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Submitted by
Name Ma Kyi Kyi Myint
Roll No M
Class MA II Semester 2
Academic Yr 2!-26
"# Introduction
"#"# $%eoretical &ac'(round
"# 2# Met%odolo(y and Nature o) t%e *ro+ect
"#,# $y-es and Causes o) Errors
2# Collection o) Errors
,# .iscussion o) Errors at Syntactic /e0el
,#"# /ocal Errors and 1lobal Errors
,#2# $y-ical Intralin(ual and .e0elo-mental Errors
,#,# Causes o) Errors
,#,#"# Mot%er-ton(ue Inter)erence
,#,#2# 20er(enerali3ation
,#,#,# I(norance o) Rule Restrictions
,#,#4# Incom-lete A--lication o) Rules
,#,#!# 4alse Conce-ts 5y-ot%esised
4# Su((ested Remedial $eac%in(
!# Conclusion
6# Re)erences
1. Intro!"t#on
1.1. T$eoret#"%& B%"'(ro!n
Error Analysis is a tool )or t%e study o) lan(ua(e learners# It is not li'e Contrasti0e
Analysis6 7%ic% see's to -redict t%e errors t%at learners ma'e by identi)yin( t%e lin(uistic
di))erences bet7een t%eir /" and t%e tar(et lan(ua(e# Contrasti0e Analysis is based on t%e
assum-tion t%at errors occur mainly as a result o) mot%er-ton(ue inter)erence 7%en t%e
learner trans)ers nati0e lan(ua(e 8%abits9 into t%e /2# :%ereas Contrasti0e Analysis loo's
at only t%e learner9s nati0e lan(ua(e and t%e tar(et lan(ua(e6 Error Analysis -ro0ides a
met%odolo(y )or in0esti(atin( learner lan(ua(e#
$%e si(ni)icance o) errors can be seen in t%ree di))erent 7ays accordin( to Corder
;"<=4># 4irstly6 errors -ro0ide t%e teac%er 7it% in)ormation about %o7 muc% t%e learner
%as learnt# Secondly6 t%ey -ro0ide t%e researc%er 7it% e0idence o) %o7 lan(ua(e is learnt
by t%e learners# $%irdly6 t%ey ser0e as de0ices by 7%ic% t%e learner disco0ers t%e rules o)
t%e tar(et lan(ua(e#
$%is -ro+ect is mainly based on t%e assum-tions made by Corder and Ric%ards in
t%eir Error Analysis studies#
1. ). Met$oo&o(* %n N%t!re o+ t$e Pro,e"t
Re(ardin( t%e met%ods6 t%is -ro+ect )ollo7s t%e ste-s su((ested by Corder ;"<=4>#
Accordin( to %im6 t%e )ollo7in( ste-s are included in EA researc%# 4irstly6 it be(ins 7it%
t%e collection o) a sam-le o) learner lan(ua(e# $%en6 it identi)ies errors and describes
t%em in accordance 7it% t%e lin(uistic ty-olo(y# A)ter t%at6 errors are e?-lained 7it% t%e
%el- o) a--lied lin(uistics# 4inally6 errors are e0aluated 7it% t%e intention t%at learners are
(i0en due remedial teac%in(#
In t%is -ro+ect6 a sam-le o) learner lan(ua(e is collected )rom t%e 4irst Year
*%iloso-%y S-ecialisation students o) :est Yan(on @ni0ersity# Since t%e number o)
students in total is =6 !A o) t%em ;i#e#6 , students> is assumed to be able to re-resent
t%e 7%ole class and t%e analysis is made on t%e )irst , students# 4or t%e sa'e o) security
in assessment results6 t%e data are numbered serially#
All t%e sub+ect students are s-ea'ers o) Myanmar as t%eir mot%er-ton(ue# $%ey
%a0e been learnin( En(lis% as a )orei(n lan(ua(e since t%eir Kinder(arten# $%eir e?-osure
to En(lis% is t%ere)ore about "2 years old# $%ey %a0e s-ent most o) t%eir sc%ool days
readin( and 7ritin(# S-ea'in( and listenin( s'ills %a0e been ne(lected and are 7ea' as a
result# 4urt%ermore6 it is learnt )rom discussions 7it% t%em t%at t%ey seldom did t%e
e?tensi0e readin( a-art )rom t%e -rescribed te?ts# &ein( t%e arts students6 t%ey are also
