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"#$% and &'(&%)* reglonal and local efforLs of LlPl

Lo lmprove communlLy condlLlons
LhaL supporL Afrlcan Amerlcan women and Lhelr famllles
Lo have healLhy blrLh ouLcomes.
+,&"-. 1he 8eglonal Worklng Croup has Lhe followlng goals aL lLs lncepLlon:

012,3*4. 8ulld lnLernal capaclLy of Lhe 8WC.

!"#$%. CreaLe a clear reglonal plan for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon and growLh of Lhe Llfecourse
lnlLlaLlve for PealLhy lamllles, wlLh a place for all secLors Lo conLrlbuLe Lo lmprovlng
communlLy condlLlons.

!'(&%)*. losLer pollLlcal and publlc wlll Lo lmprove communlLy condlLlons by addresslng Lhe
soclal deLermlnanLs of healLh, and raclsm as a key soclal deLermlnanL of healLh equlLy
!"#$ &'()*+,- .*/0)+( 1/*23

LlHF Regional Working Group
!"#$%&'( *+,-. and /01/.2' reglonal and local efforLs of LlPl Lo lmprove communlLy condlLlons
LhaL supporL Afrlcan Amerlcan women and Lhelr famllles Lo have healLhy blrLh
1he 8WC conslsLs of Lhe CollaboraLlve represenLaLlves, Lhe 8eglonal rogram Cfflce
sLaff and W sLaff.
1he 8WC ls a componenL of Lhe 8eglonal rogram Cfflce.
34% ,& 54' 637 8%#9
3!!: 1he 8WC wlll be an acLlve group Lo lnform W as Lo whaL ls happenlng on Lhe ground.
1he 8WC wlll be a place for W Lo learn from and advocaLe for Lhe CollaboraLlves.
:%++/;%#/5,1'&( 1he 8WC wlll be a safe space for learnlng, sharlng and veLLlng ldeas for advocacy
and lmplemenLaLlon. 1he 8WC wlll serve as a place for lnLerchange among Lhe members who
wlll brlng Lhe prlorlLles and volce of Lhelr respecLlve CollaboraLlves.
6'-,%./+ !#%-#/< =88,2'( 1he 8WC wlll lnform Lhe 8C abouL Lhe work of Lhe CollaboraLlves. lL
wlll be a place for Lhe CollaboraLlves Lo make recommendaLlons Lo W and CAC. 1he 8WC wlll
also serve as a space Lo provlde Lechnlcal asslsLance and supporL LhaL beneflL Lhe reglon.
34> 4/1' 54' 6379
8ulld LrusL among CollaboraLlves, W, CAC
and 8C.
CreaLe and susLaln healLhy relaLlonshlps
among W sLaff, local CollaboraLlves and
8ulld capaclLy and empowermenL among
convenlng agency sLaff and local

CreaLe conslsLenL messages
CreaLe a common undersLandlng of Lhe
envlronmenL we all work ln
CreaLe flnanclal susLalnablllLy for LlPl
CreaLe susLalnablllLy for and conLlnued
lmprovemenL of communlLy healLh

?/+"'&( 1he 8WC share Lhe guldlng prlnclples of W LlPl for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon and evaluaLlon
phase. ln addlLlon, Lhe 8WC has ldenLlfled Lhe followlng values wlll be reallzed Lhrough lLs goals and
Cne volce for Lhe lssue
Address raclsm and oppresslon aL every
level: communlLy, personal, lnLrapersonal
and lnLerpersonal
8e communlLy drlven
8ased ln evldence and epldemlology
8e lnLenLlonal
use a common approach and measures


