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Sara Barry, PhD

Instructi onal Systems Desi gn Project Manager

Cri ti cal ski ll set

Currlculum ueslgn &
lnsLrucLlonal ueslgn
Coachlng and ConsulLlng Leadershlp uevelopmenL e-Learnlng
erformance lmprovemenL SLraLeglc lannlng Learnlng meLrlcs/evaluaLlon
CuallLy ConLrol/Assurance uou ConLracLlng rocuremenL/AcqulslLlons

Educati on and affi li ati ons

!"# %& '()*+,%-&. /0+%&%&1 +&( !203-04+&*2 5460-7242&,. Capella unlverslLy
8+9,209 -3 :0,9 %& ;)4+& <29-)0*29 #272=-642&,, WebsLer unlverslLy
>+*"2=-09 -3 ?*%2&*2 %& @**)6+,%-&+= '()*+,%-&. Mlnor: 8uslness, Wayland 8apLlsL unlverslLy
Amerlcan SocleLy of 1ralnlng and uevelopmenL asL resldenL and 8oard Member
lnLernaLlonal SocleLy of erformance lmprovemenL (lSl) Member
lnsLlLuLlonal 8evlewer for LducaLlonal 8esearch, Medlcal LducaLlon and 1ralnlng Campus
varlous cerLlflcaLlons and Lralnlng ln AcqulslLlons and ro[ecL ManagemenL (over 130 hours)

Professi onal Employment Hi story

A2+0&%&1 +&( #272=-642&, 8+&+120 SepLember 2013 Lo lebruary 2014
8ush LnLerprlses, new 8raunfels, 1exas

ueveloped and deslgned Lralnlng for Lhe commerclal vehlcle lndusLry. Managed Lhe organlzaLlons
Learnlng ManagemenL SysLem (LMS) and learnlng sysLems and plaLforms such as Adobe ConnecL.
8ecommend buslness rules/pollcles for all blended learnlng soluLlons. ueveloped and dellvered
Lralnlng programs, lncludlng learnlng ob[ecLlves, faclllLaLor's gulde, parLlclpanL handouLs, and exerclses
uLlllzlng formal lnsLrucLlonal sysLem deslgn models and Lechnlques. ueveloped and publlshed
comprehenslve Lralnlng guldes for managers and employees. ueslgned [ob alds, Lralnlng conLenL, and
reference guldes uslng varlous auLhorlng Lools, such as owerolnL, ArLlculaLe, and lllusLraLor. AsslsLed
!"!#$%&'! )$**+,-

Plgh-energy corporaLe learnlng and developmenL leader wlLh demonsLraLed accompllshmenLs and 10+ years
experlence ln Lhe sLraLeglc and LacLlcal leadershlp of enLerprlse learnlng and developmenL soluLlons and plaLforms.
roven success ln: lnsLrucLlonal deslgn and developmenL, faclllLaLlon, e-learnlng, LalenL/successlon plannlng, recrulLlng,
budgeLlng, quallLy conLrol/assurance, procuremenL and acqulslLlons, and organlzaLlonal developmenL. key execuLlve
managemenL poslLlons reporLlng Lo CLCs, ClCs and uean/AssoclaLe ueans wlLhln governmenL conLracLlng and
governmenL organlzaLlons, lncludlng healLh care. Accompllshed ln Lhe esLabllshmenL and overslghL of learnlng
managemenL sysLems, learnlng and performance soluLlons, sLraLeglc and successlon plannlng. uemonsLraLed resulLs ln
meLrlcs and evaluaLlon of blended performance lmprovemenL lnLervenLlons. A moLlvaLlonal, lead-by-example change
agenL and advocaLe of empowermenL and accounLablllLy provldlng dlplomaLlc and parLlclpaLory leadershlp ensurlng
efflclencles ln process, conLrol, compllance and sLakeholder value.
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Sara Barry, PhD, ISD PM 2

ln Lhe developmenL of an on-boardlng program for Lhe organlzaLlon. WroLe a whlLe paper on creaLlng a
cusLomer cenLrlc culLure Lo supporL Lhe buslness deslre Lo become a more cusLomer cenLrlc

