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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Use this lesson plan format and include supplementary materials (e.g. activities, handouts, lecture notes). Date: 4-7-14 Title: Plessy V. Ferguson case study activity Description (1-2 sentences): tudents !ill co"plete Friday#s activity. T$e students !ill learn $o! segregation %eca"e t$e la! o& t$e land %y e'a"ining t$e upre"e (ourt case Plessy V. Ferguson (PvF). T$ey !ill also learn $o! to read a upre"e (ourt case %rie&.

u%)ect: * +istory ,nstruction ti"e: -ne ./ "inute class period tudent#s level %y grade: 0int$ tandard(s) to %e addressed: *nderstand t$e role o& govern"ent in "a)or areas o& do"estic and &oreign policy. *nderstand patterns o& social and cultural continuity in various societies. *nderstand relations$ips %et!een and a"ong signi&icant events. *nderstand "ultiple vie!points !it$in and across cultures related to i"portant events1 recurring dile""as1 and issues. *nderstand t$e role t$e values o& speci&ic people in $istory played in in&luencing $istory. *nderstand signi&icant $istorical periods and patterns o& c$ange !it$in and across cultures1 suc$ as social1 econo"ic1 and political revolutions. 2nduring *nderstandings32ssential 4uestions targeted in t$is lesson (&or units created using t$e *nderstanding 5y Design &ra"e!or6 only): 7overn"ents "ay $urt t$ose it needs to $elp t$e "ost.

8earning -%)ectives &or t$is lesson (9ritten using ver%s &ro" 5loo"#s Ta'ono"y): tudents !ill learn $o! to e'a"ine a case %rie& %y &ocusing on %ac6ground1 (onstitutional issue1 decision3ruling1 dissenting opinion1 and i"pact. tudents !ill deduce t$ese ter"s &ro" a PvF case su""ary. tudents !ill )usti&y t$eir &indings %y !riting an e'planation. tudents !ill evaluate !$y t$e (ourt ruled t$e !ay it did. ,denti&ied student needs and plans &or di&&erentiation: tudents !$o need it !ill %e given a "odi&ied version o& :uestions to ans!er1 &ocusing "ore on !$at t$e case did as opposed to learning $o! to de%rie& a case study. peci&ic resources needed &or t$is lesson: 9or6s$eets. Te't%oo6s. Pen3pencil.

9$ite%oard1 "ar6ers. Dictionaries. ,nstructional "et$od(s) used in t$is lesson: ,ndependent study. 8esson e:uence: 1) +oo6 (+o! !ill you get students e'cited a%out learning3,ntroduce students to your o%)ectives;) a) tudents !ill &inis$ Friday#s assign"ent1 %rea6ing into assigned trios and instructing eac$ ot$er. < 12 "inutes %) =n e'planation o& t$e ne! daily !ritten assign"ent routine !ill %e e'plained. -> "inutes. c) *nless t$ere is a test1 t$ere !ill %e daily !ritten assign"ents on t$e %oard. tudents !ill ta6e t$eir seats1 %e silent1 and ans!er t$ese :uestions on a s$eet o& paper1 and 6eep t$e paper &or t$e !ee6 and $and it in on Friday &or co"pletion points. ?usti&ication < @(lass is &or learning1 not socialiAing1 and t$is !ill re"ind you every day to &ocus on learning !$en you &irst enter t$e classroo".B d) Daily !ritten assign"ent < PvF political cartoon1 4 "inutes i) @9$at is t$e cartoon#s title;B ii) @9$at is t$e cartoon#s caption;B iii) @9$at do you t$in6 t$e &ountains represent;B iv) @9$at do you t$in6 t$e cartoon#s "essage is;B 2) Direct instruction3Codeling < D "inutes1 !it$ calling out students to repeat a previously stated ite" a) T$e teac$er !ill e'plain t$e case %rie& process < %) 5ac6ground (9$at $appened; 9$o; 9$y; 9$en; +o!; 9$ere;) c) T$e (onstitutional issue (e'plain $o! upre"e (ourt cases only co"e &ro" a la! t$at con&licts !it$ t$e (onstitution1 give e'a"ples1 $o! does t$is la! con&lict !it$ t$e (onstitution;) d) T$e decision (!$at did t$e (ourt say a%out t$is la! con&licting !it$ t$e (onstitution; Does it con&lict1 or doesn#t; +o! does it3not con&lict !it$ t$e (onstitution;) e) T$e dissenting opinion (did all )udges agree !it$ t$e ruling; 9$y didn#t t$ey; 9$at did t$e )udges !$o didn#t agree say;) &) T$e i"pact (!$at are t$e e&&ects o& t$is ruling; Did anyt$ing c$ange; 9$o does t$e ruling a&&ect; ,n !$at !ay are t$ey a&&ected;) >) 7uided practice < > "inutes a) 9al6 t$e students t$roug$ $o! to deter"ine t$e %ac6ground &ro" t$e case !or6s$eet < 9$o; 9$at; 9$y; 9$en; +o!; 9$ere; %) ,n&or" t$e" t$e case %eco"es easier to understand i& t$ey do t$e !or6s$eet , designed &irst %e&ore t$ey ans!er t$e %oo6#s !or6s$eet :uestions. 4) ,ndependent practice 22 <"inutes a) tudents !ill co"plete t$e !or6s$eet1 consisting o& its original :uestions and "ine o!n added .) ($ec6(s) &or understanding and sca&&olding o& student learning a) 5ro!se t$e student#s !or6 as t$ey are co"pleting t$e"1 c$ec6ing i& t$ey are understanding t$e case and !$at t$ey are supposed to do. D) =ssess"ent o&3&or learning a) T$e !or6s$eet !ill %e collected &or a grade. 7) (losure o& t$e lesson a) ,n&or" t$e" !$en &ive "inutes are le&t1 t$ey !ill continue !or6ing until t$e end. ,& t$ey do not co"plete t$e s$eet1 it is $o"e!or6. E) 5ridge to ne't lesson a) ,n&or" t$e" t$ere is no test over t$is s"all unit1 and !e !ill start * ,"perialis" to"orro!. +o! !ill you "odi&y or ad)ust t$is lesson in t$e &uture; 2'pand upon "y o!n :uestions1 and strea"line t$is lesson %y $aving a %rie& study earlier in t$e se"ester so t$is is practice1 not a ne! s6ill.

1. 2. >. 4.

9$at is t$e cartoon#s title; 9$at is t$e cartoon#s caption; 9$at do you t$in6 t$e &ountains represent; 9$at do you t$in6 t$e cartoon#s "essage is;

1. 9$at is t$e %ac6ground o& t$is case; a. 9$o; %. 9$en; c. Where? d. How?

e. Why?


What happened?

2. What is the issue of this case? a. How does this law supposedly conflict with the Constitution?

>. What is the ruling of the Court? a. Did this law conflict with the Constitution?

b. How did it conflict? Or, how did it not conflict with the Constitution?

4. Did any judge disagree with the ruling? a. Why did the judge disagree?

.. What is the impact of this ruling? a. Did anything change as a result of the ruling?

b. Who does this ruling affect?

c. How does it affect them?

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