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Lincoln High School Business Department

Course Title: Criminal Justice Credit: 1 School Year: 2014-2015
Instructor: Mr. Hanle !-Mail: hanle"#lincoln"s.or$
Lincoln High School Mission Statement: The mission o% the &incoln Hi$h School
communit is to educate all students in a sa%e' nurturin$ and res"ect%ul en(ironment
that em"o)ers them to *ecome li%elon$ learners and "roducti(e citi+ens in a $lo*al
Course Description: This course introduces the man conce"ts uni,ue to our criminal -ustice sstem'
s"eci%icall relatin$ to the courts' la) en%orcement and corrections. This course )ill ta.e a %ield tri" to the
/.C.I. 0"ossi*l others1. 2e )ill ha(e se(eral $uest s"ea.ers throu$hout the ear %rom the criminal -ustice
Law Academy: This course is "art o% the &incoln Hi$h school &a) academ. To com"lete the &a) /cadem
students must com"lete three o% %our courses o%%ered at &incoln Hi$h School' Criminal Justice' 3orensics' &e$al
Studies and &a) and 4rder. Students that com"lete the re,uirements o% the &a) academ )ill ha(e the
o""ortunit to recei(e u" to 10 credit hours %rom 5o$er 2illiams and three credit hours %rom 6e) !n$land
Tech' a 6ational certi%ication in criminal -ustice' a cord to *e )orn at $raduation distin$uishin$ ou as a &a)
/cadem $raduate and a certi%icate o% com"letion.
Roger Williams ni!ersity and "ew #ngland $ech Credits: This course o%%ers the o""ortunit %or Juniors
and Seniors to o*tain 7 credit hours %rom 5o$er 2illiams 8ni(ersit and 6e) !n$land Tech. To *e eli$i*le %or
the credits Juniors and Seniors must: maintain an 99 a(era$e 0or a*o(e1 %or all %our ,uarters' com"lete a 10 to
15 "a$e "a"er and "resent a "ort%olio o% our )or. throu$hout the ear to "ro%essors %rom 5o$er 2illiams
Course %b&ecti!e: The o*-ecti(e o% this course is to $i(e our students and o(erall understandin$ o% the
Criminal Justice Sstem. 2e )ill e:"lore the career o""ortunities in the Criminal Justice Sstem and the
re,uirements that need to *e met to ,uali% %or those -o*s. This course is intended to $i(e students )ho
success%ull com"lete it an ad(anta$e o(er other students )hen a""lin$ %or "ositions in the Criminal Justice
5e,uired Classroom Su""lies:
6ote*oo. 07 rin$ *inder1
Career Journal
<radin$ Sstem=:
1. Ci(ic 5es"onsi*ilit 10>
2. Home)or. 20>
2. ?ui++es@short "osition essas@small "ro-ects@note*oo. 70>
7. Tests@;ro-ects@Moc. Trial 40>
=<radin$ su*-ect to chan$e )ith notice
Ma.e-8" ;olic:
It is the student's responsibility to ma.e u" an missed )or.' ,ui++es or tests. I% a student is a*sent the )ill
still *e held res"onsi*le %or all material co(ered and home)or. assi$ned on the da missed. Students )ill ha(e
t)o das %rom their return to school to hand in an missed )or.. Ma.e-u" tests and ,ui++es are administered
)hen the student returns to school. /ll ma.e-u" tests and ,ui++es )ill *e administered *e%ore or a%ter schoolA
an test or ,ui+ not made u" )ill *e a)arded a +ero. I% ou %ail to turn in home)or. on time it )ill result in a
+ero' "ro-ects or "a"ers that are late )ill ha(e %i(e "oints reduced %rom their %inal $rade %or each da late.

