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Rules and Regulations for Participation: Intercultural Incubator of Migrant Organizations Project (MIOI)


ku|es and kegu|at|ons for art|c|pat|on |n the
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I. About the ku|es and kegu|at|on Document
1hls documenL - 8ules and 8egulaLlon for arLlclpaLlon (,8&8") conLalns lnformaLlon abouL:
1. LnLry conaLlons for parLlclpaLlon ln w lnLerculLural lncubaLor of MlgranL CrganlzaLlons
ro[ecL (MlCl"),
2. selecLlon procedure of parLlclpanLs of MlCl,
3. rlghLs an obllgaLlon of pro[ecL parLlclpanLs,
4. scope of supporL and pro[ecL acLlvlLles LlmeLable,
S. rules of parLnershlp beLween lncubaLor's arLlclpanLs and Lhe loundaLlon for Somalla
6. general rules for lnlLlaLlve CompeLlLlon.

II. Genera| |nformat|on
1. 1he MICI pro[ect |s act|vat|on and support program for m|grant organ|zat|ons. 1he
program offers lndlvldual supporL, Lralnlng, workshops and counselllng - lncludlng general
and speclallzed Loplcs coverlng Lhe work ln noL-proflL secLor. 1he program wlll parLlcularly
Lake lnLo accounL lnformaLlon and lnLegraLlon lssues of lmmlgranLs ln general and of speclflc
groups of lmmlgranLs.
2. SLraLeglc goal of Lhe pro[ecL ls Lo strengthen the potent|a| and resources of NGCs and
|nforma| groups formed by th|rd-country nat|ona|s Lhrough supporL Lhelr developmenL and
provldlng Lhe basls for a greaLer parLlclpaLlon of mlgranLs' organlzaLlons ln clvlc llfe of Lhe
hosL counLry and ln lnLerculLural dlalogue.
3. 1he ro[ecL ,lnLerculLural lncubaLor of MlgranL CrganlzaLlons. AcLlvaLlon and SupporL
rogram for MlgranL CrganlzaLlons" ls co-flnanced by Luropean lund for Lhe lnLegraLlon of
Lhe 1hlrd-counLry naLlonals and SLaLe 8udgeL. 1he pro[ecL wlll be lmplemenLed beLween 1

!anuary 2014 and 30
!une 2013. 1he pro[ecL wlll be carrled ouL as a parL of lmmlgranLs ln
AcLlon" campalgn.
4. 1he MlCl Crganlzer shall be enLlLled Lo supervlse Lhe pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon and arblLraLe
lssues noL covered by Lhe 8&8. loundaLlon for Somalla ls Lhe only organlzer of MlCl.
III. art|c|pat|on cr|ter|a
1. L||g|b|e part|c|pants:
a) represenL a reglsLered nCC formed by Lhlrd-counLry naLlonals,
b) represenL an lnformal group ln whlch Lhlrd-counLry naLlonal are acLlvely engaged,
c) wlsh/plan Lo Lransform an acLlve lnformal group lnLo a reglsLered nCC or oLher Lhlrd secLor
d) are leaders of Lhelr naLlonal, eLhnlc envlronmenL, Lhelr reglon and/or culLure,
e) have an ldea and wanL Lo lmplemenL grassrooLs lnlLlaLlve/small pro[ecL relaLed Lo Lhelr
culLure and dlrecLed Lo Lhe hosL socleLy (ollsh socleLy), Lhe lnlLlaLlve/pro[ecL shall use
scarce resources, skllls and knowledge Lhey had acqulred ln Lhe MlCl program,
Rules and Regulations for Participation: Intercultural Incubator of Migrant Organizations Project (MIOI)