?,&,%.( 1he 8eglonal Worklng Croup wlll be a naLlonal model for a successful reglonal/local approach Lo
lncreaslng power and self-sufflclency ln clLlzens LhaL lead Lo a hlgh quallLy of llfe (and / Lhrough)
lmproved soclal deLermlnanLs of healLh and Lhe reducLlon of dlsparlLles ln lnfanL morLallLy .
7%/+&( 1he 8eglonal Worklng Croup has Lhe followlng goals aL lLs lncepLlon:
1. @<$%A'#( 8ulld lnLernal capaclLy of Lhe 8WC.
2. *+,-.( CreaLe a clear reglonal plan for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon and growLh of Lhe Llfecourse lnlLlaLlve
for PealLhy lamllles, wlLh a place for all secLors Lo conLrlbuLe Lo lmprovlng communlLy
3. *01/.2'( losLer pollLlcal and publlc wlll Lo lmprove communlLy condlLlons by addresslng Lhe
soclal deLermlnanLs of healLh, and raclsm as a key soclal deLermlnanL of healLh equlLy .
!#'1,%"&+> B0'.5,8,'0 *25,1,5,'&
Coal 1 8elaLed
ueflne Lhe power dynamlcs wlLhln Lhe varlous parLners
ueflne Lhe declslon maklng process of Lhe 8WC
Learn abouL Lhe currenL communlcaLlon plan for LlPl from uWSMP
lnform Lhe revlsed communlcaLlon plan and brand for LlPl from uWSMP
CreaLe a common undersLandlng of:
! CommunlLy AcLlon 1heory
! CommunlLy Crganlzlng
! CommunlLy uevelopmenL
! ollcy, sysLems and envlronmenLal change
! LnvlronmenLal Scans
laclllLaLe evaluaLlon and daLa uLlllzaLlon: e.g. lncreaslng sLakeholders lnpuL, supporLlng daLa-
based declslon maklng and plannlng

Coal 2 8elaLed
Learn abouL Lhe CommunlLy AcLlon lans for each CollaboraLlve
Learn abouL Lhe sLrucLure of each CollaboraLlve
Learn more about WPPs overall plan and expectations for LlPl granLees (CollaboraLlve and
Learn abouL values of secLors LhaL are noL currenLly lnvolved ln LlPl
Co-creaLe meanlngful ways for non-acLlve secLors Lo engage
llnlsh deslgnlng Lhe LlPl based on communlLy need, evldence (epldemlology and sclence)
Secure and llnk addlLlonal resources ln order Lo fully reallze Lhe reglonal plan

who are the partners ?
collaborative partners may or may not understand these
ushing out the partnerships program role and the
lifecourse perspective
this is capsured in the collab. workplans
working on
these 4 points

Coal 3 8elaLed
8evlslL speclal leglslaLlve commlLLee work and learn more abouL Lhe barrlers LhaL exlsL.
ldenLlfy prlorlLles wlLhln Lhe speclal leglslaLlve commlLLee and creaLe a plan Lo address
CperaLlonallze Lhe plan Lo lmplemenL Lhe prlorlLles from Lhe speclal leglslaLlve
lnvenLory all allles and undersLand who Lhey are and whaL Lhelr values are
lnvenLory opposlng vlews and undersLand Lhelr values
undersLand medla, Lhe process and reach
CreaLe LargeLed communlcaLlon and educaLlonal campalgn Lo bulld publlc wlll (lnclude
op eds, arLlcles, pald space)
ollce and Lake conLrol of medla messages abouL Lhe lssue and Lhe lnlLlaLlve
CreaLe an lnfrasLrucLure Lo bulld skllls on how Lo address and dlalogue abouL race and
oppresslon ln a safe and healLhy way

C'&,#'0 ="52%<'& 8#%< D/."/#> EF
Common program deslgn
Common perspecLlve
Common approaches and measures
SecLor/sLakeholders/clLlzens are conLrlbuLlng (wlLh asseLs and sLrengLhs) Lo Lhe sLraLeglc plan
lully communlcaLed and faclllLaLed conLrlbuLlons
Self-sufflclenL clLlzens LhaL have a hlgh quallLy of llfe
lmproved healLh sLaLus of Afrlcan Amerlcan women and famllles
8educLlon ln raclal dlsparlLles ln blrLh ouLcomes.

G'H5 I5'$&
ueflne power dynamlc among parLners
ueflne Lhe declslon maklng process for Lhe 8WC
CreaLe an lAC for Lhe 8WC and Lhe 8C
8evlse and compleLe Lhe 8WC charLer
undersLand Lhe 4 CAs and communlcaLlon plans
MeeL wlLh CommunlcaLlon rep form uWSMP and lnform on new LlPl brand
ldenLlfy common goals across Lhe workplans and granLs
ueflne whaL communlLy level daLa ls needed or deslred
not yet been able to
touch on any of these
Beloit is working on
this last point

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