o( its due date will not be accepted.
4. 9our bat)room passes will be allowed e&er' marin" period. #at)room passes will not be
allowed durin" a lecture.
B. Ao (ood or drin allowed in t)e classroom ot)er t)an water.
C. =i&e 'our best e((ort durin" e&er' class period.
E. Ao pro(anit'.
8. %ll ot)er expectations at t)e discretion o( t)e teac)er.
Students will maintain a laborator' notebooFport(olio t)rou")out t)e course. In addition to t)e
laborator' noteboo, students will communicate to ot)ers in (ormats suc) as "roup presentations,
*ower*oint presentations, poster sessions and written reports. Communication tools are not
onl' (or t)e laborator' experiences, but represent examples o( t)e collaboration, re(lection, and
articulation seen in t)e course as a w)ole.

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