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uaLe: March 21, 2014

1o: Melodee LamberL & 8uS 2200 Colleagues
lrom: !eff Plcken
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l propose LhaL as a Leam we creaLe an lnformaLlonal campalgn LhaL lnforms our school and communlLy
of Lhe beneflLs of Mlcrofranchlslng. Along wlLh Lhls l propose LhaL we creaLe an onllne plaLform where
lndlvlduals lnLeresLed ln Mlcrofranchlslng can learn and collaboraLe on wlLh anoLher.
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WhaL ls Mlcrofranchlslng?
Pow does lL beneflL our communlLy, and more lmporLanLly Lhe developlng world?
Who are Lhe leaders ln Mlcrofranchlslng ln our communlLy?
WhaL opporLunlLles exlsL and how mlghL one geL lnvolved?
As a Leam we wlll work closely wlLh Lhe Mlller 8uslness 8esource CenLer ln order Lo dlscover Lhe besL
way of provldlng lnformaLlon on Mlcrofranchlslng Lo our fellow sLudenLs. We wlll gaLher lnformaLlon
from lnLerneL sources as well as conducL personal lnLervlews wlLh leaders ln Mlcrofranchlslng wlLhln our
communlLy. Cnce we have collecLed valuable lnformaLlon we wlll Lhen creaLe an lnformaLlonal handouL
explalnlng, WhaL ls Mlcrofranchlslng." We wlll also creaLe a blog Lo acL as a collaboraLlon hub for
anyone lnLeresLed ln Lhe lndusLry.
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allow us Lo pracLlce buslness communlcaLlon skllls llke lnLervlewlng, llsLenlng, wrlLlng, creaLlve
Lhlnklng, and Leam collaboraLlon.
lncrease our human caplLal and value as employees by lmprovlng our markeLlng and web skllls.
provlde us wlLh lnformaLlon abouL Mlcrofranchlslng and how Lo geL lnvolved.
asslsL us ln learnlng Lo neLwork and develop valuable buslness relaLlonshlps wlLhln our
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Cnllne plaLform for collaboraLlng one wlLh anoLher
lnformaLlon abouL currenL opporLunlLles ln Lhe fleld of Mlcrofranchlslng
CurrenL research and lnformaLlon on Mlcrofranchlslng
Melodee LamberL & 8uS 2200 Colleagues
March 21, 2014
age 2

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ln order Lo accompllsh all of Lhe ob[ecLlves llsLed above, lL ls vlLal LhaL we deslgn a plan LhaL ouLllnes our
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ln order Lo compleLe Lhls pro[ecL ln Lhe mosL efflclenL manner posslble, we wlll need Lhe collaboraLlon
of Lhree Lo flve Leam members, preferably Lhose wlLh a sLrong deslre Lo learn abouL Lhe Loplc.
We wlll work closely wlLh Lhe Mlller 8uslness 8esource CenLer Lo flnd Lhe besL way Lo geL our school
lnvolved ln Mlcrofranchlslng, speclflcally as a complemenL Lo Mlcroflnanclng, whlch ls already ln place.
We wlll also conLacL professlonals from Lhe communlLy Lo conducL lnLervlews. Some of Lhose
professlonals lnclude 1onya Pamlll aL MoLlls, !ereml 8rewer aL 8?u, and !usLln klng aL 1llaplana.

E""F G ueslgn our plan, begln onllne research, conLacL local buslnesses and organlzaLlons, develop
quesLlons for lnLervlews, and seL appolnLmenLs.
E""F ?HI ConducL lnLervlews, begln Lo gaLher lmporLanL lnformaLlon, neLwork, and develop quallLy
E""F JHK llnlsh complllng research, analyze lnformaLlon, dlscard unnecessary lnformaLlon, sLarL
creaLlng and deslgnlng handouL/blog/Llnkedln group, and wrlLe Leam reporL.
E""F L llnallze edlLlng of handouL, blog, and Leam reporL, presenL pro[ecL Lo class.

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