#26+0,42&, ;2+(BC"%23. '()*+,%-& /2*"&-=-1D CcLober 2010 Lo May 2013
Medlcal LducaLlon 1ralnlng CenLer (ML1C), ueparLmenL of Lhe navy, lorL Sam PousLon, 1x

Served as ro[ecL Manager for Lhe managemenL of LnLerprlse Learnlng ManagemenL SysLems. ulrecLed
Lhe work of 14 employees who deslgn and develop educaLlon Lechnology appllcaLlons. AsslsLed ln
managlng and conLrolllng Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhe learnlng managemenL sysLems lnLo a comprehenslve
sysLem Lo supporL ML1C goals. 8ecommended buslness rules/pollcles for Learnlng ManagemenL
SysLems, blended learnlng and Lechnology soluLlons across Lhe campus. 8ecommended
auLomaLed/dlglLlzed Lralnlng alLernaLlves based on knowledge of ML1C needs and poLenLlal cosLs. Lead
and parLlclpaLed ln organlzaLlonal sLraLeglc plannlng wlLh senlor execuLlves. arLlclpaLed and lead
several lnLernal and exLernal uou work groups and commlLLees. arLlclpaLed as Lhe voLlng member for
Lhe eLearnlng lnLegraLed 1ralnlng LnLerprlse Worklng group for Lhe MlllLary PealLh SysLems (MPS).
WroLe Lhe erformance Work SLaLemenL and oLher supporLlng conLracLlng documenLs for Lhe
procuremenL of Lhe campus Learnlng ManagemenL SysLem and LesLlng and valldaLlon sofLware
LoLallng more Lhan $1M.
luncLlonal olnL of ConLacL (CC) for Lhe campus Learnlng ConLenL ManagemenL SysLem
(LCMS) LhaL ls used by over 23,000 sLudenLs annually and 1,400 faculLy and sLaff.
Managed Lhe lmplemenLaLlon and launch for organlzaLlonal Learnlng ManagemenL SysLem
and moblle and soclal medla learnlng plaLforms.
uevelop and faclllLaLe key organlzaLlonal Lralnlng and sLaff developmenL lnLervenLlons Lo over
2,000 faculLy and sLudenLs.

?2&%-0 5&9,0)*,%-&+= ?D9,249 #29%1&20 Aprll 2009 - CcLober 2010
Medlcal LducaLlon 1ralnlng CenLer (ML1C) Lpsllon SysLems SoluLlons, lorL Sam PousLon, 1x

ueveloped and deslgned medlcal currlculum for Lrl-servlce programs LhaL are consolldaLlng under Lhe
8ase 8eallgnmenL and Closure rogram (88AC) for Lhe Medlcal LducaLlon and 1ralnlng Campus (ML1C).
CurrenL consolldaLlon of medlcal Lralnlng lncludes Lhousands of hours of new currlculum.
8ecommended program revlslons and changes LhaL wlll affecL hundreds of 8adlology sLudenLs Lralnlng
aL Lhe ML1C campus. romoLed collaboraLlon, parLnershlps and relaLlonshlps among Lhe parLlclpanLs ln
Lhe pro[ecL. 8evlewed producLs for adherence Lo Lhe Lrl-servlce ueparLmenL of uefense sLandards.
CoordlnaLed wlLh mulLlple servlce guldellnes and procedures for Lrl-servlce courses. MeeL ouLflLLlng
Llmellnes and budgeL consLralnLs. ueLermlned lnsLrucLlonal effecLlveness of course maLerlals.
WroLe and revlsed academlc pollcles, prepared and updaLed needs assessmenLs, Lralnlng plans,
and oLher resource documenLs, deLalllng Lhe pro[ecLed mllesLone daLes for accompllshmenL of
all analysls, deslgn, developmenL, lmplemenLaLlon and evaluaLlon efforLs.

C-&9)=,+&, EC-&,0+*, F-0GH uecember 2008-CcLober 2010
Cenesls ConcepLs and SoluLlons, lnc.