f) would llke Lo obLaln Lechnlcal and professlonal supporL ln Lhe process of formlng Lhe
sLrucLures of Lhe organlsaLlon and developmenL,
g) wlsh Lo geL lnvolved ln Lhe promoLlon of Lhe MlCl and conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe plaLform, wlsh Lo
promoLe besL pracLlces and Lhe enLlre pro[ecL.
IV. Cond|t|ons of art|c|pat|on
1. Cond|t|ons to part|c|pate |n the MICI pro[ect are:
a) AppllcanLs musL provlde documenLs and legal sLaLus LhaL enLlLles Lhem Lo recelve supporL
from Lhe pro[ecL LhaL ls co-flnanced by Luropean lund for Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhlrd-counLry
b) AccepL Lhe 8ules of pro[ecL and cooperaLlon durlng Lhe enLlre pro[ecL,
c) CompleLe appllcaLlon form ln Lngllsh, submlL lL Lo lncubaLor[ and undergo Lhe
lnLervlew wlLh Lhe Crganlser.
d) Slgn Lhe agreemenL of cooperaLlon wlLh Lhe loundaLlon for Somalla abouL commlLmenL
Lo Lhe MlCl pro[ecL.
V. Adm|ss|on
1. Se|ect|on process cons|st of the fo||ow|ng steps:
a) fllllng ln and submlLLlng Lhe candldaLe's compleLed appllcaLlon form Llll 20 March 2014
(appllcaLlon form ls aLLached Lo Lhls form),
b) verlflcaLlon of formal crlLerla ln accordance wlLh secLlon 1a of arL lv of Lhe 8&8,
c) undergolng an lnLervlew aL Lhe loundaLlon for Somalla, when Lhe parLlclpanL shall
presenL Lhe pro[ecL and consulL lL lnlLlally,
d) declslon of Lhe loundaLlon for Somalla abouL accepLance Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe pro[ecL,
e) slgnlng Lhe cooperaLlon agreemenL,
f) parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe prellmlnary meeLlng (ln order Lo declde on Lhe Lralnlng schedule and
lnvesLlgaLe Lhe Lralnlng needs).
2. Subm|ss|on of the app||cat|ons:
a) appllcaLlon forms are avallable aL and ln Lhe ldS's offlce,
b) Lhe appllcaLlon form shall be fllled ln, slgned and submlLLed Lo Lhe offlce of Lhe
loundaLlon for Somalla (ln Lhe flrsL sLep Lhe form can be submlLLed vla e-mall and Lhe
appllcanLs shall complemenL Lhe slgned documenL before Lhe lnLervlew),
c) Lhe appllcaLlon musL be submlLLed ln Lngllsh.
3. Cond|t|ons of accept|ng the part|c|pant to part|c|pate the pro[ect:
a) wllllngness Lo cooperaLe and conLrlbuLe Lo all Lhe acLlvlLles planned wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL,
b) creaLlve ldea for lnlLlaLlve/pro[ecL Lo be lmplemenLed/organlsed wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL,
c) commlLmenL Lo regular and acLlve work ln every parL of Lhe pro[ecL,
d) slgnlng cooperaLlon agreemenL,
e) slgnlng Lhe accepLaLlon of Lhe 8&8,
f) submlLLlng Lhe coples of documenLs cerLlfylng Lhe sLaLus of resldence ln oland,
g) slgnlng Lhe sLaLemenL of consenL for dlscloslng and processlng personal daLa,
parLlcularly for Lhe purpose of promoLlon and lnformaLlon.
VI. k|ghts and kespons|b|||t|es of art|c|pants
1. art|c|pants of the MICI pro[ect are ob||ged to:
Rules and Regulations for Participation: Intercultural Incubator of Migrant Organizations Project (MIOI)