7ea' in t%in'in( and lin(uistic s'ills6 )or most o) t%eir sub+ects are tau(%t in t%eir mot%er-
$%e data come )rom t%e tutorial e?ercise (i0en to t%em to elicit t%eir lan(ua(e
com-etence in com-osition 7ritin( s'ills# $%e e?ercise is 7ritin( an essay entitled 8$%e
$o7n I /i0e in9# $%e students 7ere (i0en t%e e?ercise 7it%out bein( told in ad0ance t%at
t%ey %ad to 7rite t%e abo0e-mentioned essay6 so it is belie0ed t%at t%e students 7rote it
do7n o)) t%e %andcu)) and did not 0omit 7%at t%ey %ad memori3ed and t%at t%eir errors
can in some 7ay re-resent t%e students9 lan(ua(e com-etence#
.ue to t%e constraints o) time and s-ace6 t%e errors at syntactic le0el are only
considered# $%e classi)ication and e?-lanation o) t%e errors are made on t%e basis o)
Ric%ards9 7or' A Non-Contrastive Approach to Error Analysis#
1.-. T*.es %n C%!ses o+ Errors
&e)ore 7e ma'e decisions about t%e 'inds and causes o) errors6 it is t%ou(%t t%at
7e s%ould )irst distin(uis% errors )rom mista'es# $ec%nically6 errors re)er to t%e de0iations
t%at arise as a result o) lac' o) 'no7led(e o) t%e tar(et lan(ua(e# $%ey re-resent a lac' o)
com-etence# 2n t%e ot%er %and6 mista'es occur 7%en t%e learners )ail to -er)orm t%eir
com-etence# Mista'es are6 t%ere)ore6 -er)ormance -%enomena and re(ular )eatures o)
nati0e-s-ea'er s-eec%6 re)lectin( -rocessin( )ailures t%at arise as a result o) com-etin(
-lans6 memory limitations6 and lac' o) automaticity# $%e sli-s o) t%e ton(ue and t%ose o)
t%e -en belon( to t%e e?am-les o) mista'es# Corder ar(ues t%at t%e Error Analysis s%ould
be restricted to t%e study o) errors and mista'es s%ould be eliminated )rom t%e analysis6
and t%ere)ore only errors are ta'en into consideration in t%is -ro+ect -a-er#
Corder im-lies t%at analysts o) errors may )ace -roblems o) 0arious cate(orical
distinctions in reco(ni3in( errors# $o o0ercome t%em6 %e -ro-oses an identi)ication-o)-
errors -rocedure t%at ac'no7led(es t%e im-ortance o) 8inter-retation9 and distin(uis%es
t%ree ty-es o) inter-retation# $%e t%ree ty-es are normal6 aut%oritati0e and -lausible# In
t%is -ro+ect -a-er6 t%e inter-retation and reconstruction )rom it are based on t%e
assi(nment o) meanin( to utterances accordin( to t%e rules o) t%e tar(et lan(ua(e and are
t%ere)ore normal by nature# Aut%oritati0e inter-retations are absent because t%ere %as
been no c%ance to as' t%e students to say 7%at t%e utterance means and to ma'e an
8aut%oritati0e reconstruction9 by doin( so# *lausible inter-retations can be )ound
occasionally since t%ey 7ere obtained by re)errin( to t%e conte?t in 7%ic% t%e utterance
7as -roduced or by translatin( t%e sentence literally into t%e learner9s /"#
Errors are described by lin(uistic cate(ories# @nder t%e title o) Syntactic Errors6
(enerally lin(uistic cate(ories are introduced suc% as passive sentences, the clause
structure, the phrase structure, the auxiliary system, conjunctions and so on# $%ese errors
are seen under sub-ta?onomies o) omissions6 additions6 misin)ormations6 and
misorderin(s# Since t%e -ro+ect is mainly concerned 7it% t%e syntactic le0el6 t%e results
are naturally centred on (lobal errors rat%er t%an on local errors#
Errors are t%en discussed accordin( to t%eir causes# Accordin( to Ric%ards6 7%ic%