Course %utline:
Semester (
8nit 1 Introduction@ Career ;ath)as 0throu$hout the entire ear1
8nit 2 4(er(ie) o% the &a) 0t)o )ee.s1
8nit 7 Classi%ication o% crime 0t)o )ee.s1
8nit 4 T"es o% Crimes 0%our )ee.s1
8nit 5 Be%enses o% Crimes 0three )ee.1
8nit C 3ourth /mendment 0%our )ee.s1
8nit D 3i%th and Si:th /mendment 0%i(e )ee.s1
Semester ))
8nit 9 Court Sstem 0three )ee.s1
8nit E Trial ;rocedures 0%our )ee.s1
8nit 10 Moc. Trial 0%our )ee.s1
*ormat o+ )nstruction , Assessment +or #ach Chapter:
1. Introduction o% <oals and o*-ecti(es
2. Introduction o% ne) Foca*ular@Terms
7. Foca*ular 5ein%orcement
4. Student 5ead /ssi$ned Cha"ter or Section
5. Student )ill 4utline Cha"ter
C. &ecture )ith ?uestion and /ns)er
D. ;ractice !:ercises
9. ;ro-ect or !ssa on To"ic /ssi$ned
E. 4ne or T)o ?ui++es "er Cha"ter
10. Cha"ter 5e(ie)
11. Test at the Conclusion o% each Cha"ter
Business Law:
Gasics o% the &a)
/nal+e the relationshi" *et)een ethics and the la) and descri*e sources o% the la)' the structure o% the court
sstem' di%%erent classi%ications o% "rocedural la) and the di%%erent classi%ications o% su*stanti(e la).
Graduation Outcomes (Learner Expectations):
5-10-15: 5esearches Multi"le Sources
4C-10-1.2: 3ollo)s instruction %or a (ariet o% reasons
4C-10-2.1: 8ses a""ro"riate or$ani+ation H lan$ua$e %or conte:t
4C-10-2.C: 8ses technolo$
4C-10-2.5: 8ses s"$ strate$ies' inc. ee contact
2-10-1: Bemonstrates command o% sentences "ara$ra"hs H te:t
2-10-C' 10-D'10-9: In in%ormational )ritin$' or$ani+es ideas' con(es "ur"ose and ela*orates
2-10-E: In inde"endent )ritin$' demonstrates command o% !n$lish con(entions
Content Standards and Performance Benchmarks:
Career 5esearch
o Career resources and related in%ormation
Bescri*e and $i(e e:am"les o% career clusters
8se a (ariet o% research tools
8se a(aila*le resources %or "ro-ectin$ career o""ortunities and trends
/nal+e a s"eci%ic career cluster' usin$ a (ariet o% research tools
School to career transition
o 2or."lace e:"eriences
!:"lain ho) the needs and %unctions o% societ in%luence the nature and structure o% )or.
Identi% hi$h school "ro$rams that articulate )ith "ostsecondar educational "ro$rams' industr-
*ased trainin$ and technical education "ro$rams in a chosen career %ield
&i%elon$ &earnin$
o ;ersonal $ro)th
Be(elo" an a)areness o% (arious -o*s and careers
5elate (arious le(els o% education to careers
Identi% %uture -o* and career trends associated )ith *usiness in a chosen career cluster
o Career $ro)th
Be(elo" a)areness o% ho) the )or."lace continues to chan$e
Identi% trends in the chan$in$ )or."lace
In%ormation Technolo$
o 4"eratin$ sstems' en(ironments and utilities
Bemonstrates .no)led$e o% and s.ills in usin$ *asic o"eratin$ sstem commands
o In%ormation 5etrie(al
8se a )ide (ariet o% in%ormation technolo$ resources to retrie(e in%ormation
!(aluate the credi*ilit and *ias o% in%ormation sources
Inter"ret in%ormation %or use in decision$
3ind' classi% and order retrie(ed in%ormation
Cite sources o% all t"es o% data
8se search "rocedures a""ro"riate to t"e o% in%ormation' nature o% source and nature o% ,uer
!(aluate the accurac' rele(ance and com"rehensi(eness o% retrie(ed in%ormation
Bra) conclusions and ma.e $enerali+ations *ased on in%ormation $athered
/nal+e' access' e:chan$e' or$ani+e and snthesi+e in%ormation
Technolo! Standards and Benchmarks:
ET2.2: Incorporate technological products, systems and their tools to achieve design solutions
Selecting independently the proper tools or information resources used in
completing a task
11 Respect: /rri(in$ on time. Boin$ )hat ou are as.ed )hen ou are as.ed. 3ollo)in$ &incoln Hi$h
school rules. Clean u" a%ter oursel% and sho) res"ect %or our en(ironment. Interactin$ "ositi(el and
a""ro"riatel )ith others our classmates
21 )ntegrity: Boin$ our o)n )or.. Holdin$ our sel% to a hi$her standard. Geha(in$ a""ro"riatel )hen
no oneIs )atchin$.
71 Sa+ety: Gein$ a)are o% oursel% and others in relation to "ersonal sa%et. Carrin$ our sel% )ith di$nit.
Sho)in$ concern and consideration %or the sa%et o% others.
41 #ngagement: ;ain$ attention. Ha(in$ the ri$ht materials. ;re"ared %or success. ;artici"atin$. Boin$ all
assi$nments and doin$ our *est. /$ ,uestions. /(oidin$ distractions 0cell "hones1
51 nity: toleratin$ di%%erences. Su""ortin$ each other.$ )ell in $rou"s. Hel"in$ each other
C1 -ride: /ttendin$ school )ide e(ents. Folunteerin$. 4%%erin$ to hel". Stri(in$ to *e our *est.$
"ride in our a""earance and %ollo)in$ the dress code.
.iolation o+ the Classroom Rules will Result in:
a1 &ast to lea(e the class at the end o% the "eriod
*1 Call to "arents@ $uardian
c1 2ritten u" %or teacher detention 0hal%-hour1
d1 Bismissed %rom class to the a""ro"riate assistant "rinci"al )ith a )rite-u"
e1 / com*ination o% an or all o% the a*o(e
) will personally in!ol!e your parent/guardian to recti+y any situation that
becomes a barrier to your education or the education o+ your classmates0

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