a) acLlve parLlclpaLlon ln all pro[ecL acLlvlLles, such as meeLlngs, workshops, counselllng
sesslons, promoLlon campalgns, bulldlng a web-based plaLform,
b) preparlng a developmenL plan for Lhelr group/organlzaLlon and plan of lmplemenLaLlon
of Lhelr ldea for lnlLlaLlve,
c) complylng wlLh Lhe rules of co-flnanclng Lhe chosen lnlLlaLlve and wlLh Lhe reporLlng
rules of loundaLlon for Somalla for Lhe MlCl pro[ecL,
d) promoLlon of Lhe plaLform and of parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe MlCl
e) lnformlng abouL co-flnanclng Lhelr pro[ecL by Lhe Lu funds,
f) aLLend Lhe Lralnlngs regularly, on Llme and parLlclpaLe acLlvely,
g) conflrm presence on Lhe aLLendance llsL, keep Lhe records compleLe and updaLe lL wlLh
Lhe requlred documenLs conflrmlng Lhe supporL LhaL had been obLalned (Lravel cosLs,
accommodaLlon, counselllng, eLc.),
h) fllllng ln evaluaLlon and monlLorlng quesLlonnalres durlng Lhe enLlre pro[ecL,
l) conLrlbuLe acLlvely and creaLlvely Lo Lhe growLh and promoLlon of Lhe MlCl pro[ecL and
all Lhe pro[ecLs of ldS.
2. ro[ect part|c|pants are ent|t|ed to:
a) parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe pro[ecL free of charge,
b) recelve free Lralnlng maLerlals and counselllng asslsLance,
c) full board on Lhe Lralnlng days,
d) relmbursemenL of Lravel and (opLlonally) accommodaLlon cosLs, ln case Lhe parLlclpanL
llves ouLslde of Warsaw (on requesL).
VII. Support scope and schedu|e
March 2014 selecLlng 16 parLlclpanLs for lncubaLor
Aprll-!une 2014 serles of Lralnlngs ( 6 weekends) and experL counselllng
AugusL-SepLember 2014 lnlLlaLlve CompeLlLlon - selecLlng 10 pro[ecLs for lmplemenLaLlon
CcLober-March 2013 plannlng and lmplemenLaLlon of acLlvlLles planned by Lhe lncubaLor's
parLlclpanLs, promoLlonal acLlvlLles
Aprll-May 2013 worklng LogeLher on promoLlon maLerlals relaLed Lo closure panel
dlscusslon and Lo reporLs on Lhe pro[ecL
1he schedule wlll be deLermlned wlLh Lhe parLlclpanLs afLer Lhe selecLlon process has flnlshed.
VIII. 1he MICI tra|n|ngs and promot|on package
1. 1he Incubator offers for the part|c|pants:
! serles of Lralnlngs and workshops:
1. Legal and flnanclal aspecLs of runnlng a non-governmenLal organlzaLlon - 16 hours
2. lnLerculLural skllls workshop - 16 hours
3. Leadershlp skllls and Leam managemenL Lralnlng - 16 hours
4. ro[ecL managemenL and pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon - 32 hours
3. ubllc relaLlons and markeLlng - 16 hours
! Laklng parL ln Lhe preparlng gulde lnLerculLural leaders of dlalogue and acLlvaLlon" based
on Lhelr experlence and acqulred skllls,
! asslsLance of experLs ln seLLlng up Lhe organlzaLlon, baslc prlnclples of runnlng lL, flnance
and pro[ecL managemenL, publlc relaLlons and markeLlng, fundralslng, avallable Lralnlngs
and counselllng,
Rules and Regulations for Participation: Intercultural Incubator of Migrant Organizations Project (MIOI)


