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Iosh Coo|ey
4300 Cllman urlve La !olla CA 92093
Lxemplary people skllls
erslsLenL LfflclenL lnnovaLlve
Jorks above and beyond whaL ls expecLed
very 1echnologlcally Sound easlly adapLable Lo new programs and Lechnologles

Dersy of Ca|fora Sa Dego CurrenL LnrollmenL Ma[or CognlLlve Sclence wlLh a SpeclallzaLlon
ln Puman CompuLer lnLeracLlon Mlnor lnLerdlsclpllnary CompuLlng and Lhe ArLs

rogrammlng Languages C# C++ !ava P1ML3
rograms Adobe hoLoshop Adobe remlere Adobe ureamweaver Adobe llreworks Adobe
lllusLraLor Avld ro 1ools MlcrosofL Cfflce Cakewalk Sonar

lease vlslL hLLp//acswebucsdedu/[mcooley for a collecLlon of all my deslgn arL and muslc works

Jork Lxperlence
Sa Dego Supercompuer Ceer Isue for Neura| Compuao 8esearch AsslsLanL
March 2011 !uly 2011
Jorked wlLh vlrLual 8eallLy LLC PapLlc 8oboLs MaLlab hasespace sysLems and beyond
Alded ln research on proprlocepLlon wlLhln arklnsonlan paLlenLs as well as human reacLlon sLudles
Learned cruclal skllls lnvolvlng machlne lnLeracLlon coupled wlLh human lnLellecL

L3 CommucaosMaLerlal LxpedlLor 1ottey lloes cA IooAoq 2008
Jorked wlLh many Jlndows based appllcaLlons and Adobe sofLware
Slngle handedly reorganlzed an enLlre warehouse
erformed duLles LhaL lnvolved advanced compuLer programs and daLa enLry

koys nawaa Iuso Ie Dg Servlce AsslsLanL 8ar8ack La !olla CA !un2011 resenL
Sharpened personal and professlonal lnLeracLlon skllls
Pave become an experL aL mulLlLasklng

Memores Moo lounder lndependenL AgenL 1emecolo cA Moy 2007lteseot
Made vldeos for speclal evenLs when glven phoLographs and fllm seL Lhem Lo muslc and converLed
Lhem onLo uvu Also converLed vPS and 13mm fllm lnLo uvu formaL and cusLom deslgned uvu cases
8ecame fluenL wlLh Adobe remlere

9I Chag's Cha 8sro 8ackwalLer Lxpo 1emecolo lo Iollo cA Motcb2009 Aptll 2011
Jorked under hlghly sLressful slLuaLlons
ConsLanLly pracLlced and uLlllzed cusLomer servlce and reLall skllls
erformed server duLles perslsLenLly
As an expo exemplary leadershlp skllls are requlred and are flrmly learned on Lhe [ob
J8 9roducos Ceneral SLaff Member ollbtook cA
Jas responslble for seLup and breakdown of compuLers and Llmlng equlpmenL
Managed mulLlple compuLers slmulLaneously under hlgh sLress slLuaLlons and was able Lo lnsLanLly
LroubleshooL problems

9ub|c nouse Server 1emecolo cA !an 2009leb2010
Lndured Lhrough a hlgh sLress envlronmenL
ueveloped sLrong personal and servlng skllls

Co|d Soe CreameryCrew member 1emecolocA !un 2006 leb 2007
1ook phone callsServed CusLomers wlLh poslLlve aLLlLude
MalnLalned cleanllness ln work envlronmenL
ConLlnuously pracLlced and uLlllzed reLall skllls

See 8|ack 76084S0081 lormer 8oss L3 CommunlcaLlons

Lrc 1ay|or 9S12960042 8uslness Manger l Changs

Gerry ke 9S1SS17497 Cwner ubllc Pouse

8ra Schu|ze 8S84SS1616 8uslness arLner 8oys Pawallan luslon

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