t%is -ro+ect -a-er is based6 t%e di))erent sources or causes o) com-etence errors )all into
t%ree# $%ey areB
"# Inter)erence errors 7%ic% occur as a result o) 8t%e use o) elements )rom on
lan(ua(e 7%ile s-ea'in( anot%er
2# Intralin(ual errors 7%ic% re)lect t%e (eneral c%aracteristics o) rule learnin( suc% as
)aulty (enerali3ation6 incom-lete a--lication o) rules and )ailure to conditions
under 7%ic% rules a--ly6 and
,# .e0elo-mental errors 7%ic% occur 7%en t%e learner attem-ts to build u-
%y-ot%eses about t%e tar(et lan(ua(e on t%e basis o) limited e?-erience#
Intralin(ual errors are t%en subdi0ided as )ollo7sB
"# 20er(enerali3ation errors
2# I(norance o) rule restrictions
,# Incom-lete a--lication o) rules6 and
4# 4alse conce-ts %y-ot%esised
Naturally6 it is )ound not al7ays easy to distin(uis% trans)er and intralin(ual
errors6 and6 t%ere)ore6 errors t%at are not similar to /" acCuisition and t%at do not re)lect
t%e structure o) t%e /" are sa)ely re(arded as intralin(ual errors#
). Co&&e"t#on o+ Errors
$%e )ollo7in( list describes errors at syntactic le0el made by 4irst Year
*%iloso-%y students at :est Yan(on @ni0ersity# $%e list is collected )rom t%eir
com-ositions 7%ic% are enclosed to(et%er 7it% t%is -ro+ect -a-er in t%e a--endi?#
;$%e number re)ers to t%e com-osition6 and t%e letter a)ter it is t%e error number#>
"#a $%e $o7n I li0e in Insein
"#b It brid(e is connected in $%anda-in#
"#c $%e to7n distribution by reli(ion "#2 A &udd%ists6 "2#4A C%ristians#
"#d Yan(on .e0ision6 Ayeya7addy .e0ision6 &amars are t%e ma+ority o) in%abitants#
"#e My to7n culture )esti0als and -a(oda
"#) My to7n state *eace and .e0elo-ment council o) t%e onion o) Myanmar
"#( My to7n 2ctober celebrated t%e $%adin(yut 4esti0al
"#% A multitude o) -eo-le not %ad (at%ered to candle#
"#i At t%eir reCuest man I to7n 0isited#
2#a $%e to7n I li0e in 5lain( $%aryar#
2#b It is 0ery -eace#
2#c &ecause it %a0e a )amous *a(oda#
2#d 5lain( $%aryar %a0e a bi( brid(es#
2#e It is Aun( Day Ya and S%7e *yi $%ar brid(es#
2#) $%e reli(ious or traditional )esti0ity are %ar0estin( )esti0al and $%adin(yut )esti0al#
2#( $%ey are 0ery attraction -eo-le#
2#% 5lain( $%aryar %a0e a )amous monestry#
2#i Eery beauti)ul %a0e is 5lain( $%aryar#
,#a It is 0ery -leasant a to7n#
,#b It is 0ery (reat to7ns%i-#
,#c It li0ed in many -o-ulation#
,#d $%is to7n is bi((est in Yan(on .i0ision#
,#e $%is to7n is 0ery -lenty o) rice#
,#) $%is to7n is most -roduced rice#
,#( In t%is to7n is %eld yearly traditionar )esti0al#
,#% $%e sc%ool is 0ery (lory t%at is situated in t%is to7ns%i-#
,#i *eo-le are %eld one and one in t%is to7n#
4#a 5lain( $%aryar to7n in t%is many is )actory#
4#b It is t%e di))erent -arts6 t%at6 "6 26 ,6 4 ;3one>#
4#c Is t%e also in ot%er )actories#
4#d My to7n in t%e )amous s-ort center is t%e $%u7ana s-ort center#
-. D#s"!ss#on o+ Errors %t S*nt%"t#" Le/e&
-.1. Lo"%& Errors %n G&o0%& Errors
1lobal errors ma'e t%e communication di))icult to understand# $%e (lobal errors
%a--en 7%en t%ey 0iolate rules in0ol0in( t%e o0erall structure o) a sentence6 t%e relations
amon( constituent clauses6 or t%e relation amon( ma+or constituents# $%us6 connectors6

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