! recommendaLlons of Lralners and lnformaLlon on evenLs relaLed Lo Lhe Lhlrd secLor - LhaL
Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe lndlvldual needs of organlzaLlons, mlgranL communlLles and Lhelr
leaders, speclflc culLural conLexL and parLlclpanL's scope of acLlvlLy,
! opporLunlLy of acLual preparaLlon of Lhe planned pro[ecL and experlence exchange,
! lnformaLlon abouL granLs and fundralslng opporLunlLles, Lralnlngs and cooperaLlon
! cooperaLlon ln bulldlng mulLlmedla plaLform and promoLlonal acLlvlLles,
! |n the second stage of the MICI pro[ect (after the In|t|at|ve Compet|t|on): access Lo Lhe
lnfrasLrucLure of loundaLlon for Somalla (fax, copler, scanner, compuLers, meeLlng room),
menLorshlp of coach and coordlnaLor of lncubaLor (loglsLlcs, counselllng and work wlLh
speclallsLs, promoLlon).
! relmbursemenL of Lravel and accommodaLlon cosLs whlle sLaylng ln Warsaw or durlng Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhelr own pro[ecLs/lnlLlaLlves.
Ik. In|t|at|ve Compet|t|on (around August]September 2014)
1. 1he ma|n cond|t|on for part|c|pat|ng |n the compet|t|on |s comp|et|on the f|rst phase of the
program: 3 preparaLlon Lralnlngs, presenLlng and promoLlon of Lhe ldea parLlclpanLs work on
durlng Lhe MlCl pro[ecL.
2. Lva|uat|on cr|ter|a for the |n|t|at|ve]sma|| pro[ect LhaL can geL supporL and would be
lmplemenLed wlLhln Lhe MlCl pro[ecL:
a) Lhe lnlLlaLlve/pro[ecL conLrlbuLes Lo lnLerculLural dlalogue, muLual undersLandlng and
exchanglng experlences wlLh Lhe hosL socleLy,
b) engages aL leasL 3 volunLeers (excepL Lhe leader) from lmmlgranLs communlLy and aL
leasL 2 volunLeers from Lhe hosL socleLy,
c) esLabllshes parLnershlp wlLh oLher lnsLlLuLlon, organlzaLlon, group or lnlLlaLlve,
d) promoLes Lhe pro[ecL as an lndependenL acLlvlLy and as an acLlons wlLhln Lhe lncubaLor
and lmmlgranLs ln AcLlon campalgn (e.g. lnformaLlon on parLlclpanL's webslLe, blog or
lacebook funpage, preparlng and lmprovlng lnformaLlon on Lhe
e) underLakes reporLlng of Lhe pro[ecL and complles wlLh Lhe rules adopLed ln Lhe pro[ecL,
wlLh Lhe Lll and wlLh Lhe rules on reporLlng, flnanclal records and accounLlng,
f) Lhe lnlLlaLlves Lo be carrled ouL ln Lowns up Lo 130 Lhousands of lnhablLanLs or dlrecLed Lo
speclflc LargeL groups are Lhe prlorlLy,
g) Lhe pro[ecL can be lmplemenLed ln selecLed parLlcular local envlronmenL and/or Lhe ldea
of for acLlvaLlng local organlzaLlon or lnformal group.
3. Steps of the |n|t|at|ve compet|t|on:
a) Lhe Crganlzer shall presenL Lhe compeLlLlon's LlmeLable afLer Lhe serles of Lralnlngs ls
b) Lhe arLlclpanL shall flll ln and submlL Lhe granL appllcaLlon, based on Lhe skllls and
knowledge acqulred durlng Lhe Lralnlngs,
c) Lhe arLlclpanL shall presenL Lhe pro[ecL ldea durlng Lhe lnLervlew wlLh Lhe Crganlzer,
d) Lhe arLlclpanL shall work on lnLeracLlve promoLlon maLerlals for Lhe compeLlLlon Lo be
uploaded on Lhe plaLform and dlsLrlbuLed ln Lhe lnLerneL for
promoLlonal purposes,
e) Lhe appllcaLlon and Lhe pro[ecL shall be evaluaLed by Lhe advlsors and arLlclpanLs'
k. Add|t|ona| |nformat|on
Rules and Regulations for Participation: Intercultural Incubator of Migrant Organizations Project (MIOI)


1. All Lhe lnformaLlon abouL Lhe MlCl pro[ecL are avallable aL:
2. Shall you have any quesLlons please conLacL us:
ADkLS: Chmlelna SLreeL 26/19 Where ls lL?
L-MAIL: lncubaLor[
1LL: 607 838 868
3. arLlclpaLlon ln Lhe pro[ecL ls free of charge.
4. Worklng language of Lhe MlCl pro[ecL ls Lngllsh.

ro[ecL lnLerculLural lncubaLor of MlgranL CrganlzaLlons. AcLlvaLlon and SupporL rogram for MlgranL
CrganlzaLlons" ls co-flnanced by Luropean lund for Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhe 1hlrd-counLry naLlonals and
SLaLe 8udgeL.

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