Sara Barry, PhD, ISD PM 3

Plred Lo asslsL wlLh developlng Lechnlcal conLracL proposal. AsslsLed ln wrlLlng pro[ecL proposal for
large Alr lorce ConLracL. uLlllzed MS ro[ecL Lo develop prlclng sLraLegy and wroLe prlclng proposal.
AsslsLed ln wrlLlng manpower uLlllzaLlon and creaLed approprlaLe maLrlx. CreaLed lnLegraLed masLer
schedule and rlsk mlLlgaLlon approach. Worked closely wlLh company CLC and Senlor vlce resldenL Lo
developlng wlnnlng proposals.

C-&9)=,+&,. 5&9,0)*,%-&+= #29%1& E!+0,I,%42H May 2008 - !anuary 2009
CllenL: 8oyal uuLch Shell, Lmployee Learnlng

Worked for Lhe cllenL as boLh lnsLrucLlonal ueslgner and ro[ecL Manager for web-based and blended
learnlng courses. Worked wlLh global sub[ecL maLLer experLs Lo analyze, deslgn and dellver Lralnlng
LhaL was noL prevlously wrlLLen or dellvered wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon. ConducLed developmenLal LesLlng
and valldaLe Lralnlng producLs for Lhree plloL courses. repared and updaLed needs assessmenLs,
Lralnlng plans, and oLher resource documenLs, deLalllng Lhe pro[ecLed mllesLone daLes for
accompllshmenL of all analysls, deslgn, developmenL, lmplemenLaLlon and evaluaLlon efforLs.
Supervlsed a vlrLual Leam of Lwo lnsLrucLlonal deslgners and several sub[ecL maLLer experLs for 1ax
1echnlcal ro[ecL Manager for mulLlple currlculum developmenL pro[ecLs, lncludlng experlence
managlng vlrLual Leams, lnLernaLlonal Leams and mulLlple concurrenL pro[ecLs.

?2&%-0 5&9,0)*,%-&+= ?D9,249 #29%1&20 +&( /2*"&%*+= !0-J2*, 8+&+120 AugusL 2004 - !anuary 2009
ConcurrenL 1echnologles, lnc., San AnLonlo, 1x and SL. 8oberL, MC

lnvolved ln large-scale developmenL/converslon of lL1 (lnsLrucLor led Lralnlng) Lo W81 (web based
Lralnlng) lncludlng over 200 hours of classroom Lralnlng. ueveloped learnlng ob[ecLlves, selecLlon of
medla and lnsLrucLlonal sLraLegles. ueveloped and deslgned lnsLrucLlonal maLerlals and LesLs. Analyzed
and developed resldenL, correspondence, web-based and compuLer based course maLerlals Lo ensure
Lhey are Lask-based, performance-orlenLed, effecLlve and efflclenL. rovlded guldance and asslsLance
Lo sub[ecL maLLer experLs (SML) ln producL developmenL. ConducLed developmenLal LesLlng and
valldaLe Lralnlng producLs. repared and updaLed needs assessmenLs, Lralnlng plans, and oLher
resource documenLs, deLalllng Lhe pro[ecLed mllesLone daLes for accompllshmenL of all analysls,
deslgn, developmenL, lmplemenLaLlon and evaluaLlon efforLs.
AcLed as Lhe Lechnlcal pro[ecL lead on asslgned proposals, conLrlbuLed Lo performance based
buslness developmenL, and asslsLed ln Lhe successful capLure of over $4M ln conLracL awards
durlng Lenure.
Member of a pro[ecL Leam LhaL recelved an ouLsLandlng cusLomer raLlng and was awarded a
conLlnuaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL conLracL Lhrough Lhe developmenL of a web-based program,
esLlmaLed conLracL award exceeded $2M.

Addi ti onal Career Hi story/experi ence

C+0220 C-)&92=-0 +&( /0+&9%,%-& C-+*", AugusL 2002 - AugusL 2004
Army Career and Alumnl rogram (ACA), lorL olk, LA and lorL Leonard Wood, MC
C20,%3%2( /0+%&20, Amerlcan SocleLy for 1ralnlng and uevelopmenL, uecember 2007-uecember 2010

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